  • Dia 97

    Last days in Galápagos

    6 de fevereiro de 2020, Equador ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    On our 2 days in the Galapagos, and back on Santa Cruz Island after a pleasant 2hr boat ride from San Cristóbal (where I slept 😂) we spent a day at Tortuga Bay with the hopes of seeing more wildlife. Lucky the tour company 'Discovery Galápagos' that we booked all our trips with let us borrow snorkeling gear for the whole of our stay for free! So we headed of from the centre on, what we thought was, a 20 minute walk to the beach... Well I can tell you it was more like 50mins from when we got to the park reserve, but it was a lovely walk through nature and we saw some interesting things along the way. As we got to the beach it opened up on to a vast stretch of white sand and crystal blue sea 😍 the beach we arrived in was quite a rough beach not for swimming, only for surfing, but that didn't stop is dipping our toes in. Tortuga Bay was 15mins walk down the beach at the other end with calm waters and shade. We snorkeled here, swam for alittle and had lunch (don't get excited was a pack lunch lol 😂) then found some better snorkeling spots at the right next to the '' dangerous '' beach! 😳 We found lots of marine fish here, as the tide was low enough to see big schools of them everywhere (with some territorial fish too lol 😂) and we witnessed a Marine Iguana swim right next to us 😁 Also only fair to include some of the food we ate here and got on the happy hour for cocktails.... Although they have 'happy days' here instead of just an hour each day.... Winner! 🤗Leia mais