  • Päivä 86

    Saipan Hash Impromptu Trail (SHIT) H3

    3. tammikuuta 2020, Pohjois-Mariaanit ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    We had the good luck to be in town when they had a SHIT hash. Anyone can set it up, just need to make the trail, and invite the gang. There were two former Saipan hashers in town for the holidays, and were flying out on Saturday before the hash, so they called a SHIT and about 25 hashers turned up at Bank of Guam (in Garapan) for the meetup From there, we all carpooled up to the Kalabera Cave. They claim there are no rules for a SHIT hash, so totally free wheeling. At the start, the pack is put into a box (chalk on the ground) and the hares get a 10 minute head start. It was pretty dark out, but a half moon provided some good light. Headlights were required to navigate this shiggy trail, and we did some shiggy. Trail was cut right through the jungle, no real paths, just twisting and turning our way through the underbrush. We made it to the end up near suicide cliffs, where several coolers of cold beer, and some snacks awaited. A fire was soon set ablaze, and we sat waiting for the rest of the pack to arrive. Well we waited for over an hour, and one dude had still not made it in. The hares went out in search, but all was futile. Finally, someone called him, and found out he jumped a ride and went home, WTH? :) So, with that knowledge, the hares returned and we commenced with circle (at about 10 pm). It was one of the funniest and most interesting circles I have experienced in a long time. Great stories, jokes, and songs. A long discussion on whether the hares were snared or not, and tales of times past from the long time Saipan hashers. We finally exhausted all the beer and firewood around midnight, so we packed up the empties and headed back to town. A few of us went on to dinner, at an all night Chinese place not far from our hotel, and we heard even more stories of days gone by. A most excellent evening of hashing, and meeting new friends. lisää