  • Dag 177

    BITCH3 Trail #32 (2nd Anny)

    3. april 2020, Bahrain ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    The Bahrain Independent Trail Chasers H3 (BITCH3) is a fairly new club here in Bahrain, hence the second anniversary. You can read about their exploits (and rules) at - I volunteered to set another trail while I am in a holding pattern waiting for the COVID 19 to run its course, and get back to travelling. This was another social distancing success. After a good scouting hike on Wednesday, Saigon Sally and I set trail in the morning, and let the pack loose to run it anytime they wanted in the afternoon. There were many accounts posted of finding dead things (bones, skulls, and whole skeletons of various animals) out in the desert. The pack also had to dodge a few horses, and at least one motorcycle. Trail turned out a bit shorter than planned, but anyone who has hared knows, the trail sort of works itself out in its own way. Spring is fading here in Bahrain, and summer is coming . . . so hydrating is getting more important. But until the COVID era is over, y'all have to bring your own beer, and enjoy it in your own time. 2 meters distance, and no groups larger than 5. Get some. mer