  • Hari 157

    Inspired by the arts in Cambodia

    1 Februari 2019, Kemboja ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    In Siem Reap, even in the midst of big glitzy hotels and restaurants, there is a sense that Khmer people have a lot to overcome, after centuries of war, brutal political and social challenges. So I was very excited to come across three initiatives where support for the arts is making a difference. We checked out a small art school for disadvantaged kids, Colours of Cambodia. We ate a wonderful meal at a restaurant training school for former street youth, and we attended an amazing circus performance by Cambodian youth from the Phare Ponleu Selpak’s vocational training centre. The show “Khmer Metal” was performed and choreographed by young people, as was the live music. It gave a glimpse of a different Cambodia - fresh, modern and full of energy. I leave Cambodia officially inspired, and gratefully reminded that nurturing creativity can be a game-changer! - LaraBaca lagi