  • Jour 395

    Porto Malfatano

    15 mai 2018, Italie ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    So after leaving Jess and Chris to catch the ferry back to the mainland, they were headed north we were going south or we would have given them a lift, we left port and headed across to Sant’Antioco and then down the coast and then to the mainland proper. We went around some of the military restricted area but not all of it as it extended offshore a long way and we could see other yachts and fishing boats in the excluded zone. We saw some yachts anchored in bays in the exclusion zone and debated joining them but our chart said the bay contained unexplored ordinance and anchoring was prohibited so we moved on! In the end we settled for a bay just inside the exclusion zone by about 500m but no bombs. It was beautiful, small quiet, clear water and lovely sunshine. I had a lovely swim and John even managed a circuit of the boat, I could hear him all the way. Just a things were darkening we noticed some odd lights coming our way in the morning we found out a military transporter was nearby. The following night we went to the Port Teulada marina as higher winds forecast and yes they did arrive but we were snug in the marina we rode into town but as it was Sunday we could only get a coffee but it was a good one. Next day a short hop to where we are now, it was rougher than forecast and a little overcast we wandered ashore walked to tower with no door only a window you needed a ladder to reach and to the beach cafe, more coffee. Today we decided to do a bit of kayaking it was good but the paddle back was harder than anticipated as wind had come up while we were round the corner. Tomorrow’s plan is Pula will let you know how it goes.En savoir plus