  • 日455


    2018年7月14日, ギリシャ ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

    Sorry obviously we shouldn’t have watched as England did well until we did watch. Personally and sorry if this upsets some I think Croatia played the better game especially in the second half. But enough of football, we got our Transit Log stamped in Levkas the morning after the match and then headed off, as no one came to see us about paying for the mooring we didn’t, pay that is. We had a lovely peaceful cruise down the Levkas canal, past egrets and other waders as well as a lot of seagulls on the local reclamation site! Well peaceful ish we managed to pick up a Cicada that didn’t leave till we anchored up, they are bloney loud them eh! We then spent a couple of nights in isolation in a little bay called Vali Vathi on the mainland side before cruising around the Onassis island called Scorpio to Nidri. While at Vali Vathi I did a bit of wombling (they are fur covered creatures that live on Wimbledon Common and were created by someone living on Alderney, look them up) and collected a black sack of rubbish mostly plastic tops and lids, lots of plastic straws and bits of rope. The little bit of beach was only about 45m wide and 10m deep but the rubbish went up into undergrowth where the wind must have blown it but I didn’t do that bit. Nidri is a bit of a tourist trap but still fun and very sheltered, we saw last part of the play off for third place where we ( I am counting myself as English as that appears to be what the Greek are doing) lost again☹️. Tomorrow we are due to meet the Boyle family who are over here on holiday, we thought we should ruin at least one day of their peace and quiet!もっと詳しく