  • 日42

    Cuba day 11 Stunning Saturday

    2016年1月9日, メキシコ ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Last night I thought that almost all the cash I had in my toiletry bag had been stolen: USD, AUD, EUR (actually a few days later Aleisha found that I had hidden it elsewhere). So now it seems we depend on getting money from cards, and we have not even enough money to last the day...

    Today we had arranged to go on a horse trip to the Valle de los Ingenios, also to change casa - both at 9 we thought we could do one on the way to the other, and get money at Cadeca also. But the girls took forever to get up, Aleisha had lots of super-itchy bites and Mira had the cold Aleisha previously had. The houses were there by 9 but we got out about 9.45.

    We had booked 2 horses and a buggy. They weren't allowed into the Casco Histórico (historic centre), so we carried the bags several blocks to where they waited, Luci less than happy with the 4 block walk.

    When we got there the girls fought over the horses, who would get the palomino. The guy of the horses resolved that with sharing. But we had to take the bags to the new Casa, so Luci and I and the guide set off in the buggy. He was worried about the horse pooping in the street and getting a fine. We got there and dropped the bags.

    I walked down to Cadeca casa de cambio and was there 15 minutes while the guy checked my passport and credit cards, and then tried to get money. "The line is very slow, " he said, and it was indeed extremely slow. And failed on both cards. He suggested going to the bank.

    I rushed back to where Luci was waiting with the guide, we agreed I'd go to the bank and Luci and the guide would wait around the corner. At the bank there was a queue outside, about half being people with Mastercards which the ATMs won't accept. The queue didn't move for the next 20 mins, then the bank closed. It was 11am. The guard suggested another bank a few blocks away.

    Most of the queue moved en masse to the new bank where we waited in the sun another half-hour and still the queue didn't move, though occasionally people left from inside the bank. I reserved my space between a German girl and a Swedish family, and went to find Luci, worried that she and the girls had no idea what was going on, but fearful of losing my place and the chance to get the money we needed. The guide was there but Luci was not, and the guide didn't know where see had gone. We agreed he would wait while I went looking for Luci and then back to the bank.

    I looked in the other Cadeca, it was closed; i checked the bank, not there either. So I checked the Parque Céspedes where there is WIFI internet, not there. So I went back to the bank and found the queue had disappeared; there was no one there. The whole outside queue had moved inside, where there was another queue, but they could sit and it was air-conditioned. Gradually more people formed behind me, some people left the bank, in after another half hour or so my new queue was allowed in, and we were able to form behind my prevoius queue.

    Another 15 mins or so and the German girl got to go to the counter, and she got money with her Mastercard. This was encouraging. Next was the Swedish family, but part way through the data connection was lost. When it didn't come back in 5 minutes they asked if we wanted to leave and try Cadeca. We didn't. The cashier packed up, went off for lunch and came back 30 mins later. There was only one counter for card transactions,.

    When she came back the data connection was functioning again. The Swedes got their money then it was my turn. There was a knock at the door, the guide was there with Luci on his cell phone. She had changed some cash at Cadeca and wanted to ask questions but I couldn't hear her well and she couldn't understand me either, so I told her I had to go and would be back shortly. I chose to get CUC1500, the commission was high but at least we had money.

    The guide was still in the vicinity, he took me back to where Luci and the girls were, on arrival Luci taking me aside to say how rude they had been when she got back. When we had left she had suggested they go back to the casa to wait. Instead they waited in the hot sun and were less than happy when Luci returned 2.5 hours leter than expected.

    But now we had money and we had horses, so we set off, the girls on horseback and Luci & I i on the rather bouncy, uncomfortable buggy. It was pleasant bouncing through rural lands, then we were taken to a rustic ccomedor for a very over-priced, somewhat overcooked, very slow meal. At least while we were there a wizened old guy pulled out his guitar and sang.

    The tour went on to a waterhole with a little waterfall, very pleasant, with caves and erosion of the limestone..Lots of foreigners come here, there wass a guy selling drinks, but it was nice.

    The girls alternately rose slowly or cantered on the way back, and really enjoyed the horse riding. They really wanteed to do more in the morning, but rudeness does not beget kindness and they had been rather reluctant to let Luci and I even spend a few minutes riding. When they saw they might lose riding in the morning thewy reacted indignantly then goodygoody in an insolent manner. I wanted a break, but it wasn't to happen.

    After a shower we went out to eat, not a great success, Mira's fish tasted almost rotten (though they swore it was fresh this morning), Aleisha's pasta was over-salted, Luci's lobster pizza had very little lobster, and my stuffed tomatoes were raw tomatoes with shredded cabbage and carrot inside.

    The girls went back to the room, Luci wanted a drink so we continued to a bar restaurant with a duo called 'Jazzy': a girl on violin and a guy on 5 string bass guitar. They were excellent, easily the most innovative musicI've heard for ages. The food here was really good too.