Plus one solo in Europe

november - desember 2023
Travel. Not to find yourself. But to discover who you've been all along. Norway - England - Belgium - Germany - Austria - Italy - Switzerland - France - Turkey - Greece - Cyprus - Egypt. Les mer
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    Reflections. Final blog entry.

    8. desember 2023, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    Five calendar weeks. I departed Australia on 3 November. I'll return to Melbourne on 8 December, 1930ish, all going well. Today now for those in Australia.

    I'm finishing this post during my layover in Abu Dhabi. Not my favourite place to be.

    Those closest to me know this year has been a lot. Personally. Professionally. I've grieved. I've navigated change at an overwhelming pace. I've visited 17 countries. Just this year. Granted 2 of them were Airport layovers. Though I'm counting them! This brings my worldly total to 19.

    Inspired by my daughters bravery to explore the United States solo and at an impasse professionally, on a whim, I decided to travel (some) of the world. A taster of Europe. I pieced together my own plan, connecting flights with cruises and coach tours. It is with pride I note, this was executed flawlessly. I navigated iternational time zones, dates and connections without error. Airports. Cruise terminals. Train travel. Trams and Buses. Kilometres on foot in unfamiliar cities, cultures and languages. My navigation and map reading skills have expanded exponentially.

    Aside from getting lost twice, once in Belgium, once in Switzerland (the Swiss near miss was due to a dying phone and pitch black morning run), I traversed long distances on foot through unfamiliar cities with unfamiliar languages.

    I left Australia expectant, excited, afraid. I spent some (okay. A LOT!) of this journey missing home and my loved ones so much the sadness was, at times, overwhelming. Crippling. I almost bailed after my first leg in Norway. I sobbed through my day long travel to England that day. Gutteral tears evident to all in the crowded departure lounge during the long layover in Tromso. Norway. What had I done? I was not ready to take this on. I was not ready to be brave for so long. I was not ready to disconnect from the love of my family and friends.

    I persevered. I reached out to loved ones at home.

    I continued on with the skills I'd acquired for ballast. I set my alarm ridiculously early some days and continued to train for the half marathon I've booked in January. In that, I've surpassed my goals and achieved more than I believed I could.

    I commenced writing a book with potential aspirations to publish in the next year. Other avenues to follow.

    I've made incredible friendships. Not just those "let's keep in touch," but connections with people you know in your soul will withstand the test of time. Russ and Lou from Bristol, England. A beautiful couple with a profound love for each other and their family. A magnificent sense of humour. Michelle, my kindred spirit from California. A beautiful human being with a huge heart. A salt of the earth Mum and wonderful human being. We'll explore the British Isles together in 2024.

    And Ian. My Aussie mate. A gorgeous man from the Gold Coast. Hilarious. Endlessly positive. An ethereal kindness combined with an innate ability to tell it like it is with tact. My admiration for Ian is immense.

    I miss them all already.

    I found new friends, but mostly, I found me. I mean, I knew me. But travelling exposes you to yourself in a way being at home can't. Who else can you be but you amongst such cultural unfamiliarity? I am the Australian chick. Educated Bogan. Stellar sense of humour. Kind and compassionate. Huge heart full of love for family and friends. A zest for life and wisdom born only from the immense battle scars of the wars fought and won. An innate strength and tenacity to face the fear and overcome no matter what. Resilient. Determined to be the best version of me I can be. Wanting the same for others.

    I leave my holiday with irrefutable proof. I am everything I always wanted to be. And always was.

    Farewell Europe. Farewell the Mediterranean.

    Onwards to Australia and family. Forever home.

    Dad, fire up the Barbie.
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