  • Gün 3

    The Royal Residence Run

    13 Şubat 2017, Bulgaristan ⋅ ⛅ -7 °C

    After we'd sufficiently warmed up, we went back to the slopes for the Royal Residence Run - a long languid green run through the forests, verging on cross country skiing at points. Both of us were slightly concerned after only one corner when we had to de-ski and walk up part of the run - was this a going to be a common feature of this run? Thankfully, not. Whilst there were flat bits, most of it was a gentle slope through the beautiful forests.With enough energy for one more run we hit the Martinovi Baraki 1 blue once more before out muscles just gave up. All the photos and videos are on the GoPro...excellent as it includes one of me embarrasingly nearly stacking it whilst trying to record Ben! They do not include the rather irate fellow whom I annoyed by skiing ahead of him...he seemed rather upset despite the width and flatness of the slope! Importantly, despite this, neither one of us fell or ejected today ☺ An afternoon spent working and relaxing in the hotel, with after dinner beers and a fire. Rather feeling the effects of the cold on my face and my rather ruddy nose this evening! Plans to do the same again tomorrow but going up to the Markudjik centre at the top of the mountain to play on the slopes there before the long Musala Pathway blue back down...all that being based around us being able to move in the morning.Okumaya devam et