  • 日9

    Feels like the top of the world

    2019年3月10日, スリランカ ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    We set off after breakfast for a trip to Lipton’s seat, high up in the hills of Haputhale, about 40 km from the hotel. It was journey full of twists and bends as we slowly made our way higher and higher, eventually looking down on some of the clouds. The final part of the journey up to the vista point was too narrow for the van and so we sped off on tuk-tuks, whizzing past several people who were making the final ascent on foot 😮
    The views from the top were stunning and I don’t think photographs really do it justice. We were also very lucky to have a brilliant blue sky as often the peak is covered in mist.
    The descent was just as fast paced as we made some quite sharp bends!
    It was as we reached the bottom again and set off in the van, that Andrew realised he’d not got his phone! This sent Buddhika, our tour guide into a bit of a spin and he was determined to do his utmost to find it, despite the fact that it could have bounced out anywhere along the tuk-tuk journey! As it happened, it hadn’t bounced out anywhere and was still plugged into the charger back in the room. Oh how we all laughed 🙄
    We stopped off at a monastery on the way back. A beautiful historic building now home to just three Benedictine Monks. This meant that you could only view two of the rooms, but there was a lengthy dvd showing you the rest....
    The bumpy journey took it’s toll on Andrew’s stomach and we diverted back to the hotel early, leaving Julie and Dave down in the town of Ella.
    After a bit of a sleep, Andrew has bounced back ready for tomorrow’s adventures 😊