My witty musings on the goings on behind the main event of Andrew’s blog πŸ˜ƒ Baca lagi Warfield, United Kingdom
  • Hari 6

    The Temple of the Tooth Relic

    7 Mac 2019, Sri Lanka β‹… β›… 27 Β°C

    We had a late start this morning so had some time around the pool after breakfast. Our plan was somewhat foiled by the arrival of a large class of young schoolchildren who use the pool for their swimming lessons!
    Once they’d gone, we managed a quick dip before getting ready to set of for The Temple of The Tooth Relic. Here we were guided by a chap who said he had guided the Queen around the temple in 1954 and various other members of the Royal family over the years. He told us about the special festivals where a golden casket holding a wisdom tooth from Buddha is kept in a shrine and is opened on rare special days, according to the lunar calendar. The last time it was opened was 2009. As per all Buddhist temples, it is customary to ensure your clothing covers your knees and shoulders and you remove your shoes as you enter. Andrew tried to lower his long shorts slightly to meet the required length but was scuppered by a check under his t-shirt to see where the top of his shorts sat and told he had to wear a sarong I’d taken with me πŸ˜‚
    The stone floors outside were so hot underfoot! Anyone following behind Andrew and I might have thought we were doing an impression of Morcombe and Wise skipping into the sunset as we tried to cross quickly from building to building πŸ™ˆ
    We had a late lunch at a local restaurant before going to see a traditional cultural show with some impressive and energetic dancing in traditional costume.
    The show ended with some fire eating and walking across flaming coals! Luckily there was no requirement for audience participation πŸ˜‰
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  • Hari 5

    Dambulla Cave Temple

    6 Mac 2019, Sri Lanka β‹… β›… 29 Β°C

    We set off early to reach Dambulla Cave Temple before the majority of the other tourists descended. Another World Heritage Site, the Cave Temple was reached by a surprisingly large number of steps which eventually opened out to reveal several small temple caves and several larger ones, all housing ornate carvings into the rock, Buddhas of all sizes and many having been restored to show their original vibrant colours. Many people came to pray in the temples and to lay flowers at the feet of Buddha.
    Having made the descent, we were glad of our air conditioned minibus, as we set of for a local herb and spice garden. Here a chap who is training as doctor in Ayurvedic traditional medicine, gave a very informative tour and talk around the gardens with demonstrations on the various lotions they made from the natural ingredients. The tour ended with a brief facial massage and then a leg massage (you can imagine how Andrew enjoyed both of those πŸ˜‚) before we were able to buy some of the products if we wanted too. I really like the idea of natural products and they certainly had something for pretty much any ailment you’d care to mention, so you can also imagine how thrilled Andrew was as I entered the shop! Still, it’s an opportunity not to be repeated so I bought a few lotions and potions and will just have to hope I can get them back in through customs at Heathrow....
    Arriving early at our hill top hotel near Kandy, we have been able to have a swim in the pool and try the local Sri Lankan ginger beer, which is delicious. Tomorrow we’ve got a leisurely start before we go into explore Kandy itself.
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  • Hari 4

    An Ancient City and a mighty climb!

    5 Mac 2019, Sri Lanka β‹… β›… 25 Β°C

    Up and out early this morning with our first stop at the Ancient city of Polonnavuwg, where there are many ruins and artefacts dating back to the reign of King Parakvamabahu the Great; all from around the 12th centuary. Our guide showed us around all the key places and we dodged fellow tourists to get photos without the crowds.
    Next up was a traditional village, accessed via an ox drawn cart and then a boat across the lake...
    The ladies waiting to great us, showed us how they would prepare a typical family lunch, which, after some audience participation in our part, meant we could eat it too πŸ˜€ Delicious flavours without too much chilli!
    A tuk-tuk ride took us back to our starting place, after a brief chat with a young boy who wanted to practice his English 😊
    After a short break back at the hotel, we then set off to climb Lion rock (Sigiriya), which has archaeological evidence back to pre-historic times. There were many, many steps climbing steeply, but some fantastic views to be had from the top. We were all a little smug once we reached the top πŸ˜€
    What goes up, must come down and I decided to speed up the process by falling down a few steps πŸ™„ Got up quickly but will probably have a bruise or two tomorrow πŸ™ˆ
    After a well deserved mojito back at the hotel, we’re now off to the restaurant for dinner.
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  • Hari 3

    Elephants in the wild

    4 Mac 2019, Sri Lanka β‹… β›… 32 Β°C

    We had a four hour drive from Colombo to Dambulla where we checked into our next hotel and then had lunch from the buffet selection. One of the desserts was like sago pudding and tasted much nicer than anticipated!
    After lunch we took a half hour drive to Minneryia National Park where we got in an open top, open sided jeep and set of in search of the elephants that live here in the wild. We didn’t have to wait long!
    We were very lucky and saw several elephant families and a few lone elephants all enjoying the ample supply of grass and shrubs. It was an absolute treat to see them out in the wild.
    Back at the hotel we had dinner, but did pick up some midgy bites tonight!
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  • Hari 2


    3 Mac 2019, Sri Lanka β‹… 🌧 30 Β°C

    After a quick wash and brush up at the hotel, it was straight out into the van for a whistle-stop tour around Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka. Our drive Ramie (not sure that’s quite his name...) navigated along roads where it seems to be a bit of a ‘free for all’. We stopped off for a walk along the local beach front, past the old Presidential buildings (no longer used as there’s too much traffic in the locality!) and saw a huge Islamic temple in a very distinctive red and white design. We drove past the President’s house and had a stop off at a Buddhist and Hindu temple, before having a wander around Independence Square. The Sri Lankan’s are very proud of their independence, given in 1948, and have built a special building to commemorate the country’s history.
    We had dinner back at the hotel and are all ready for an early night after spending last night on the airplane πŸ’€πŸ’€
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  • Hari 1

    And we're ready for the off

    2 Mac 2019, England β‹… 🌬 11 Β°C

    Just waiting to board our flight to Colombo, Sri Lanka. Had eaten before we left so was planning to sleep on the flight rather than eat. Am feeling a bit peckish now though....

  • Hari 3

    Three Cliffs Bay

    25 November 2018, England β‹… β›… 6 Β°C

    After another Full English breakfast, we drove to Southgate to park in the National Trust car park before setting off on the coastal path walk. Cold and dry but with bright sunshine today, the sea was sparkling and you get a fantastic view across Three Cliffs Bay. Plenty of dog walkers out again today. The route took us back through a golf course where we seemed to hold up one group teeing off 😳
    Back at base we headed off in search of a Sunday lunch. Everywhere was busy but we eventually found a nice pub and Andrew decided to pass the 45 minute food wait by eating one of the Welsh cakes we’d been carrying round, only to find the waitress must actually have said 4-5 minute wait and the plates arrived just as he was wiping the crumbs away 😬
    After the long, slow journey on Friday night, we decided to set off back for home mid afternoon. A quicker journey until the last 30 miles where the sat nav advised us to come off the M4 and pick up the A4 through Reading - along with everyone else who’s sat nav had said the same thing πŸ™„
    Back in time for the Strictly results, we’ve had a lovely weekend and would thoroughly recommend the area if you’ve not been before!
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  • Hari 2

    A scenic walk and a celebrity....

    24 November 2018, Wales β‹… ☁️ 7 Β°C

    Arrived in Horton near Port Eynon last night after a nightmare journey on the M4. It seemed as if everyone was travelling to Wales!
    Another result with accommodation; a lovely little apartment on a tiny road leading directly to the beach.
    We set off after a hearty breakfast and walked a 9km circular path around the headland at Rhossilli, Mewslade, Pitton, Fall Bay and back round to the starting point. It was cold but dry and we both came back rosy cheeked. After a bit of lunch we left the car back at the apartment and walked down to Port Eynon and all along the beach to an old salt house. There are lots of people walking their dogs, all very friendly (Andrew loves dogs πŸ˜‚) and everyone makes eye contact and says Hello - it felt like New Zealand! 😊
    As we walked back up from the beach, we looked up to say hello to a passing couple, and one of them was Adrian Chiles! He has a holiday home somewhere near by apparently. For anyone who saw the documentary he did recently on alcohol, you’ll be pleased to hear he didn’t have a pint in his hand, although may have been en-route to the pub 😊
    Now that the nights are drawing in, we’ve come back to the apartment to get warm and cosy, ready for Strictly, later on 😊🍷🍷
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