  • Hari 3

    More Sightseeing, Some by Accident

    20 April 2019, England ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Started early to St. Paul’s Cathedral. I climbed to the top which made the day end with 27 flights of stairs on my iPhone app. Legs are protesting. The Cathedral was allowed to include styles from all around Europe - France and Italy in particular - which made this Non-Catholic church incredibly beautiful.

    One of the best parts was that they don’t allow photos inside. It made the experience completely different. Everyone could focus and look instead of searching for that great shot. In the museums, people run around taking photos and not even looking at the work.

    I walked across the Thames on the pedestrian bridge to the Tate Modern. Pretty cool. Unfortunately, my ticket for the Van Gogh exhibition was at the Tate Britain. I hopped on the riverboat bus/ferry with its amazing city views.

    Van Gogh paintings sound a deep and emotional response in me. The energy, color, texture, enervates my spirit. The exhibit was packed, but I was able to absorb it. I found a yellow Van Gogh tote bag to replace my Rome leather knock-off bag which is falling apart. Now I can carry his painting around with me every day.

    After the museum, I needed to stretch my legs so I walked over to the House of Parliament and bumped into the climate change demonstration - one of the five sites they have across London. It was peaceful with lots of police and people who have glued themselves to the pavement. The woman I spoke with seemed determined and somewhat hopeful that they could make a difference.

    I took the Underground to a gin tasting place that was sadly closed even though the website said they would be opened. Instead I went to a bar around the corner from my hotel that had decent reviews. I at least wanted to get a couple of G&Ts on my London journey. Mission Accomplished! Good tonic. Delicious gin. Although Aviation in Portland is as good. Too bad the bar I started at served me a raw burger. It had a gorgeously seared outside and lukewarm inside. It was free. I went to another spot nearby and had another yummy drink. I’ll need to continue my gin exploration.
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