  • День 4

    Cat Ba Island

    28 октября 2019 г., Вьетнам ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    We started the day in a sea of motor bikes as we set out on the 4 hour journey to Cat Ba Island in what I can only describe as the slowest journey I've ever had. Im surprised the mini bus even made it despite it looking lovely on the inside the engine definitely couldn't cop doing the speed limit of 100 (measure unknown).

    After a pit stop we arrived at the ferry terminal to take the ferry to the island. Here we encountered a "ferry" which is hard to believe could still float as it was the shell of a ferry with no windows. We took the short journey of 15/20 minutes from the mainland to the island. Whilst on the ferry we saw multiple smaller fishing boats sail.uk to the back of the ferry to drop off fish, shrimp and clams they had caught to be delivered to the dock for the women to clean and sell to those boarding the ferries or in fuel local area. When we arrived we continued onto... tbc to take a private boat for the afternoon around the caves.

    The second boat was like an old fashioned pirate ship and all who worked on it lived in fishing island a floating town made up of rafts and boats in the middle of the sea. Fishing Island and Cat Ba are said to be extremely lucky as if there I'd a storm boats can come and dock their boats in amongst the floating peaks for protection.

    Our local guide had a voice like Mr Chow in the hangover movies and was a tiny man. It was a surreal experience. After 30 minutes of sailing out amongst the mountains and caves we focked the boat and they prepared us a feast of pork spring rolls, freshly caught fish, salted peanuts, rice, tofu (which I do not like still), spicy chicken and squid to name a few. It was a lovely meal but far to much food for put group of 10.

    After lunch we took kayaks out for a 40 minute intense workout around the mountains and into a cave. The sky for the first time in Vietnam finally decided to show some blue.
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