  • Dag 16

    The Griffith Observatory

    17. april 2018, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    The Griffith Observatory is on top of a hill in the middle os LA, surrounded by a park. There's the old La zoo in the park, that has no animals anymore, but you can still visit the cages and everything, which sounded really cool, but unfortunately the sun was already going down as we pulled into the parking lot, so we could only go to the observatory. It was a nice walk going up (we didn't want to take the bus after spending all day in the car). The building of the observatory looks really pretty with the background of the lights of LA. Also inside we found lots off cool and informative exhibitions, all for free! But most of our time we spent on the balcony looking out over the city, it had a really amazing view. We stayed so long looking at it, that traffic became bearable, and it took less than an hour to get back to Esther's place.Les mer