  • День 11

    On the rim

    6 августа 2017 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Laid back start to the day - morning run aside. Brekkie was somewhat disrupted by the fact that the fridge had been set to vicious cold and all the fruit had been frozen. Headed to the general store with the expectation of something similar to the North Rim version. It was more akin to Asda with souvenirs. That said we picked up what we needed for breakfast and lunch - picnic with a view today. Today's joy was somethiing that the North couldn't really offer - an extended walk along the rim with ever changing views. What it would probably also offer was ever changing crowds. The first stretch to the village we knew & it was at the village we first encountered an element of busy but to be fair once beyond the trailhead down into the canyon it subsided and all was quiet as we like it. Ambled on watching the hikers descending and the condors gliding. You could practically see the trail virtually to the Colorado. A great challenge - one for the future maybe. Along the way encountered numerous chipmunks and squirrels as well as a lazy rabbit and a very showy bluejay. Opted for lunch at Maticopa Point. It was here we fully realised what a great invention ice machines are - 2 water bottles stuffed with ice provided cold water 3 hours into our hike - heaven. Decided now to head back on the bus - break from the sun or escape from the impending downpour - black clouds were looming. Found bus stop but there didn't appear to be a stop back to town. Turns out that was because there wasn't - had to go to the next stop. Bus arrived busy & we only just made it on. Phew. Driver was very chatty - giving instructions and details of stops in her distinctive southern drawl. Decided since we had a seat to push onto the visitor centre. Took in an Imax movie about the canyon - impressive. Came out expecting rain. It wasn't. Walked back but clearly this was where the crowds were. A bit of a chore and we'd probably had a bit too much sun. So back to the lodge for a cool down.Читать далее