Et 15-dags eventyr af John Læs mere
  • 18fodaftryk
  • 1Lande
  • 15dage
  • 98fotos
  • 0videoer
  • 477kilometer
  • Dag 1


    8. april 2018, Spanien ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    Delayed flight wasn't great and glimpses of the terrain I'd be traversing later on also didn't help but having been here before it can't be said I wasn't aware. Bike picked up & a few quizical looks from the other students. Onwards to the bus. The look from the bus driver wasn't quizical - slightly less positive. On arrival the chaos of allocating rooms & unpacking - not a big job for me. Briefing followed along with painful get to know you activity - blew it with a few by admitting to eating guinea pig - cruel man. That done - tea and one of the curtest waiters. Hurrying orders, forgetting orders, dropping food on me & not giving me an extra roll - not great for 24€.Læs mere

  • Dag 2

    Hassling Spanish strangers

    9. april 2018, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Early start - lessons due to start at 8. Breakie was only due to start at 7.30 so that was 30 mins of face filling - a little torment thrown in for good measure - vast swathes of cakes, donuts & pastries, eggs & bacon etc - all not an option. Basic survival Spanish & pronunciation upto 11. Suprisingly no headache. Off for lunch en-masse. Along the way keeping eyes peeled for candidate bars for match night viewing. On arrival the tutor collored the waiteress & though I don't know I reckon it was along the lines of don't you dare speak English to them...
    Huge 3 course lunch - avoided the wine but the richness of the food was likely to cause a headache. If that didn't being sociable in the treasure hunt was going to do for me. All schools were split up & given clues to find around Santander, a number of which involved speaking to locals. All well and good if you have someone a little more fluent - we did not. Our stronger speakers opted out due to mobility issues... cue some really bad conversational Spanish which relied on their English. Despite this & a colleague being a Manc it was a pleasant walk exploring the town. Needless to say we didn't win. Got soaked on the way back & dived in the bar. Most groups did this some more extensively than others. Opted out of the evening tapas - headache...
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  • Dag 3

    We've conquered all of Europe...

    10. april 2018, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    Things started to get a little intense - talk of prepositions, adjectives & sentence structure. That said at least it wasn't the advanced group looking at subjunctive and imperative verbs. Anyway a late start meant a short run was possible - a vain attempt to clear my head. Cause of said roughness was unclear - rich food yesterday, odd eating times, lack of sleep from being woken up numerous times or nerves (big game) who can say but the run didn't help vastly & it rained. While out pondered how to ask for a room change in Spanish. Got back & went for it. Made myself understood, initial response of room number - ✔ & then it went downhill from there. She ended up speaking English. I tried. Not a problem moving rooms. Having a bike in my room - big problem. That sorted off to lessons. As stated - hard work. Opted out of the big lunch option - sarnie, strawberry picnic by the sea option & the sun came out. Back for the methodology session - posh way of saying games, songs and stories you can use to teach Spanish. Then to the main event - bar had been located - went early to bag prime spots. Great football, allbeit epically stressful. Too much beer consumed, got told off for being too rowdy & got free snacks oh & Liverpool beat the champions elect to get into the semi final of the European cup.Læs mere

  • Dag 4

    Spanish & octopus.

    11. april 2018, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    A full day of lessons through till 8 looked like hard work at tge best of times let alone with a hangover. An early start wasn't ideal either. Battled through gamely - verbs & adjectives don't help a headache. Downtime was hindered by torrential rain. Tried translating the local paper's match report but that hurt my brain a bit too much. Eventually honework was set & the day was done. Into town for food except everyone had eaten so just me - had some octopus liberally coated with olive oil & paprika.Læs mere

  • Dag 5

    Sunshine at last.

    12. april 2018, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    Morning run, though not Ipanema, was the closest so far - beachside run with some hint of sunshine ... promising. A late final lesson (11.30) left time for a little relaxing in the sunshine & little walk along the beach. Following another verb frenzy there was the obligatory sociable meal which was tolerated - went for the light options to see if that helped - my stomach rather than my inherent anti-social instincts. Got ripped off & still insisted on leaving a tip - clearly my influence didn't carry any weight. Had a little walk around Magdalena Peninsula - admiring the views & the former royal summer residence.Læs mere

  • Dag 6

    Back on the bike

    13. april 2018, Spanien ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    Formal lessons done (until next time) things were a little more relaxed. A rather grey run along the beach suggested the weather wasn't going to be upto much. The plan was to take the bike out & check all was well - the rest were off for churos which would have been nice but deep fried donut type stuff wasn't an option. An short losener around town taking in some of the sights and the local stadium. Obligatory club shirt bought, headed back via the supermarket & beachside picnic. Pondered next option - the sun was trying it's best & the forecast suggested rain was very unlikely so decided to explore the local coast to the west. The nearby lighthouse offered a nice coastal walk. From there it was 7 miles to a little cove that was supposedly nice. A couple of miles in a the first drops (sporadically) began to fall. Decided to push - how bad could it get? Another little coastal walk and by the time I got back dark clouds were looming & the spits & spots had become a light drizzle. Time to hurry back & it was a race I was to lose. Not by much though - a mile or so off. Dried up & ensured I missed the Flamenco lessons. Had a really nice fish menu of the day.Læs mere

  • Dag 7

    Scorchio or so it seemed

    14. april 2018, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    Woke up to the sound of rain and this wad supposed to be the sunny day of the week. The morning involved a market task - the thought of treking into town to wander round a market didn't really, in the rain - even less so. Chunnered a bit but made the bus journey & participated. Once completed the entire group bar me & the apprentice headed out on coach trip up the coast. I was looking at doing a little more warming up for the main event. Mike was looking at watching the match. It be rude to leave him on his own so arrangements were made & off I went on my bike - bit further down the coast. Sat nav was doing some strange things bit made it to the Liencres Dunes wildlife park. Stunning beaches & an epic downhill to get there - Not good. Had a little mooch about & then found a cycle path down the coast. Maybe I could avoid the hill. As it turns out - no. But a little off road might have done it - not an option. Headed back for some late lunch & then to find the match. Easily done - same place as before & poor Mike ended up trying to keep up with someone who was drinking coke & water. Only one way that was going to end. Thankfully the boss turned up to take care of him & I could scoot off to pack. Got back & did a token bit of socialising & it transpires I'd got burnt - sunny but the wind was lethal.Læs mere

  • Dag 8

    Coastal cycling with no coast.

    15. april 2018, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    While having paid flights & accomodation all sorted should mean a certain sense of gratitude, having to hang round till 9 for a meeting didn't help my mood. In said meeting being told the feedback form couldn't be emailed didn't help. They got a rather curt level of feedback. Said my farewells & so began a week of lumpy cycling & rather rough & ready Spanish. Getting out of Santander wasn't the easiest nor most picturesque - industrial estates & shipyards aplenty. 18 miles in & I found myself merely at the opposite side of the estuary & pondered whether there was a ferry. Also began to wonder at what point shops would close on a Sunday. Pushed on - bound to come to more urban areas. Except I didn't. Water wasn't the problem - going along the Camino meant frequent water fountains / taps. Just after 1 came upon a very shut looking supermarket which happened not to be at all. Thankful for small mercies, stocked up & pushed. A couple of nice coastal cycle routes offered a little flat. Rain prompted lunch. Experienced a couple of resorts neither of which inspired - both very high rised - Laredo had the nicer beach & a nice old town but the rest was pig ugly. Castro Urdiales didn't have a great beach but seemed a little less over developed but still wasn't great. For all the cycling along the coast there was very little sight of the sea. Not great. That said the way the coast was treated @ the resorts I was glad to be staying in the country. Wasn't so happy when it became apparent the limited dinner options. Host was very hospitable - initial conversation reasonably understood & then he went off on one & I didn't have a clue. Still negotiated breakie from 9 to 8 so that isn't bad.Læs mere

  • Dag 9

    Crossing by various means

    16. april 2018, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Earlier start than the hosts would've wished but he hid any displeasure he might have been feeling, very well. In fact he couldn't have been more hospitable - that said for all I know he could've been calling me all names under the sun. We muddled through - some very nice honey & fruit muesli. Loaded up & was assured that the weather would pick up. From the start things looked bleak - straight up hill & within a couple of miles roads didn't exist - twice. To top it off - big climb, only to find that the road had been closed for tree felling. All was not well with the world. Found a main road & battled with the traffic until I was taken under the wing of 2 wisened cyclists. They were quite taken with the bulkiness of my task & insisted I follow them tk a better route into Bilbao. And indeed it was - a cycle path that was as flat as a pancake - no mean feat around these parts. Mentioned about the Vizkaia Bridge & they made a detour to make sure I found it. At which point they scooted off happily waving - their work was done. The big deal about this bridge is that you ride a lift upto the top of the towers & see the workings. Oh & get great views of the estuary. Helps that the sun made it's first appearance. Took the bridge across & then walked back along the top - twice.Læs mere

  • Dag 9

    Coastal treats

    16. april 2018, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    From the bridge, just the small matter of getting to Saturday's hotel where I was hoping to leave my bike bag. Yet more industrial landacape to admire. Chatted to a French guy on a recumbant - just doesn't look safe to me. The receptionist started out as a jobsworth but either she saw how knackered I was or reason prevailed - he's on a bike - how big can it be? Anyway bike bag dumped - onwards to the coast. Some piggish hills between. They don't believe in hairpins here - just go straight up with slight bends so you can't fully appreciate how cruel they are being. Muchos sweating. Altitude signs are always good - got to be downhill. Wound up in Bermea, a nice harbour that was once the equal of Bilbao. Had a little explore and then onwards to Mundaka. On first sight a pretty coastal resort - beaches, surf, harbour - all good. Found the apartment & cleaned up. Having a kitchen meant less stress about where tk eat provided I could find a shop. Off out for a mooch & shop. Microwave paella wasn't going to be great...Læs mere