  • Dag 12

    welcome to the world

    21. juli 2006, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    So i realise how keen everyone is to see the photos, and can't understand why they haven't been posted up yet but its been a long day and i'll try and tell you about it without falling asleep. (if you would rather skip the excuses and head straight for the photos just scroll down I wont be offended). So here we go, due to the excitement of last nights news and jet lag we ended up with about 5 hours sleep , which isn't too bad if you've been getting regular good nights sleep, which we haven't. First thing this morning we jumped into a cab and headed over to the Thomson Medical Centre to meet the latest member of the Wheeler clan and were there within 15 mins. When we found the room we knocked and were welcomed in by a very proud but extreemly tired looking Chris and were introduced to Saffron. Now at this point I should say its Stewart writing this blog and have been asked to say that "Saffron is the most beautiful and perfect thing in the world", by Ali, however I am far too manly and macho to share such sentiment (she so is though!). We stayed with Chris, Rebecca and Saffron for around an hour and Saffron pretty much slept through the whole experience as only a baby can. We then headed down the road to the nearest MRT station to get an underground train to Little India, half an hour later both swealtering in the humidity we decided it best to jump in a cab which cost little more than the train would have done. We arrived in Little India and found ourselves walking around the many indoor shoping complexes full to the brim with every kind of electrical gadget you could imagine, had I found heaven? We then went into one shop and asked about a webcam which we were informed was $49 dollars, which I considered a little expensive and told the shopkeeper we would look around and come back, this apparently was the perfect thing to say as the price suddenly became $35, it was at this stage I realised that this was truly heaven. We grabbed some food in the hawker centre (food court) downstairs which set us back all of £4 for 2 currys, a naan bread and enough rice for two, and headed off to try and find some premature baby clothes for Saffron who at 5lbs 6oz aparently was too small for all of her new born clothes. We spent some time looking around some traditional singapore shops such as mothercare and marks and spencers before realising that babys were only allowed clothes if they were 4lbs and under or over 7/12 lbs.
    At about 18:15 Saffron Wheeler was introduced to her new home and was subjected to more photos and more filming. We orderd a pizza and Chris and Rebecca decided to feed Saffron, it was shortly after this that Saffron started crying, and unsurprisingly continued to cry off and on for the next 5-6 hours occasionally settling for a while, before to the distress of a stressed and exahusted couple of parrents, started crying again. Chris and Rebecca finally decided to take Saffron back to the hospital to get her checked out about half an hour ago at 01:15. I'm sure she is just stressed out at how much of the world she has to take in but I don't disagree with the decision to take her back to the hospital as this just shows how much they both love their new baby daughter and would do anything to look after her. The moment I get any news I'll post up on here, but for now the moment you've been waiting for ........

    p.s. I appologise for the blurryness of the photos but it was very dark and we decided it best not to have the flash on in case we woke up Saffron.
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