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  • Day 25


    May 16, Ionian Sea ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

    This was by far the busiest place we have visited. The traffic itself was an experience and tool so long to get to our stops.

    I’m also really surprised at the density of buildings. Athens city itself is not a nice city with graffiti everywhere and run down buildings.

    Our first stop was The Acropolis. It is so amazing to see, in real life, places that have only ever existed in textbooks before now.

    The age of these structures is mind boggling - dating back to 447 BC. A few other tourists also visited today, the crowds were incredible.

    We managed to get lots of photos and totally enjoyed the experience.

    We then drove to the Olympic stadium where the first modern Olympics was held. The sandstone stadium was amazing.

    The Athenian Museum of archaeology had some fascinating artefacts dating back to thousands of years BC. It would have been even better if we had’ve had a guide who didn’t keep wandering off. We spent half the time trying to locate him.

    We had free time in Plaka which was a delight! Another afternoon of wandering and almost getting lost. We decided to complete our Greek adventure with a carafe of ouzo!!

    Back on the ship we put on our whites for white night and danced the night away
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