  • Dag 7

    African timing!

    10. november 2019, Uganda ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    After going to Watoto Downtown last night I didn't need to go this morning as it's the same service. So I decided to go to Judith's church which starts at around 11:30. So Judith said meet her at 11:15 so we can drive the 2 minutes it takes to get there! I get there on time, as usual 😉, and she said she'd be ready in 5 minutes, so we left at 11:45! Once we get there I realise I'm not the only Mzungu at the service as there 2 Americans preaching and visiting that day. We were singing for a while and then the Pastor invites one of the Americans up to speak. He starts his sermon and then asks if anyone has anything encouraging for the pastor and his wife, to this call around 8 people all stand up and queue up to say something! The first guy spoke for about 10/15 minutes, really setting the tone for how long everyone else spent, even giving them a 30 second limit they still all spoke for nearly 5 minutes! Everytime 1 person finished and sat down another one would stand up and join the back, so it wasn't going to end very quickly! In the end it took up all the time for the talk, so he didn't give it! But it was obvious to see how much the Pastor's family put into the church and the congregation, I think it was a much needed encouragement for them both. Judith drove me back to the guest house and I had some lunch on my own.

    Felisha got back just as I was finishing lunch and we decided to go for a walk to the supermarket to buy a couple of things. We then came back, dropped the things off and went for an explore of the area. Walking towards the church and then just walking down roads we thought looked fun! We saw some children filling up 20 litre containers with water and carrying them on their head, so Felisha asked if she can try, I think it was a lot heavier than it looked, but she did manage to carry it to their house, making it look slightly more difficult than the 8 year old was! We carried on our walk and maybe get slightly lost when we were on our way back, but we did make it in the end, just in time for the evening service at the church opposite the guest house, where we had to introduce ourselves just as we were about to leave. Back for dinner and chatting with everyone. Finally off to bed to rest for the week at Bbira.
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