  • Tag 35

    day 32/33 Los Angeles

    31. Dezember 2015 in den USA ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    well it was new years eve in LA and I had absolutely no plans ha I went out and done some washing and explored Hollywood a little bit I went out for a few drinks and tea at buffalo wings which Is my favourite place to eat at! but for new years I barely did anything I was fairly spent and ended up home pretty early taking it easy. the next day I went and caught up with Sonia and one of her mates from Australia we went to the observatory which gives you a good view at LA and the the Hollywood sign. after that we went to Warner Bros studios which I loved! was soo cooool. got to see tv sets for 2 broke girls and supergirl. we then went into props warehouse and seen many recognisable props from movies. we then went into a care warehouse and seen all the bat mobiles from all the movies. went into a harry potter/superman/batman museum with heaps of props from all the films was really cool. seen buildings from pretty little liars and such and walked through some houses. we then got to go on the friends set and get some photos was gold. we hoped on a broomstick with a green screen which made it look like we were flying over London. really had good fun. After warner bros I just went back to my hotel.Weiterlesen