  • Dag 1


    26 augustus 2015, Engeland ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

    We're here. What a breath of fresh air. What a reality check. How could I have never left Australia when there are such beautiful places in the world like Brighton. The pier, the old houses, the marina, the pebble beaches, the green fields that continue on for miles, the accents. It's absolutely breathtaking. Joe's family laughs at me because i take photos of everything but it's because I have never seen anything so beautiful. I love it here, I never want to leave.

    We spent the first day in Brighton with Joe's family. That is, before they all left. All I wanted to do all day was drive around, taking pictures, sitting in one spot just staring out at everything this place has to offer. I honestly cannot express how wonderful beautiful Brighton is. Joe's family is so lovely and has made our visit very welcoming. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now.
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