  • Tag 7

    Day 6 - Kagura (Tashiro area)

    1. März 2019 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

    Another slow morning as we worked out what the weather was doing. There were some clouds around.

    Around 9am we went and exchanged our webket tickets and bought the ¥700 all mountain upgrade. As we headed over to the Dragondola we noticed the snow was not hard and crunchy, but just right.

    At Kagura, the Tashiro area, it was like a ghost town, there was hardly anyone around. The snow was great, the best so far, hard under, but just enough softness on top. We had a ball skiing around this area, dressed a bit warmer so we didn't freeze. There was no wind, and we had a bit of everything, sun, sleet, snow, sun and snow.

    At around 11am they were hungry so we ducked into an eatery next to the lift. Curry was on the menu, so we had curry. We ordered extra rice for the kids, but it too was added to our plates. All good as we just all dug in.

    We continued to ski this area, the kids were having fun skiing through the trees off to the side of the green runs, we even did a few snow angels in the foot deep snow off in the trees. We noticed some weather closing in and decided to bail just before 2pm. We boarded the Dragondola in a cloud and had very low visibily - like next to none.

    By the time we got back to Naeba is was clearer and a slight wind, but the snow was noticibly worse, soft and chopped up. This caught the 9yr old up and she had the falls all the way back across the Naeba face.
    A few more runs off to the left and we called it quits while everyone was still intact.

    We then dried off the skis and ski gear and packed up the ski bag and ski clothing bag and taqbin them off to the airport (¥5160). Another food court dinner, as we have an early start in the morning.