  • Dag 6

    Tasman sea

    18. januar 2019, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    Friday was another scorcher of a day, and Derek had a pile of marking to do, so we took the ferry to the end of the Harbour - about a 40 minute ride on a fast catamaran. Watson's Bay is on a tiny strip of peninsula, so from the Sudney harbour side it's only a 5-minute walk across the land to the Tasman Sea on the other side. Bit rough, thpugh, and no easy way down to the water, so I wasn't able to add it to my 'paddled in' list.

    We found a shady table at an old-fashioned milk bar with carved wooden doors and a beaten copper counter. Derek worked, I read, and we both worked our way through the soda flavours.

    We'd been told that Watson is the place for chips, so we got a box to eat in the park. Excellent chips, but we were horrified to discover they charge extra - $1.20! - for ketchup or vinegar (and the vinegar is clear, not malt). Very impressed by the politeness of the gulls though - they don't mug people for chips, just stand around looking hopeful.

    Back in Sydney we found they were setting up a Chinese night market in the road behind our hotel. Had a quick look before we headed off for dinner - and were glad we did,, becaise by the time we got back it was *heaving*. Just enough of a clear patch to take a photo of what may be Sydney's prettiest tourist information kiosk, which was all lit up for the evening.
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