  • Dia 105

    Teheran - the beast

    13 de novembro de 2019, Eu corri ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    With its population of more than 15 million people and maybe the same amount of motorbikes, Teheran is the economic, vibrant heart of Iran. More and more locals move here for work. The capital pays the price: overcrowded subways, smog that covers the nice morning views of the mountains throughout the day, roadcrossing with a high risk of ending up in a hospital.
    Besides there are historically interesting places to visit like the Ex-U.S. embassy (known as the Den of Espionage). Here the CIA organized a coup d'etat that finished the government of Mossadegh in 1953. Supporting for years the Sha government, the embassy was a main target in the revolution in 1979. Right after the foundation of the world's first Islamic republic, the end of the embassy was symbolic for the end of the U.S. influence in the country. Today's political position towards the U.S. can be seen on many impressive paintings surrounding the building.
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