  • Mundesley to Cromer

    20. Oktober 2021 in England ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    The coastal path from Mundesley takes you through a caravan park - there are many along the coast here - on its way to the village of Trimingham. On the outskirts of the village, we pass the RAF Trimingham Air Defence Radar Station, which is shaped like a giant golf ball. We reach the parish church of St John the Baptist's Head; a life size alabaster head of the saint was kept at the church and visited by pilgrims. The church has a short, buttressed and unfinished tower.

    From here, it is back to the coast to walk along the Sidestrand and Trimingham Cliffs, another Site of Scientific Interest, en route to Overstrand. This village was originally a crab fishing centre like Cromer, but it became a holiday destination for wealthy Victorians and was dubbed "the village of millionaires". We walk along the promenade there and then on to the beach for the rest of the way to Cromer.

    It is a lovely stroll to Cromer and there are excellent views as we get closer. It has been another excellent walk (about 8.5 miles).