  • Hari 36

    Hotel Milev

    29 Februari 2020, Aljazair ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    As we left Bachir in Jijel, we were, as most of the time when we leave a host, a bit heavy hearted. Bachir wanted to show us more of his famous city. He was a bit confused about us wanting to visit a city as Mila, were nothing was to be seen.
    But we were determined to see Chaffik, one of the first people i met during the planning of this journey more than a year ago.
    As we left Jijel, the road took us along the sea, to bent into the mountains again. Not my favourite, since the operation on Lieske. Because temperature is her enemy. (Cherif ;))
    But the scenery was overwhelming.
    As we crossed the bridge over the Beni Haroun Dam, we almost arrived at Grarem Gouga the little village Chaffik lives.

    Chaffik, always told me he could not host us, but i just wanted to meet him, and we would see were we would sleep.
    I suggested to sleep in the car, next to a police checkpoint. And it looked like, that's settled.

    After a nice lunche, we tried to visit the dam again, but as a law obeying Dutch citizen, i did not want to stop on the bridge, as there was a no stopping sign. So we had to satisfied ourselfs with a glimpse of its beauty.
    Chaffik was not convinced of sleeping in the car, and wanted to show us a hotel in Mila.
    As we arrived, all changed.

    We were treated as long lost friends, and our night in the Hotel was offered to us as a gift.
    Only in Algeria!

    We went out to the old city of Mila of which existents we did not know, and we were very impressed.
    As we discovered, Mila was founded around 250 AD, and it has one if the oldest mosks in the world.
    And... a fountain, the only one in the world, who still works since the Roman time.
    Today we visited again.

    But now, together with the chef of the hotel, and Chaffik, we are on the quest for an "momentsleutel"..
    A ratchet with torck moment, so I can check the torck of the headgasket. It has to be done between 300 and 1000km
    Seems difficult to find...
    Keep you updated.

    (And Nika had her Docs fixed...)
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