  • Día 319

    BHX Birmingahm Airport, UK

    19 de abril de 2017, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    Aaaaaaaaaand breathe! It's been an absolutely manic week and a half consisting of; selling furniture, disassembling said furniture, carrying furniture mainly single handedly down 2 floors of stairs...sorting and culling lots of clothes and possessions, 2 x charity shop runs with armfuls of bags, admin to change my address, getting my hair cut, visiting my nearest and dearest (still not managing to see many I had promised to check in with prior to heading off), slight matter of PACKING....buying insurance (last minute or just efficiently timed? ;) )

    The final hurdles were;

    A)Being ready on time for my lift to the airport. DONE with the obligatory "run round every room like a headless chicken check". Making sure every last thing I had touched in my dad's house was in alignment. He is somewhat particuar ;)

    B)Quick paint job repair on my car for damage sustained last April. Sliiiiightly poor timing on that on my part! After 9 months of trying to divert family members's attention away from the damage zone for fear of poor-driving judgement was getting a little hard to sustain!

    C)Finding out whether the entire "clip" of batteris I packed could be taken in hold luggage. The internet said yes, Mrs Flybe said no. Cue last minute repack of my big holdall whilst in check-in, OF COURSE the batteries were at the bottom and my underwear was on the top.....thankfully I was exactly 2 hours early for my flight and check-in was pretty quiet.

    D)Armed with my ISIC student card, I tentatively tried to take advantage of the "one extra hold bag for free" offer that flybe have for students. I wasn't sure if i would get away with it as my course had taken place through distance learning. With my newly purpled hair and wearing my "well-loved" (aka ripped and i'm now between jobs so can't justify buying a new one) skirt and shoes (again "well-loved" and re-glued the day before) I don't think there was much doubt as to my social status. The sales staff in the duty free concourse reassured me I looked studenty enough on my route through to departures, as not one of them attempted to spray me with their wares in an attempt to meet thier perfume sales quota that day! feeling rejected but mission complete!

    Time for a Veggie full english at Giraffe and a ginger-blast smoothie. Hopefully it will be enough to see me through the rest of the day and give me enough energy to talk Peter to death during the three hour car journey from Berlin to Saxony the other side..

    Apparently its snowing in Germany......
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