Kampong Kelang Gates Baharu

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  • Day 58–60

    Kuala Lumpur

    March 5 in Malaysia ⋅ 🌩️ 32 °C

    The Malaysian leg started with a 6hr bus from Singapore, including a suspiciously seamless border crossing where Dan didn't get a stamp in his passport... we'll find out whether this was significant when we try to cross into Thailand. Arriving in Kuala Lumpur, we immediately realised we'd been scammed by a fake hotel booking website, who had charged us more than the cost of the hotel in 'service fees'. They'd have their hands chopped off in Singapore, but we don't have that level of nanny-state protection anymore. More's the pity 🥲

    Kuala Lumpur has a population of just under 9 million people (to Singapore's paltry 6 million), and you can feel the difference as you come in. The skyscrapers are much more intense, the highways are broader, and all the routes are tangled together in a web of overpasses and underpasses. They even have a monorail network, which we were unfortunate to not have a chance to ride. The major landmark is the Petronas Towers, a pair of twin 'postmodern islamic' towers that were the world's tallest buildings from 1996 to 2004. Now, they are about to be overshadowed by Merdeka 118, which will be the world's #2 tower behind Dubai's Burj Khalifa when it officially opens later this year. At the same time, in the centre of KL there were a lot more homeless people and beggars, more hawkers on the pavements, more dirt and dereliction. It's all very cyberpunk, techno dystopian. It felt much closer to how we imagined China than Southeast Asia.

    KL was not somewhere we intended to spend much time. It has some big landmarks, but the main reason people come here is for the shopping opportunities. We did explore a couple of the major malls, which were EXTREMELY large and labyrinthine. These are malls on steroids: up to ten storeys tall, with few (if any) maps, poor signage, and zero consistency with staircases, entrances and escalators from floor to floor. They also have covered walkways between them and a monorail station running through the middle, so that in practice they all join together into one mega-mall like a kilometres-wide ant colony.

    Chelsea had a brainwave for how to go swimming in the city centre; we bought day passes at a hotel with a rooftop pool, underneath the Petronas Towers. This was a good chance to get away from the crowds in the malls, read our books in peace, and also watch would-be influencers doing hours-long photoshoots.

    Lastly, we wandered around Jalan Alor for dinner, which comes alive at night-time with street vendors and outdoor restaurants. Things are ramped up during Ramadan and it’s busy with people feeding up after the day’s fast. Being Muslim in the tropics is no mean feat, and the clamour for sustenance is substantial. Instead of sitting down, we picked up a few different snacks, including pani puri, doughy 'fishcakes', Thai banana pancakes, and blowtorched marshmallow ice-cream on a stick. The latter, despite sounding great, was actually quite chewy and gross; would not recommend. We still haven't worked ourselves up to trying the ominous durian fruit yet, but watch this space. At the end of the night, we went for a drink on the famous nightlife street at Changkat Bukit Bintang, where the happy hour deals run until 10pm and the promoters have to clear the sex workers off the tables to make room for punters. A lovely evening out.

    Regular readers will know that in our last installment, we talked about how little went wrong in Singapore. Malaysia feels like somewhere where things can definitely go wrong—we're back in business! Stay tuned.
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  • Day 4

    Batu Caves et son ascension

    February 24 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Une chaleur étouffante en extérieur, un taux d'humidité qui soutient les sommets mais malgré cela, j'ai grimpé les 272 marches assez raides (plus beaucoup d'autres rajoutées par ci, par là. 😅🤣
    C'est accompagné des macaques (et je ne parle pas des touristes, entendons-nous bien 🤭🤣 réponse dans les photos) que j'ai réalisé mon ascension jusqu'à la plus haute grotte.

    Aucun regret quand à la montée de ces marches, je pense que mon coach sera fier de moi comme je le suis 😎🏅

    Après, retour au centre de Kuala Lumpur afin d'en découvrir le centre névralgique.
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  • Day 8

    Working Day

    February 19 in Malaysia ⋅ 🌩️ 24 °C

    Noch dä Petronas Towers hani chli müesse schaffe, drum simmer nume poolside gsi🍸🍸! Denn s'Highlight vom Tag woni buecht han (D‘Esther isch usnahmswis nöd wie in Shanghai als Rentneri düregange): KL City Night Tour🕺🕺! Es hät in Ströme pisst🙈🙈🤭🤭! Immerhin hemmer im Touribus chöne dine hocke! Me hät nut gseh und isch arschchalt gsi...... cha passiere🎉🎉🍻🍻🍸🍸Read more

  • Day 123

    Kuala Lumpur❤️

    March 11 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    Ahh, lepo lepo bit spet tu!
    Pa tut hecno! Hecno bit nekje, kjer si že bil, čist na drugem koncu sveta, dve leti nazaj😮.
    Se zdi lažje, odkrivanje nove države v drugo; sploh ko se mi Anči kmalu pridruži😍.
    Torej, Sama sm spoznala v Vang Viengu, in imela sva en zabaven dan, poln motorčkov, lagun, hikinga!
    Potem pa ko sem mu napisala, da kmalu prihajam v KL, mi je ponudil svoje stanovanjce. Sicer je kar daleč od centra, kar je mal downside, je edina možnost do centra mesta taksi…
    No, Sam itak dela čez dan tako da prvi dan sem se js takoj napotila v mojo najljubšo restavracijo, Sweet Veggie v delu mesta Pudu. In naročila jed, ki sem jo dve leti nazaj skos jedla!! Nudlčki, z mock račko in fried dumplingi, na strani juhica in jalapeñosi!
    Potem sem šla za vogal v eno luštno kavarno na kofe in bila tokkkk vesela, ko sem dobila latte z ovsenim mlekom z lepimi srčki, ravno prav vročo🤭. Sem vedla, da bo KL raj za nas coffee loverje☕️🫶.
    Potem sem začela šetkanje okoli mesta, brez kakšnega cilja zares. Prečkala glavno križišče, ki je vedno bizi, in šla čisto slučajno mimo mojega hostla od zadnjič!
    Merdeka 118 je druga največja stavba na svetu, za Burj Kalifo v UAE. Cel dan mi je sledila naokoli, res se jo vidi iz povsod (tako kot Eifflov stolp v parizu hah).
    Vmes sem prečkala tut en velik shopping center, te me vedno presenetijo s tem, kok so zares ogromozanski!
    Ob šestih sva se dobila s Samom v ChinaTownu, za večerjo. Ker ie Ramadan in Malezija večinoma muslimanska država, se mesto čist prebodi pred Iftarjem; koncem posta za tisti dan. Sam se tudi posti in mi je razložil, kako poteka ‘breaking the fast’. Torej v restavracijah lahko pri naročanju označiš, da je jed namenjena za iftar in počakajo, da ti je ne prinesejo prekmalu. Vsak dobi nekaj dateljev, saj je navada, da naj bi bila prva stvar, ki jo poješ, sladka.
    Navadno je konec dnevnega fastinga okrog pol sedmih. Tako da prvo se poje datelj ali pa naročiš neko sladko pijačo za prvi požirek, potem pa glavna jed. Zanimivo!
    Midva sva za ob jedi na tržnici kupila sladko sojino mleko z rjavim sladkorjem, kar je baje zalo tradicionalno tukaj! In res je bilo dobro:)
    Po večerji sva se mal šetala okoli in šla na eno late night kavico ob devetih☕️.
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  • Day 215

    Last days of Malaysia

    March 4 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

    After Pulau Tioman, we made our way to Kuala Lumpur. A nice city, where we looked at the Petronas Tower, went up the TV Tower and looked at some other buildings. We also had a small apartment equipped with Netflix, so just like back in the days, we watched a movie.

    On 3rd of March, we had to day goodbye, my father taking the plane back to Switzerland. I almost cried, now knowing how much I missed him and how much I enjoyed getting to explore this beautiful country with him.
    I will miss him and even though I don't know when I will see him again, I am already looking forward to it.

    But for now, back he went and one day later, I boarded the plane to my next destination.
    Vietnam, here I come!
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  • Day 2–3

    Wasn Tach (1.)

    March 4 in Malaysia ⋅ 🌩️ 31 °C

    Die Malaien haben mich hier tatsächlich rein gelassen, schön doof 😂

    Am Flughafen wurde dann ganz kühn der extra im duty free gekaufte Whisky runter geschmissen. Die hälfte konnte in meine Trinkflasche gerettet werden: schmeckt noch.

    Nach dieser herben Enttäuschung gings weiter in die Innenstadt zur "Mid Valley Megamall" (der Name ist Programm aber dazu später mehr).

    Die Fahrt ging 50 min mit grab. Zum Glück hatte es nur kalte 31° und da meine Trinkflasche mit Whisky befüllt ist gabs in der Zeit nix zu trinken 🤝
    Egal, wars Wert 😂

    Dann also eine Stunde lang die Geldwechsel Stuben gesucht, da in dieser tollen Mall nichts ausgeschildert ist, nicht mal die aktuelle Etage, sie aber 5 Etagen und mindestens 12 ha Grundfläche hat 🥴
    Thema Gelwechsel: am Flughafen ist es Raub, in der Innenstadt mega günstig.
    Auch die generellen Preise hier sind einfach noch geiler als jeder behauptet, 7.50 € für zwei Hauptspeisen + Getränk? Kann ich mich dran gewöhnen.

    Nach 3 1/2 Stunden und 7000 Schritten in der Mall (man beachte, dass ich in der Zeit nur Geld gewechselt habe, essen war, ein Hemd gekauft habe und mir eine Flasche Wasser besorgt hab) gings dann endlich zur Unterkunft.

    Kuala Lumpur hat auf jeden Fall einen harten Bruch zwischen arm und marode zu neu und touristisch.
    Das ist für mich als Tourist natürlich echt super, da meine Unterkunft echt top ist.

    Morgen früh gehts dann mit dem Bus Richtung Uni 💪
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  • Day 20


    March 3 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

    Wow Wow Wow! Beyond stunning architecture, cleanliness, pure gorgeousness! Big Bus gave us a brief overview of this amazing city and we want to go back! The flowers of the botanical garden, the food, the shopping….who knew a city with brand new architecture could have such soul?Read more

  • Day 4

    Vue du ciel de KL

    February 24 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

    Dernière étape de cette belle journée, c'est la montée de la KL tower afin d'avoir une vue sur l'ensemble de la ville.
    Et vu que le lundi, les Petronas Towers sont fermées, j'ai du faire face à une forte foule et une longue attente avant de pouvoir monter (et même de redescendre 😅).

    J'ai eu beaucoup de chance pour les photos car un torrent de pluie s'est abattu au moment où je m'apprêtais à quitter la tour...😅🙏 Thanks God 😆

    Et là, plus qu'une démarche à faire, retour à l'aéroport. Commande d'un taxi, le conducteur super sympa avec qui j'ai parlé durant toute l'heure qu'a duré le trajet. On a brossé un portrait complet de nos pays respectifs allant du problème linguistique en Belgique jusqu'au fonctionnement du monde de l'emploi en Malaisie. Une conversation riche en infos.😃
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  • Day 7

    Sambal Street food tour

    February 21 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    A Culinary Adventure in Kuala Lumpur

    A late start today, as we had booked a food tour for the evening. We took some time to explore the massive shopping mall next to our hotel, a sprawling complex filled with high-end boutiques, local brands, and an impressive food court offering everything from traditional Malaysian fare to international delicacies. After a leisurely stroll, we indulged in some relaxation at the rooftop pool—floating 30 stories above the bustling city, taking in panoramic views of Kuala Lumpur’s glittering skyline.

    As the evening set in, we embarked on our much-anticipated food tour, expertly guided by Nadia, a local with an incredible knowledge of Malaysian cuisine. The culinary adventure was a feast for the senses, beginning with the ever-popular beef and chicken satay—perfectly grilled and served with a rich, nutty peanut sauce Next, we sampled grilled mackerel, its smoky aroma filling the air, and then came the infamous durian. Known for its pungent scent and divisive flavour, it was an experience in itself—an unusual blend of onions, blue cheese, and custard - wrapped in a creamy texture that defied description.

    One of the highlights of the evening was a walk through a historically significant Malay-only district, where only Malays are allowed to purchase property—a policy that dates back to the British colonial era. This area was established as a Malay enclave to preserve local culture and identity amidst rapid urbanization. Even today, it remains a stronghold of traditional Malay heritage, with vibrant markets, family-run eateries, and historic wooden homes standing in contrast to the modern skyscrapers of the city center.

    We ended the tour on a sweet note, indulging in crispy banana fritters and a delicate, fragrant rice cake infused with coconut and pandan. With satisfied appetites and a newfound appreciation for Kuala Lumpur’s diverse food scene, we made our way back, reflecting on a night filled with flavours, history, and cultural discovery.
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  • Day 8

    Duck Day🕺🕺

    February 19 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    Hüt simmer nochem Zmorge an Pool und denn Chinatown (Turm jo ebe nonig offe🤔🤔)! S'Highlight vom Tag isch denn Peking Ente worde 😋😋! ,,,,,, und Bar Street am Obig😇🤪 mit dä Whisky Bar

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