We were picked up early in a van (that kinda looked like those armored bank cars) for our canyoneering adventure today. We chatted to a British couple, also on a six month trip. We stopped to pick up more people and then journeyed for a bit to the office. We were fitted with our helmets and life vests and met our guides. Another drive down some dirt roads and we arrived at the start. There were loads of groups of all different companies. We had a quick “orientation” (at the start of which we were all sat on the benches facing the wrong way). Henry and I opted to do the zip line rather than walk to the start. It was pretty hot for a long walk before the action even started and I like zip lines. This one was fun because they strapped us into little hammocks and we flew like Superman instead of in a sitting position.
Then we had to walk down quite a few stairs. My knee was skinned from yesterday’s fall so it wasn’t the most pleasant and I was sweating a lot by the time we reached the water, thank goodness. The water is really clear and a beautiful blue color. We had two guides all to ourselves! It wasn’t long before we got to the first jump which was still pretty crowded with people. At 5 meters it was definitely bigger than I’ve done before. Henry had no problem but my legs were shaking standing at the top of the rock, but I managed to jump. We clambered and swam and went down a rock slide before the second jump. The tallest was 7 meters (which Henry did) and I nearly skipped but our guide encouraged me to try the lower option. After that the crowds thinned as people naturally went at different paces. We had a number of small jumps and some swimming. Only one more big jump, Henry did 8 meters and I did 5 again (apparently that’s my max). There was one poor woman trying to do 8 and so terrified she couldn’t bring herself to jump. In the end she jumped from the lower ledge and I hope she enjoyed.
Our guides were great, helped me not to fall (again) and laughing at our jokes. The latter half was a lot of just hiking and swimming and enjoying the scenery. There was also a rope swing that went into a pool. The trail ended as the lowest level of the waterfall where tourists often come if they don’t do canyoneering. Back at the office we had lunch and then they brought us back to the hotel. We were so wiped we just chilled the rest of the afternoon.Read more
So ein Geflimmer ... irre ... habt ihr was über Schwarmintelligenz gelernt?
Super schön ...
... die Fotos von den großen Fischen 🐟 mit 2 Beinen 😉
Traveler Ja die sind toll ☺️