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  • Day 12

    Laatste dag Grindelwald

    August 28, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Vandaag de kabelbaan naar First (2168 mtr) gegaan een hele belevenis langs de steile wand. Weer terug beneden hebben we een wandelroute Wetterhorn/Oberer Gletcher waar we de eerste Kabelbaan ter wereld hebben bezocht, ofwel de overblijfselen.Read more

  • Day 11

    3e dag Grindelwald

    August 27, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Vandaag treinreis van de terminal Grindelwald via Zweilutschinen naar Lauterbrunnen en vervolgens naar Wengen met de trein. Daarna de kabelbaan naar Mannlichen 2343 metr.
    Vervolgens weer met de kabelbaan naar de Terminal Grindelwald om naar de Eigerngletscher af te reizen met de kabelbaan. Daar aangekomen door met het spoor naar de Jungfraujoch 3571 meter. Wat een dag weer 😍👌Read more

  • Day 8

    Dag 7

    August 21, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Vandaag was mijn laatste volledige dag in Zwitserland, omdat ik nog een nachtje op de camping bleef slapen kon ik een mooie wandeling maken in de buurt van Lauterbunnen zonder mijn rugzak mee te nemen. Vanuit de camping ben ik naar Stechelberg gelopen, een kleine 8km van de camping vandaan. Langs de lokale boerderijen en riviertjes was het uitzicht zoals de rest van de reis fenomenaal. Toen ik weer terug was heb ik in het dorpje een lekkere maaltijd gegeten bij een lokaal restaurantje. Daarna heb ik mijn boek uitgelezen en nog een paar afleveringen van een serie gekeken en toen was het tijd om naar bed te gaan.Read more

  • Day 7

    Dag 6

    August 20, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Na een dagje klimmen begon ik vandaag door nog een stuk omhoog te klimmen, het doel van vandaag was om in Lauterbunnen aan te komen en daar op een camping te slapen. Het eerste gedeelte van de dag was een stuk klimmen naar Kleine Scheidegg, een echt ski gebied. Vanuit daar waren een paar van de hoogste bergen van Zwitserland te zien. Na een korte pauze boven op kon de afdaling weer beginnen. Na weer heel wat kilometers gemaakt te hebben kwam ik uit in het dorpje Wengen, dit ligt recht boven Lauterbunnen. Nu kon het laatste gedeelte van de afdaling beginnen deze is echt super steil omlaag, door het zigzaggende pad was het prima te doen.
    Toen kwam ik aan in het schitterende Lauterbunnen, een dorpje dat precies in de vallei lag tussen 2 groten bergen. Het is een erg toeristisch dorpje dat merkte ik gelijk aan de hoeveelheid mensen die er duidelijk niet waren om te wandelen. Eenmaal op de camping aangekomen heb ik bij een foodtruck die er stond een lekkere Sri Lankaanse maaltijd gegeten, daarna heb ik mijn drijfnatte tent opgezet om op te drogen en daarna mijn slaap spullen er in te leggen. Ik heb toen nog een stuk ik mijn boek gelezen en daarna ben ik lekker gaan slapen.
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  • Day 6–7

    Dag 5

    August 19, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Na 2 dagen herstellen kon ik er weer tegenaan, ik ging met de trein van Engelberg naar Grindelwald. Vanuit daar ging ik verder met de route die ik volgde. Het was weer de hele dag steigen en nog meer steigen, rond een uur of 18:00 heb ik een mooi plekje gezocht om te verblijven. Het uitzicht was iets minder omdat er een hoop mist hing.Read more

  • Day 18–19


    July 18, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

    We visited the Jungfrau mountain in the Swiss Alps! We saw snow in the middle of European summer and finally were at a reasonable temperature. At the top of the mountain, we saw some cool ice sculptures and went to the highest Lindt chocolate shop in the world. Anch did a 90meter high canyon swing which included a very high free fall (😧) and we carried on the Contiki tradition of taking some scandalous photos! For dinner we had an all you can eat cheese fondue.Read more

  • Day 13–15

    Heaven is a place on Earth

    June 6, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    Wow, Switzerland is beautiful, and I didn't even get up into the mountains.

    The crystal clear lakes, waterfalls everywhere with snowcapped mountains. If I was religious, this would be how I'd imagine heaven to look.

    We stayed in a place called Wilderswil, and the view from my room was amazing.

    As beautiful as it is, I couldn't live there. It's too strict for me. For example, you can't flush the toilet after 10 pm. And you're not allowed to hike naked... so I'm out! 😁 But I'll definitely be back for some hiking!
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  • Day 107

    Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

    April 24, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 36 °F

    Awoke to large snowflakes falling gently this morning as we looked out our balcony overlooking the Bernese Swiss Alps. Change of plans today due to snow avalanche risk at some of the mountain areas nearby, so our scheduled hike was canceled. We decided to go over to the next valley above Interlaken and get to the top of Jungfrau via the highest train station in Europe. So we planned out the route via trains and off we went to explore.

    The train wove through small villages as we climbed the mountain. It was still snowing and cloudy as we changed trains for the last leg of the journey through a long tunnel to the top. Luckily, as we emerged outside, we were not disappointed as we were above the clouds. The view was spectacular with the summit of Mt. Jungfrau at 13,642 feet elevation standing right in front of us.

    On the Reasearch observation platform, you could see the glacier valley to your right. We went out on Glacier's point, but by the time we reached it, the clouds had moved in, and the temp was -2F....Burr.

    Before leaving, we explored the newest attraction, an ice cave lined with ice sculptures, and had lunch up top. (Who knew fresh salmon could taste so good at 12,000 feet). One of our stops on the way back was the small town of Grindelwald, where Susan had visited 40 years ago, for a fun trip down memory lane.

    Returned to Lauterbrunnen around 6 pm and set off for a walk on the valley floor to see the cascading waterfalls along the cliffs. Along the way, we found Susan's perfect dream house. Finished the evening at a local pub for dinner.

    Switzerland is such a peaceful idyllic setting of nature at its best.
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  • Day 29

    Kleine Scheidegg to Wengen hike

    October 24, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌧 45 °F

    Doesn't have those spectacular alpine views, but still a very pretty area to hike through. Route took me past some nice variety -- more remote stretches as well as a few farms and teeny towns. I JUST managed to beat the fog and mist rolling in, so I still got some nice views before it obscured them completely. It actually kind of added to the ambiance in the lower elevation part when it did start rolling in, gave it a neat "Wuthering Heights" vibe. (Also passed another of those little stations where local farmers put their cheese for sale and you just grab some and leave money on the honor system.)Read more

  • Day 4

    Interlaken Bound

    September 17, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

    This morning we said goodbye to Lucerne and the first leg of our mini tour of Switzerland came to a close. Our home for the next 4 days will be Interlaken, a traditional resort town in the mountainous Bernese Oberland region of central Switzerland, built on a narrow stretch of valley, between Lake Thun and Lake Brienz (hence the imaginative name).

    The journey from Lucerne to Interlaken was just stunning, as the train threaded its way through narrow valleys, hemmed in by steep sided mountains (or tall hills - I didn't check). We crossed green valley floors, watched by herds of cows ringing their bells in greeting, and climbed gradients I didn't think possible for a train. At times the track bed was blasted into the side of the mountain, such that we seemed to cling precariously close to the edge. Our route took us past several lakes, which as result of the mineral content of the glacier melt water that feeds them are beautiful shades of bluish green (my description) or depending on the light are emerald, turquoise or azure (Jackie's description).

    As I gazed out of the panoramic window from our seats in First Class, my eye caught the Co-op bag with the 2 croissants we had bought for the journey. Two pastries and a bottle of water for £4.30 - definitely got to be cheaper than the food on board. You can take the boy out of Lanarkshire but you can't take Lanarkshire out of the boy.

    The Swiss Railways seem to be run on trust, at least on a local level. We dutifully purchased our tickets for each journey made, however with no barrier checks at platforms or inspection on the train, I did wonder if fare dodging was a thing. There was a notice posted on the wall warning of a 100 CHF fine for travelling without a valid ticket, so I suppose it must be. We did have our tickets and half-fare entitlement checked on both intercity trains for our journeys to Lucerne and Interlaken.

    Remaining on the theme of public transport, the bus was waiting at the train station for our arrival and brought us swiftly to the Neuhaus Golf and Strand Hotel. Transportation hubs certainly make tourist travel simple and stress free. Our hotel is quite different from the one we have just left, and is directly on the shore of Lake Thun, with nothing much else around. Our room is a good size and comfortable, with a balcony overlooking the lake. At the time of writing Jackie is sitting on said balcony, with a glass of wine in her hand and a big grin on her face. In between talking about Heidi, she keeps saying "I love it I love it". When Mrs Y is happy, I am happy.....
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