Islas Malvinas
Weir Creek

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    • Día 223

      Falkland Islands

      15 de diciembre de 2017, Islas Malvinas ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

      Even though we’re traveling on a luxurious ship with all the comforts you can imagine (champagne, sir?), this first stop on our trip helped us to quickly remember we’re in a very remote part of the world that few people will ever have the opportunity to see. The crazy part is that we still have a very long way to go to get somewhat close to where the early (and current) explorers and researchers traveled to document and preserve this incredible part of the world.
      Once we were cleared to get off the ship (very strict bio-security measures), we jumped into Land Rovers driven by locals over dense, spongy peat fields to visit a rock-hopper penguin colony. After hanging out with the penguins for an hour or so, we headed back to the capital, Port Stanley. We walked the main street and visited the very impressive museum that included a great exhibit presenting a local viewpoint of the short occupation and brutal war with Argentina in ’82. Before returning to the ship to begin 2 days of sailing to South Georgia we stopped in one of the pubs to enjoy a local pint.
      This is an amazing, unique, wind-swept group of islands, with a population of just 3,000 people. A beautiful and remote place.
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