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  • Hari 12


    20 Juni 2023, Inggris ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Day 11:
    Distance: 42.20 km (393.97km)
    Steps: 59,917 (563,433)
    Move time: 9h28 (90h09)
    Spend: £22.78 (£72.42)

    Y'know, at about 8 pm, I had exactly how today's post would go already written out in my head; something along the lines of 'Some days everything just comes together. The walking feels easy, you get to see a part of the world you've not explored before, and there's even time to get drunk.' But obviously, life never is that easy, and with the golden light ebbing away beneath the horizon, I still hadn't found a place to pitch up for the night. I had been eyeing up Hastings Country Park on the map, but upon ascending to its entrance, I saw its strict byelaws on wildcamping. Now, in reality, I'd probably have been fine, but personally, I'm still even now cautious about where I choose to call home for the night. And so, I pushed on in spite of numbing foot pain until after dark where I've settled for a spot just beyond Fairlight. With a trip like this, and like anything in life, the only inevitability is that things will always go at least a bit wrong, and every single day. It's never about how many times you fall, but always about how many times you pick yourself back up. Every day without failure, I have periods of undeniable determination where I'm convinced I'll make it the entire way, and other periods in the very same day where I feel I can barely take a single step more (and it's only day 11!). But it's pushing your limits and proving yourself wrong that's part of the addiction.Baca selengkapnya