Around the UK in Bertha

februar - mars 2023
Away in our campervan to attend the Destinations Show, catch up with family, and explore more of Cornwall and beyond! Les mer
  • 111fotspor
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  • 49dager
  • 937bilder
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  • 1,9kmiles
  • Dag 1

    First stop, London!

    2. februar 2023, England

    After just 48 hours at home, we are off again!

    We got back to Skegvegas from Gatwick on Monday afternoon and went straight to the storage facility to pick Bertha up. She started first time!! We then spent Tuesday and Wednesday sorting her out, getting everything loaded that we need for the next seven weeks, doing the laundry, etc. We also found time to go to the Loewen to see A Man Called Otto starring Tom Hanks - a lovely film!

    With everything done, we set off at just after 9 this morning. We had a good run down to London with no hold ups, arriving at Abbey Wood caravan site at about 1.45pm. We checked in for five nights and went to fill up with water before choosing a pitch. It was then that we realised we had left the keys for the water tank at home! Mark had to break the cap off to put water in!

    Never mind, we chose a pitch, got set up and went for a walk around the site. We have stayed here before but it was a good few years ago when we had the motorhome. We spotted some interesting units - especially a truck with a full garden on the tailgate! 😂

    Later, we went to prep dinner and only then realised that the water pump wasn't working!! The problem wasn't obvious so we had to manage without running water! The joys of camping!! We had brought a cooked chicken with us which we had with new potatoes 🥔 and salad 🥗. We enjoyed an evening watching TV. Despite the problems, Bertha is looking really good and she is very comfortable to stay in. Bring on the next few weeks!
    Les mer

  • Dag 2

    The Destinations Show, Olympia

    3. februar 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    Neither of us slept particularly well - it's always the same on the first night in the van. We were up by 7.15am and had bacon rolls before setting off to walk to Abbey Wood station 🚉 . There was a national rail strike today but the Tube was unaffected. The journey to Olympia involved 3 tubes and a bus 🚍 ! Luckily, it all went smoothly!

    Before we gave up our normal lives in the UK, we used to go to the Destinations Show every year. We always loved the speakers and presentations. It was where we first saw a presentation about Tobago years before we actually went there. It was also where we first heard about overlanding and sat on a Dragoman truck to listen to a talk by Charlie, the founder of the company. It was probably 8 or 9 years later that we went on our first trip with them, but since then, we haven't looked back!! It's a few years now since we last visited the show, not least because it hasn't happened for the last couple of years because of the pandemic.

    So, we were very excited to attend the show today. It was much smaller than in previous years, but we still had an amazing day!

    We started with a presentation by Valentina Harris on South African food. She made bobotie and chakkalakka. We got to taste both - they were absolutely delicious!

    We then visited a few stands and spoke to some really interesting people. We concentrated on the African stands and picked up plenty of useful information and maps. We also went to the Intrepid stand and booked an extension to our Africa trip to include the Masai Mara. Too exciting!! While we were there, we bumped into Yuku who was on the West Africa trip with us a few years ago! It's a very small world!! 😀

    We went to listen to Simon Calder doing a Q and A. He's so knowledgeable about everything to do with travel - and really entertaining, too 😀.

    During the afternoon, we also listened to talks on travel photography and the Okavango Delta which we will visit later in the year. It looks incredible! We are now even more excited about our African adventure!

    Getting back to the campsite was a bit of a mission due to tube delays but we got there in the end! We had chicken and mushroom 🍄 pesto pasta for dinner - easy and delicious!
    Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Lift 109 at Battersea Power Station

    4. februar 2023, England

    We were up very early again as we had a 10am booking for Lift 109 at Battersea Power Station. This is London's newest attraction. We had to go the first opportunity we had, given the fact that Mark worked at Battersea workshops in his Thames Water days. The view from his bench was of the side wall of the power station! By the time he worked there, the power station was decommissioned so he was interested to see what they've done with it.

    The first difference was that there is now a Battersea Power Station tube station 🚉. It has been built to service the thousands of new apartments that have sprung up around the site, as well as all the shops, restaurants, and other businesses that now occupy the power station itself. They have developed the building sympathetically, preserving as much of the industrial 🏭 heritage as they could. The result is an interesting place to visit.

    They have installed Lift 109 in one of the power station's chimneys. It's a great experience to go up in it. Once at the top, you are rewarded with 360 degree views of London - spectacular even on a cloudy, dull day. It wasn't cheap - about £25 each - but we both thought it was worth doing.

    The only downer for me was that I managed to fall over! I went my full length, hurting my knee, hip, and hands in the process! I really need to watch where I'm going!!

    Attached to this footprint are photos of the new surroundings of the power station including a couple of art installations. Interior shots and views from the top will follow in subsequent footprints 👣.
    Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Stanfords Bookshop, Covent Garden

    4. februar 2023, England ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    We explored a little along the river front at Battersea. It has changed immeasurably since Mark worked there in the 80s!

    We then caught the tube to Leicester Square and walked up to Covent Garden. I wanted to go to Stanfords travel bookshop to buy a map to take with us on our Africa trip. I absolutely love that shop!! We found a suitable map and I resisted the temptation to buy anything else! 😂Les mer

  • Dag 3

    A mooch around Covent Garden

    4. februar 2023, England

    From Stanfords, we walked up to Covent Garden and popped into the Nag's Head, ostensibly to use the loo, but we had to have a quick cider while we were there!

    We also walked around the craft market and paused to watch some of the street performers - one of my favourite activities whenever I'm in London.Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Mandela at The Young Vic

    4. februar 2023, England

    From Covent Garden, we caught the bus for the short journey to the Young Vic. I think it's our first visit to this London theatre. We were there to see Mandela, a new musical starring Michael Luwoye who recently starred in Hamilton on Broadway.

    We had used theatre tokens bought for us for Christmas by Lesley and Paul.

    We didn't really know what to expect but we were blown away! What an incredible production! Mandela's story was told in such a powerful and moving way through exceptional performances, fabulous music 🎶, and stunning dance. I was moved to tears more than once!! 😀
    Les mer

  • Dag 4

    A second visit to the Destinations Show

    5. februar 2023, England

    I returned to the Destinations Show today. There were two talks I particularly wanted to listen to. Mark wasn't very well (some kind of stomach bug) so I went on my own.

    The first presentation was by Alex Bescoby. He recently completed 'The Last Overland', a recreation of 'The First Overland', a 1955 journey by Land Rover from London to Singapore. It was a fascinating talk - despite all the tech problems! 😂 Later, back at the van, we watched the first part of the 4-part Channel 4 documentary series he made after doing the trip.

    The second session was by Ash Bhardwaj, friend and colleague of Levison Wood. He was talking about a trip he did along the India 🇮🇳 / Pakistan 🇵🇰 border - another inspiring presentation.

    When I changed buses in Greenwich on the way back to Abbey Wood, there was a lovely sunset over the city skyline.
    Les mer

  • Dag 10

    Catching up with friends and family

    11. februar 2023, England

    We have spent the past few days catching up with friends and family 👪.

    On Monday, I went on my own to see Janet and Frank as Mark still wasn't well. Cheryl brought Mick to join us for dinner. It was lovely to see them all, and Cheryl was kind enough to drop me back at Abbey Wood afterwards.

    The following day, we checked out of the campsite and drove to Gill and Paul's. On the way, we called at Auntie June's for lunch. We waited for Karen to bring Michael round after school and for Anthony to finish work. I think Michael was 5 when we last saw him! He's now 11 and Anthony's mini-me!! 😀

    We've been staying at Gill and Paul's ever since. It's been lovely just to relax and not do much. We did go to the Dabbling Duck at Shere on Wednesday to meet up with Aine, our friend we met whilst overlanding through Ethiopia 🇪🇹. We last saw her early in 2019. Since then, she's had a little boy. He's now three and a half and will be starting school in September! Time flies!!

    This evening, we went to Farnham on the train 🚆 and had dinner in The Castle. No photographic evidence exists of any of this! I just have this photo 📸 of the lovely decor at The Castle 😀
    Les mer