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  • Day 16

    Day 16. Skerray to John O' Groats

    December 3, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

    Today we woke up to our coldest night yet - 7, not surprising as we are not far from the place where the lowest ever temp has been recorded in the UK. Mad to think weather has been this cold at home. All the tanks frooze overnight , luckily we carry water on board and got a heater we can use to defrost the tank when driving. It was - 3 when we left around lunchtime after giving Maddy a very quick run, luckily the Scottish are set up for winter and all the roads were gritted and safe with only a couple of patches of black ice. We headed along the top coast and although still pleasant scenary, definitely not as nice as the previous few days. So we decided to drive all the way to John o Groats as it was too cold to do anything today also. Along the way we saw some crazy blokes heading out with surfboards. We also stopped at a Nuclear power station to have a quick look from a viewpoint, not to exciting 😂. You can go for a walk along the beach but apparently it's radioactive so we gave that a miss... We stopped at Thurso to restock food and fuel and found a Lidl... So we went abit mad and struggled to fit all the food into the van😂. We stopped at Castle Of Mey, which was the Queens mothers house which was beautiful but sadly closed. We then drove onto John o Groats campsite as tonight is the night for our every 5 day shower.. We do however stay very clean with flannels washes everyday. This is quite a posh campsite but right next to the John o Groats sign.. Its expensive at £32.50 but looking forward to a good shower and plugging in for the night to restock batteries 🤓🤓.Read more