Hadrians Wall 2023

августа 2023 - июня 2024
I’m leading a group of ten ladies across a whole country! 84 miles from coast to coast on the iconic Hadrians Wall Path. Читать далее
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  • День 1


    2 августа 2023 г., Англия ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    The one with the rain, the funny dog cage and £2k for charity.

    📌 Location: Wallsend to Heddon on The Wall
    🥾 Distance: 16.2 miles
    ☀️ Weather: Drizzily all day.
    ⛑️ Health: Everyone is tired but in good spirits. No health issues.
    🏨 Hotel: Last night we stayed at The Leonardo Hotel. Fab rooms with super comfy beds and the breakfast was awesome!

    A long day but we made it to our final destination by 3.50pm. We stopped numerous times, took loads of photos and the group mainly stayed together. We’ve laughed, danced in the rain and enjoyed the day. Let’s hope everyone sleeps well tonight so we can do it all again tomorrow.


    🌄 5.50am - Off I went in the cool morning air and the loud seagulls screaming as I passed by the Baltic Flour Mill thingy. I walked about 1.5 miles along the Tyne River and then on my way back I found a cheeky geocache (it would be rude not too!). My morning photo challenge ✅ and some me time in the bank. I’m feeling ready for the day ahead. Let’s get this sh*t done! (I hear Pat saying!)

    🍳 7.22am - Went down for breakfast and was approached by a very stressed looking Viv. “Lynne has lost her bum bag. It has everything inside it from money to cards, ID etc”. Lynne approached and looked rather panic stricken. “We will find it” I tried to reassure her. “It can’t be far”. Viv said that Katie and Lou had just left breakfast and perhaps they picked it up in error. Phew! A quick phone call and we found it! All is ok in the world. For breakfast I had a fry-up, coffee, followed by a muffin and a chocolate pastry thing.

    🧘 8.05am - Stretching fun in the bar of the hotel. Squeeze those glutes ! Lovely! Thanks Lou.

    🚕 8.15am - Walkers briefing and then the taxis turned up. We hop in the taxis. Two very happy Geordies, one very grumpy, Geordie. 😂

    ☔️ 9 o’clock - Photos taken at Segendunum Fort. A few people saw the museum etc yesterday and got their stamp in Hadrians Wall passport. We took the obligatory group photo, in the rain!

    🌧️ As we start the hike I start singing songs about rain. Others join in and we have all sorts of “rain” songs. Ie: It’s raining men, singing in the rain, the sun will come out tomorrow….

    🌸 918am - Have you seen these? Asks Lynne? We call them “Mary Mary, pop out of bed”. They are little white flowers. “Oh” says Sue, “we call these Grandmother, Grandmother jump out of bed”.

    ❗️ 936 am - Sue is now reliving her childhood and gets excited when she sees Snowberries. “This takes me back” she shrieked, then subsequently put the berries under her foot and they made a popping sound.

    🤩 10:02 am OMG! I couldn’t resist the rope swing in the woods but in hindsight I should not have had a go! (See video).

    ❗️ 1002 am - “check out the Dalec” we follow Sue’s pointy finger and sure enough, there is a dalec in the garden with a sign on the gate reading “No trespassing. Violators will be exterminated”’ 😂

    🐕 1024 am - We see a massive Great Dane whom is taking his owner for a walk. It’s quite humorous as the dog was bigger than she was!

    🚴 10.32 am - 4.5 miles done. It’s really raining now and we have a sea of ponchos on the trail! The Cycle Club is looming ahead. We stop for a welcome break from the elements and enjoy hot drinks and a loo stop.

    💰 12:05 pm - Just met a dad and a son and they’re raising money raising for The Great North Ambulance. The young lad was only 10 years old and they’ve done Hadrian‘s wall in four days. How brilliant is that? They raised over £2k so far.

    🥾 12:38 pm - Checkpoint. Five of us checked in at the sculpture on the roundabout. 9 miles walked and it’s still raining. Five minutes later and the rest of the group check in as well. We are all walking at a similar pace which is great!

    🥛 1306 pm “What is that woman carrying?” I asked Andrea. She smiles and says “I’ve no idea but she probably went in to Lidl for milk and walked out with a laundry basket” lol. As the woman got closer we couldn’t help but howl with laughter as she had a brand new dog crate in one hand and four pint carton of milk in the other! Lol 😂

    🍺 1335hrs - Yey! A pub! We couldn’t resist! The Boatman pub was a welcome break from the rain.

    ☀️ As we exited the pub the sun came out and the rain stopped. The next four miles were really lively as we had now turned away from the River Tyne and headed up a steep incline to Heddon on The Wall.

    🤩 4pm - We receive a warm welcome from Paula at Houghton Farm. She reminds me of “Ma” from The Darling Buds of May. She supplied tea, coffee and free biscuits. We have the whole farmhouse to ourselves which is amazeballs.

    Tonight we have a meal booked at The Swan Pub but for now I’m signing out.

    See you tomorrow.
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  • День 2


    3 августа 2023 г., Англия ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    The one with sunshine, entertaining teachers and a trail angel.

    📌 Location: Heddon on The Wall to Cholllerford
    🥾 Distance: 16.5 miles
    ☀️ Weather: Perfect walking weather. Cool breeze, no rain and even a sprinkling of sunshine!
    ⛑️ Health: All good. One blister on the group. Tired but happy customers.
    🏨 Hotel: Our lovely host, Paula was just delightful. She made us all breakfast and chatted and looked after us like a mother hen. I slept like a log and the beds were super comfy and everywhere was spotless. I couldn’t recommend Houghton North Farm enough (group bookings only).

    We saw the weather and sighed. Thunderstorms, heavy winds and simply miserable…. But, they were wrong! It turned out o be perfect hiking weather. We’ve had such a good day with lots of stops and laughs. A long day but so worth it!


    🍌 8 o’clock - We start the day with an awesome breakfast of fruit, cereal, fresh coffee and egg & bacon baps. We had the place to ourselves and it was a real home from home.

    📸 8:30 am - Walkers briefing and we’re off. First stop is a slice of the wall in Heddon. Obligatory photos taken and then our walk for the day commences.

    🤕 9:29 am - We meet Debby& Anne again from yesterday and Debby has terrible blisters. Lou to the rescue with blister treatment. Debby also has issues with her hips. I can instantly see that her pack is way too heavy and from experience I know that she is going to struggle unless she can lower her pack weight. Her friend Anne, just raises her eyebrows and moans about how slow Debby is. Um… I wonder how long they have known each other?

    ☀️ 9:39 am - The sun is shining!! It’s gorgeous out here and that’s all thanks to Viv because she got dive bombed by a seagull yesterday that popped all over her!! There was enough seagull poop to warrant luck on the trail for at least four days! Thanks for taking one for the team Viv!

    ☕️ 11.30am - We are seven miles in and we reach Robin Hood Pub. Here we all stop for a cuppa, collect a stamp in our passports and make the most of the facilities. We were well looked after by the owners who delivered hot drinks in record time.

    📷 1321 pm - We are approaching a rather special section of the trail which I know has amazing views. I explain to the group of five ladies that we need to take some photos here as it’s stunning. Lynne turns to Viv and whispered (although I could hear her) the letters “SMP”. Viv looked confused and said “what?”. Lynne nudged her “you know… SMP!”. There was some sort of secret code going on so I left them discussing SMP as we reached a high point on the trail. Lynne then looked at me and said “Ju, we need an SMP!”. I was none the wiser until she explained that an SMP was a Standard Mountain Pose. Ah! So they all posed for pointy view point photos which was great. I’m sure we will have many more SMP moments on this trip!

    🥪 13:50 - Yey! 11.4 miles in and we have reached the Errington Arms (an old pub which is now a very nice cafe). It’s very busy but all 10 of us are here for a well deserved break. Food and drinks are ordered. I’m sitting outside and for the first time ever I discover I have hikers rash. It’s not itchy but it doesn’t look pretty. I remove my waterproof socks and let my feet air. Hopefully this will help.

    ⛑️ We wave to Debby & Ann (the people we saw this morning). Ann is marching ahead and Debby is limping like a wounded soldier. They didn’t stop for a break. They also didn’t stop at Robin Hoods Inn either. I hope they are taking breaks elsewhere in the trail.

    💬 There is a fair amount of road walking today but there is also some stunning scenery, forest trails and slices of the wall to keep us occupied. Not to forget the humorous and riveting conversations that us ladies have!

    👩‍⚕️ 16.25 - After numerous fields and stiles to cross (ladder stiles are fun!), we reach a big slice of Hadrians Wall. Here we say hi to a bunch of teachers from all over the world. The history teacher takes one look at Rachaels shorts and asks if she was a football player! She says “no, try again”. He then looks at her calf length compression socks that have hearts and other medical symbols on them and he says “I know! You are all nurses”. Ironically, Rachael is actually a teacher as well which made everyone laugh. We take a photo together and then carry on our merry way.

    A group of four (Andrea, Rachael, Viv & Lynne) take the road to walk to Wall in the search of Roman penis’s that have been carved into the wall. Needless to say they couldn’t find them! 😂

    🏨 16.35 - We made it to The George Hotel. It’s a rather tired looking hotel, but it does have a spa and a swimming pool!

    👼 5.10pm - In walk Debby and Ann. They both look very fed up. Debby can hardly walk. They had missed their bus to Hexham and the next bus is not until 7.50pm! They have accommodation in Hexham so they need to be there tonight but Debby is not capable of walking another 5 miles today. As Debby and I chat in reception, Ann goes into the bar to order something alcoholic. “We’ve not had one break all day.” She says, looking extremely upset. A kind lady who worked at the hotel overheard our conversation and said “I can take you both to Hexham, can you be ready in 10 mins?”. Debby looked so happy. “Are you for real?” She asked. “ I’ve just finished my shift and I live that way” she replied “it’s not a problem”. How cool is that? There are more good people in this world than bad!!

    🍕 Tonight we are all doing our own thing. So I’m currently chilled out in my room after having a long soak in the bath. I’m eating hot pizza and enjoying a glass of wine with a good book… after writing up this blog!

    Thanks for listening to my rambles.

    See you all tomorrow.
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  • День 3


    4 августа 2023 г., Англия ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    The one with the axe murderer, law breaking walkers and a funny coffee guy!

    📌 Location: Chollerford to Twice Brewed.
    🥾 Distance: 13 miles
    ☀️ Weather: Perfect! Mainly overcast with a sprinkling of rain, but then the sun came out. There was no rain and it was just perfect.
    ⛑️ Health: All good. A few aches and pains but nothing a hot bath and a rest won’t fix.
    🏨 Hotel: I was a bit worried about the hotel as we kept hearing from other hikers how terrible the food was and how awful the hotel was, but The George didn’t disappoint. I slept like a log, it was clean and the food was excellent.

    Today was amazeballs! I always love day three on this trail and today didn’t let me down. PUDS (pointless ups and downs), stunning views (we saw Scotland), Housesteads, loads of opportunities to take photos of The Wall, the famous Sycamore Gap, The Sill and a brilliant hotel to top it off. I was so proud of my group who overcame some fears with heights. What a great day. (Oh… and the sun was shining!)


    🧢 We all met up for breakfast and heard tales of the evening before. Ann & Sue had gone for dinner with relatives. Rachael made me howl with laughter as she told the story of trying to find Andreas room last night. She was wandering up and down the corridor saying “Andrea, are you here?” Then she spotted a navy blue baseball cap hanging on the outside of one room. Oh, er! Thought Rachael, someone is in for a good time tonight! Then the door opened and Andrea popped her head out! 😂 She swore she didn’t know whose cap it was!

    🥪 8.30am - We met in the lobby for a quick briefing then headed over the road to the Riverside Kitchen to collect a packed lunch for the day. Wow! You should have seen the sizes of the sarnies.

    🥾 9am - And we are off!

    ⭕️ 915 am - Just a short walk down the main road and it’s “stamp time”. at a Roman fort called Chester House.

    🤩 930 am - A group of young kids are hiking Hadrian‘s Wall and approaching us from the opposite direction. Our group make an arch of walking poles and the kids dance through the arch. The grown up was filming it and said thanks to us as he also ducked under the arch. The last kid looked at me and said “I needed that!” 😂.

    🇦🇺 9:54 As the walk continues down a narrow lane we catch up with a lady from Australia who is also walking the trail. Her name is Debbie and she tells us how she had a panic attack yesterday when she was surrounded by cows in a field. Everyone automatically mothered her and within minutes she was welcomed into our group and became one of the team.

    🥾 10:22 am - Debbie had not seen a stile or a kissing gate before. It’s strange the things we take for granted.

    👁️ 10:32 am - So, if you have seen the Robson Green programme on Hadrians Wall then you may remember him finding lots of penis shaped etchings in the wall. Apparently the romans did this to show their manhood. Anyway, we’ve been looking for these penis carvings for the last two days and today we found one… well, sort of. We are not 100% sure but it was definitely penis shaped! 😂

    🤩 11am - We work our way up to a trig point (This viewpoint marks the northernmost point of the Roman Empire) and the views are spectacular. As we admire the peaks in the distance (Scotland, apparently) the 122AD bus trundles by behind us.

    ☕️ 1126 am - As we reached the next fort (Brocolitia) we decided to have a coffee from Jeff. He has a coffee machine in the back of his little van. It was a good break and perfect timing. Andrea was munching on an apple and asked Jeff “can I put this in your bin please?”. He has a weird sense of humour and responded with “no” then held his hand out and said “but give it here”. Confused by his answer she passed the apple core to him and then he lobbed it into the field for the sheep!

    🪓 1257 pm - It’s now raining and ponchos and rain jackets are deployed. The trail takes a turn off the exposed ridge and into a little wooded area. It weaves past an old derelict farmhouse and then we see an axe stuck in a tree. “Where is the axe murderer?” Says Lynne. With the dark grey skies, rain, crumbling old barns and dark woods, it did feel like something out of a horror film!

    🏔️ 1320 This is it! The PUDS are very visible now. A PUD is a Pointless Up and Down. I love this section of the trail. For me, the PUDS is what makes it such an interesting walk. We pass many mile castles and turrets followed by lots of sections of Hadrians Wall. You can really visualise the soldiers protecting the land and demanding taxes from days gone by.

    🐑 2.15pm - Ann, Sue & Pam had already left Housesteads Roman Fort as Lynne & I arrived. Everyone else was still behind us. Lynne grabs her stamp whilst I get my little chair and camping cooker out. I make a hot coffee and enjoy my sarnie as Lynne joins me and then sits in sheep poo. 😂

    😞 15 minutes later Lynne receives a phone call from Viv. Lynne stands up and can see our little group of five wondering around the fort ruins looking a bit lost. “How on earth did they get in there?” I asked Lynne? She shrugs her shoulders. We then see four National Trust officials coming out of the shop and pointing up to the ruins. One of them starts walking up the hill shaking his head. “Oh no” I say to Lynne, “I hope he is not going to tell our guys off for being in the fort without paying”. As he approached the fort they were trying to climb over another wall. Andrea wearing a bright fluorescent t-shirt probably didn’t help their cause! 😂. The official guide reached them and asked them how they got in. “We were looking for the stamp” says Viv. “We have National Trust cards” says Lou. He points them in the right direction of how to get out of the ruins and they were not arrested! 😂

    🌳 3.50 pm - There it is! The famous tree and for me, the highlight of the whole trip… Sycamore Gap. The sun is shining, there is no wind and the tree is absolutely beautiful. It’s framed by sections of Hadrians Wall and is stunning. Lynne and Viv take off their t-shirts and quickly deploy their “Stars Charity” t-shirts. Photos taken and hi-fives given. It was a magical moment.

    🥾 4:10 pm, At sycamore gap we have an option. Take the low road to the hotel, or continue on Hadrians Wall along the high road which has a few more PUDS and then a very steep descent. A few were wavering but after a bit of encouragement we all decided to continue on the trail.

    ⛰️ 4.40 - The PUDS were not that bad and then we reached the final descent which is very steep. Andrea passes me her poles and we begin to make our way down this section very slowly. But even though some were afraid of heights, they all did it! We reached the bottom and gave high fives all around. I then asked them to turn around and look at where they had just come from. What an achievement.

    🏨 5.11 - Twice Brewed Inn! We
    Made it. The sun is still shining and the rooms here are super comfortable. We all sit down for dinner after a hot bath and a change of clothes. It’s become a tradition to do a round robin with todays “Roses and Thorns”. I love this tradition as people share their stories of the day. We did laugh as we learned that Pam nearly killed Sue with her walking poles!

    Another day done and everyone is still in good spirits.

    See you tomorrow and thanks for listening to my rambles.
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  • День 4

    Day 4 - Hadrians Wall

    5 августа 2023 г., Англия ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    The one with a ram with attitude, a castle and a gorgeous cream tea!

    📌 Location: Twice Brewed to Birdoswald
    🥾 Distance: 12 miles
    ☀️ Weather: Not too bad. It drizzled on and off all day but no heavy rain and pockets of sunshine.
    ⛑️ Health: All good. People have their trail legs now. No blisters or shin splints which is usually the issue by day 4.
    🏨 Hotel: The Twice Brewed Inn is the best hotel on Hadrians Wall. Comfy beds, excellent food, a good bar and fabulous customer service. The breakfast is also outstanding. Saying that, they did have problems with their gas tank this evening and therefore we had no hot water for showers or a bath tonight. (Complimentary drinks were offered at dinner).

    Listening to everyone’s “Roses and Thorns” at dinner made me smile. Even though it was a damp day everyone had more “roses” about their day than thorns. From meeting a guy who carried a Roman flag all across the country, to the PUDS. Everyone had a great day.


    🧘‍♀️ 850 am - Stretches in the bar area, led by Lou and then a quick briefing.

    ☁️ 9 am - It’s been raining all night but as soon as we step outside to start the walk it stops. Phew!

    🥾 915 am - Yey! Not long in to the hike and we meet the halfway stage of the trail. Can you believe we’ve walked half way across the UK!

    ☔️ 930 am - and the rain came! I have my rain jacket and my umbrella up. Thanks fully we have very little wind.

    ⛰️ These PUDS are steep and very slippery today. I’m walking with the front runners Sue, Ann and Pam. Ann is descending a PUD and slips onto her rear end. I’m concerned for people’s safety and I really don’t want any broken bones on this trip so I send them off to the left to take the Roman Military Road. This cuts out the dangerous section. I wait for the rest of the gang and lead them the same way.

    🐮 1023 am - Katie didn’t know that I was right behind her. It’s now raining quite heavy and people are slipping on wet grass. She screams at the top of her voice “Cowpat”. It was so loud that I nearly trod in the cowpat out of fright! From then on we had a giggle shouting “dog poo”, “sheep shit” 😂 (you had to be there moment).

    🚻 10.59 am - There are two quarry’s on todays walk and we reach the first one. A little truck is selling hot drinks and we also have toilets here. It’s been drizzling on and off but now it’s quite heavy rain, so out comes my poncho, over my rain jacket.

    🌲 1130 am - A group of young army cadets march by us in the woods. They are all laughing and very polite. There must have been at least 20 of them and they were all smiling (even in the rain).

    ☕️ 1pm - Yey! We made it to the second quarry (Walltown) where we had a break from the elements and enjoyed a sarnie, ice cream and hot drinks. At this quarry they have Hadrians Wall stamps so you can stamp your whole passport, which some people did. Other purchased “I walked the wall”’ t-shirts.

    🏰 2pm - The rain has now stopped and we are back to t-shirts. The rain gear has been on and off all day. We stop to admire Thirlwall Castle and Rachael finds her first geocache.!

    🐑 2.40 am - I’ve lost count of how many ladder stiles we’ve clambered over today. I find myself in a field with lots of sheep. One big black and white one wouldn’t move from the path and was giving me “the look”. He (it was a ram!) then started walking towards me at quite a pace! I had to use my walking pole and shout a lot to keep him away from me. Yep, this sheep had attitude!!

    🍰 3pm - As we made it to Gilsland The owner of Megs Coffee House was putting the signs up saying “cafe closed”. Looking through the window we could see Sue, Ann and Pam (all with big slices of cake and coffee!). They waved and we carried in. Our final destination is about 1.5 miles from here so we will grab a coffee there instead.

    This section of trail is wonderful. You see loads of The Wall, mile castles and old Roman forts.

    🧁 3.50 pm - Made it! I delved into a warm cream tea with blackcurrant jam. It was a slice of heaven. Yum! Everyone else arrived shortly afterwards.

    🚌 5.30 pm - Our mini bus collected us and Lesley the driver drove 10 chatting ladies back to our hotel.

    We have the penultimate day tomorrow and the weather is looking ok. For now, I’m making the most of the hotels drying room and cozy bed.

    Night night
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  • День 5


    6 августа 2023 г., Англия ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    The one with the impromptu singalong, a car accident and hot water!

    📌 Location: Birdoswald to Carlisle
    🥾 Distance: 18 miles
    ☀️ Weather: Dry and warm all day (bit overcast, so perfect walking weather).
    ⛑️ Health: Everyone is now feeling a little bit sore and tired, but so far, we have zero injuries (or that anyone is admitting too!).
    🏨 Hotel: The Station Hotel in Carlisle is a little bit tired, but the staff are amazing and really can’t do enough to help.

    Today has been a day filled with honesty sheds, gorgeous farmland and lots of livestock (including a field full of baby cows). It was a long day, but also a fairly cruise day which has been flat in most places.


    7.30am - I popped out with Ann to find a geocache that is hidden in the grounds of the Twice Brewed Pub. I was located in the middle of an old beer barrel on top of a small hill. A good way to start the day.

    8am - Breakfast was amazing, although the hotel still had no gas, so there were no hot showers and some of the cooked breakfast was limited. Twice Brewed has the biggest selection of fruit ever. They even had a huge bowl of fresh blackberries and the porridge is cooked just right (said the middle bear!).

    8.30am - Scott, our mini-bus driver collects us and we are on our way to Birdoswald. There is an impromptu singalong on the bus… the wheels on the bus go round and round. Everyone seems in good spirits this morning.

    9 o’clock and we’re off

    935am - The walk takes us alongside The Wall for quite a way this morning, but if I am honest,, the novelty of seeing Hadrian’s Wall and the mile castles is beginning to wear off. I stopped taking photos of each turret and fort and just looked at the pictures. The sun is out and everyone is in t-shirts today which is great.

    The discussion in the group turns to new words that the kids are using nowadays. Andrea talks about Epicwow! Which becomes a word we use a lot over the next few hours! We arrive in a dark wood and various ladies scoot off to have a “wild wee”. We then stumble upon an honesty shed that is stocked with ice-creams, a kettle, pot noodles, hot drinks etc.

    10:08am We reach Banks noise in the background. My god, that donkey sounds in pain!

    1039 am - I am now with the front group of walkers (Pam, Ann & Sue) as they reach another honesty shed. This one has a little box of notes where you can write a message and then pin it to the inside of the shed. People have written all sorts of messages and it makes for good reading. I walk with the three ladies until we reach the small village of Walton.

    11.30am -We made it to the Reading Room / Teashop in Walton and I order a scone with jam and a cup of tea. I need this! A man comes into the tearoom asking if there is anyone inside with a black mini. The young girl behind the counter (about 20 years old) said “yes, that’s my car”. She looked worried as the man explained that his wife was outside and she forgot to put the handbrake on, and their car had crashed into the mini. The young girl was very upset and went to see the damage. Meanwhile, I devoured a homemade scone, whilst everyone else had a slice of cake and coffee.

    1247pm - I will wait here until the last person in the group has arrived and then I will make a move. Lou & Katie arrived next and ordered coffee. Just as they were leaving the “fab four”, which is Andrea, Viv, Lynne & Rachael arrived (actually, you could hear them before seeing them as they are so full of energy and chit chat, it’s a delight to walk with them). I sat with them for a while and then made a move. I have been here for over an hour now and I need to get going. I like walking in-between the groups as I then know where everyone is.

    There was not much that happened for the rest of the day, it was just one foot in front of the other. I caught up with Lou & Katie as they had stopped for lunch in a beautiful spot. I then caught up with the front runners and walked all the way to Carlisle with them. We did pop into The Stag pub for a quick drink, and we said hello to the alpacas on a campsite which was super cute.

    5.30pm - Touchdown! As I reached the hotel it was full of scaffolding outside which made my heart sink. Inside, everything was fine and the rooms are clean, and more importantly, they have hot running water and we all have an actual bath in our rooms!

    Most of the group go out for an Indian meal, and I enjoy a long soak in the bath and a film.

    Tomorrow is out last day and we would have walked across a whole country.
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