
juli 2017
Et 8-dagers eventyr av LouisaJames Les mer
  • 3fotspor
  • 1land
  • 8dager
  • 17bilder
  • 0videoer
  • 48miles
  • Dag 1


    9. juli 2017, Rwanda ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Yesterday we had a beautiful journey here, crossing the boarder from Uganda to Rwanda with the Congo boarder also very close by. The road was twisted and turned through more terraced hillsides and views of large old volcanoes in the distance(one was 4500m). We had the roof at the front open (which is called the beach) as we drove along the quiet roads so enjoyed the views all the more while kneeling as we went. Tourism has recently arrived in Rwanda, since the horrific time it had 20 years ago, and is still very poor so we were constantly asked by people for money for 'studying'. They are very polite though once they know you are nit giving them any money or your email address. We all went out for a meal last night, a nice change from camp cooking. Today has been good just to slow down a bit and get some things done.Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Musanza - on the bikes again

    11. juli 2017, Rwanda ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Eight of the group headed out of town for a six hour bike ride. Most were old mountain bikes from the mid 1990's but they did as required. After lots of 'good mornings' and high fives with the children we rode on dirt tracks to two different lakes with islands and beautiful outlooks. It appears that few tourists head through here as we were objects of interest when stopped or riding through villages. After a drink in a little cafe, a few bike stunts from James raised some cheers to keep the crowd happy. After crossing over the lake in a boat with the bikes, a short climb led to a stunning descent with cultivated fields and woodlands. The lung busting final ascent on the road bought us back into town for a well deserved cheese toasty with chips!Les mer

  • Dag 8


    16. juli 2017, Rwanda ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    A long drive day passing through the capital, Kigali, and stopping off at the Kigali Memorial Centre. It honours 250,000 people who were buried here in mass graves after the genocide in 1994. In the 100 days, a million Tutsis and moderate Hutus were butchered by the Interahamwe and army (basically Hutus killing their good friends, neighbours and family members). It seems so wrong that this could be allowed to happen in our recent history, when people had warned it was going to happen. A country that was let down by many European countries and largely the UN.
    Today was our final full day in Rwanda, a country of many surprises. The landscape was the biggest surprise- very hilly, National Parks of forest and volcanoes. Every spare patch of land was farmed, irrigation and terracing covering the hills. Since their new constitution, plastic has been banned, making a big difference to the lack of rubbish. The country has alot of pride, people paid to keep drains clear, trees trimmed... People's drinking water is mainly collected in yellow buckets from the rivers in rural areas and water stand pipes in towns then carried back home. Bikes have more purpose than just riding to get somewhere, they are used to haul water, produce or as a taxi with the passenger sitting on the rack.
    Les mer