After 4 consecutive years, finally, the ITB Berlin took place in 2023 again. During my training to become a travel agent I hadn't had the chance to go to it, so I definitely would go there this year! Baca lagi
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  • Hari 1

    Busy ITB

    7 Mac 2023, Jerman ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

    There I was, spending 3 days in Berlin, as I had decided to visit the biggest Tourism event of the world. It was actual holidays for me, as STA Travel wouldn't grant me these days as business travel. Anyway, I had booked my 3-day-ticket, train and Airbnb accommodation. I was ready.
    I couldn't sleep at all that night and lay awake thinking about Aluna and why she wouldn't eat properly. Then I thought, I could use that time, I just googled the shit out of the topic and finally fell asleep. At 6am, my alarm clock went off, and I told Seb everything, he could possibly use regarding Alunas food for the next three days. As usual, I made myself a coffee to start the day and immediately soaked everything in coffee, as I pushed over my mug. Luckily, I still had my pyjamas on. After cleaning the mess, I made myself and my little luggage ready. Seb brought me to the train station and my stomach was churning again. I could never get used to the awful feeling, leaving my beloved hometown for travelling. As much as I love to travel, I really hate leaving, as short a time it might be for. Getting on the train, I felt way more comfortable and quite enjoyed the ride, doing some laptop work and listening to my favourite songs. At half past 10, I arrived and made my way to the ITB halls. I left my luggage at the wardrobe and started my first ever visit. Immediately, I went into the wrong direction and had to ask for the right ones. But then, I was on my way. And, oh boy, it is really huge. So many stands and people. Thousands in a blink of an eye. My inner introvert was screaming. But I had a mission - to get home with as much information and goodies as possible. So I started strolling around and after around 3 halls and 2 hours I was starving to death. Luckily, I had brought my own sandwich, so that I wouldn't have to spend a fortune on bad food. Although, I have to admit, the food that I saw looked incredibly delicious. I talked to quite a few people, mostly just because I wanted something from their stands (e.g. sweets, postcards or just a tourist map). I couldn't get as many goodies as at the TravelConneXtion in 2018, but still quite some cool ones. In the end, I got a bamboo cutlery set, a beautiful mousepad with lots of animals from Singapore's zoo, a tiny pet giraffe, some very nice jute bags and postcards, and the best thing - for me - was rather unexpected. I walked along the Maldives stands and wasn't paying too much attention, but a lovely, artsy postcard caught my eye, so I stopped for a second. This hesitation was directly used from the man behind the stand, who started talking to me about an honestly amazing new resort in the Maldives. Everything included, from all-day-long food, 20 min water sports, and art classes, to three excursions during your stay. And when he then gave me the most beautiful scarf with one of the post card motifs that I actually wanted to get, I decided that I would sell each and every customer wanting to travel to the Maldives, that hotel (Oaga Resort, if anybody is interested). I was quite happy with my goodies, but I picked up a lot of information material for the travel agency on the way, so my back and feet were killing me. They don't have lots of seating areas, other than where you can get food or talk real business with the stand-people. My way led me to the toilet, where I "chilled out" for quite some time, until the constant flushing was getting on my nerves, and I threw myself back into the masses. When I was feeling already sore to the bones, I finally decided, to cut the day short and find my way back. That was way easier said than done, and I needed at least another 30 mins to find the wardrobe where I stored my luggage. - at the other end of the fair. On my way there, I stumbled upon what looked a bit like a dream to me: A Formula 1 car. In Qatar Airways style. With the Pirelli tires and everything. As a huge F1 fan (currently fangirling on Charles Leclerc), my pain was forgotten, and I dived into the awe. For about three seconds, though, as suddenly a huge mass of people closed in on me and (MY) car, just because they wanted to photograph some stupid footballer (didn't even know his face), in front of the F1 car. That's not his place to be photographed in, anyway! So, I decided to fucking leave this shit, and got my luggage. When I managed the three trams, I had to find my flat. After asking a nice, helpful woman on the street, I saw the mistake. The ad on Airbnb said 228, but it actually was 218. Getting the key and me up the two staircases, I finally arrived in my little accommodation. It looked rather old, but charming and the bathroom was surprisingly modern, so I could settle down easily. Throwing away my bags, shoes and pants, I could finally breathe again. I was so tired. But I had to get myself some dinner, as everything would be closed tomorrow - Women's day is a holiday in Berlin. So, I gathered my last bits of energy to get to the nearby Aldi and find - to my delight - Tiramisu. That alone didn't make dinner, so I got myself some pretzels and Aioli as well. After eating myself even more tired, I wanted to get myself ready for bed. Shit, I forgot my toothpaste. How late was it? Quarter to 9. Alright, leaving my pyjamas on - I already put them on - I walked straight to Aldi again. I was going to meet a dear friend of mine tomorrow, I couldn't do that with breath of Aioli and stress from travelling. Luckily, they had my favourite toothpaste (in the big bottle), so my night was safe.
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  • Hari 2

    A day with a friend

    8 Mac 2023, Jerman ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

    Today started very slow, as I had planned to meet my old school friend Gülshan whenever she would wake up. As I knew her well, that would be around lunchtime. So I made myself breakfast, had a nice shower and watched some videos whilst I waited for my painkillers to kick in. My period always had to hit hard when I was travelling. Finally, I received Gülshans message, that she was awake and we could meet up. Jumping on the next tube towards city centre, we met Unter den Linden, and it was as if there weren't years between this and our last meeting. She was still the same, and I was, too. It's just so cool to have a friend like that. We decided to go to a café to have a proper catchup, and she navigated - rather poorly, but charming as usual - around the city. Finally, we decided on Wayne's Café, a Swedish brand, looking very similar to Starbucks but way more ecologically friendly. I got a Chai Latte (one of the best I've ever got) and a Blueberry Muffin. We talked about our lives, jobs, boyfriends and travels which was just lovely. Then we decided to go to the Futurium, for which we had to go to the main station. There, we found ourselves next to brambibal's donuts, a vegan donut shop that an influencer named Mirellativegal (that we both watch) had a cooperation with. So we decided to actually get influenced and get ourselves some donuts and God were they delicious! I had a Rhaburb Crumble and it tasted so good... I wanted more! But we already arrived at the Futurium, a free entry museum that is all about the future, what we could use to live more sustainable (e.g. solar, wind, water, bacterial energy) and how we are changing the environment. It had so much information in such a variety of forms that we couldn't stuff more than half of them in our heads. So we decided to sit down and just let everything sink in. Ten minutes before closing time, we made our way to our locker to get our stuff and head out to dinner. Gülshan knew just the right place to go to - Hage Ramen. The logo looks a bit weird, but when you are inside, you get a nice Japanese atmosphere and great wall decor. I've never eaten Japanese food before, let alone with chopsticks. But I was determined to try. After asking Gülshan a bunch of questions, I ordered vegan Age Gyoza, some type of fried dumplings and Ramen Sesame. The Gyoza were extremely delicious and I could have just eaten that, although they were rather salty, so that my Grape Soda didn't last long. The Ramen Sesame was alright, and I actually ate only with the given chopsticks and spoon, but I found it a bit difficult to understand, why not to eat (or rather drink) the actual soup. And when there were only little pieces left, I thought it very frustrating to not being able to see the leftovers because there was so much leftover brown soup. I guess I just don't like throwing food away, but the Japanese don't usually drink it, as they say it would be unhealthy to do so. Completely stuffed, we got on the next tube and said goodbye to each other. It was really a pleasure meeting Gülshan after such a long time. She always makes me feel totally fine with myself and light-hearted. She is just a cool character, full-stop.Baca lagi

  • Hari 3

    Second day at the ITB

    9 Mac 2023, Jerman ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

    Today was my last day in Berlin, and I figured that I could go to the ITB again. As I had to check out of my flat, I woke up early and made myself ready for the day. As I wasn't in a rush to get back to the masses of the fair, I figured that a 45 min ride with the Tram was just the thing I needed right now, so I sat back in the Ring-S42 and enjoyed the ride. My period pain was getting worse, so I wanted to take some painkillers again. Unfortunately, one of the 600 mg fell to the floor. I don't know too much about the hygiene in trams, but as it usually chauffeured drunken people and addicts, I rather not use it any more. Thankfully, I had a 400 mg as well. When I arrived at the fair, I left my luggage at the wardrobe again and began to stroll. Today, I had quite some knowledge about the ITB already, so I definitely wasn't in a rush to explore. I found myself in a Taiwanese tea ceremony, I got a Henna, I got my mom some beautiful painted phone case (already thinking about Mother's Day) and sat down for a while to listen to a talk about Diversity. The best thing I "achieved" today was that I could drive the Formula 1 car at the Qatar Airways section. I was horrible, honestly. Over 20 seconds behind the best driver... That are worlds in Formula 1. I guess, I will never become as talented as Charles Leclerc. Then I might not have a choice but to be only a fangirl of him. And that I totally was, because I left the ITB early and had to wait for 3 hours for my train. That time, I used very wisely, to watch a bunch of videos of Charles - or how I call him "Leclec". I had to laugh so hard sometimes that people stared at me. I didn't care. I just enjoyed my free time. A perfect ending to a stressful but yet somehow relaxing time in Berlin.

    Songs of the trip: Schön genug by Haller, Hero by Martin Garrix & JVKE
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