Goslar for a Weekend

February 2024
My aunt Gigi invited me over to stay with her and her boyfriend José in her new home town Goslar. I wanted to learn how to knit and crochet and Luni wanted to meet her friend Willi again. Read more
  • 3footprints
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  • 3days
  • 27photos
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  • 15kilometers
  • Day 2

    Strolling through Goslars' Old Town

    February 24 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    Today I woke up at 8 o'clock, ready to seize the day. A coffee was waiting downstairs and the dogs were ready for a walk. Unfortunately, Willi isn't an easy dog to go for a walk with as he is barking whenever a motorcycle, bike or other male dog comes around. Luni was very confused sometimes about his barking motives. Back home, Gigi showed me how to crotch for a little while until my brain was fuming. It looks so easy but my fingers are just not convinced of that. "It takes time and many repetitions", Gigi tried to calm me down.
    What really did calm me down, was putting the strings aside and jumping in my car to get to the city centre of Goslar. Gigi, Luni and I were going to do a little window-shopping today. As I've never been to Goslar before, the old buildings and artsy statues around town where nice to lay eyes on. We found some great second-hand shops and an amazing tea shop where we found some great shirts and, of course, cups. I'm such a sucker for tea cups... Can never get enough of them.
    We knew our time was up, when the rain arrived, so we quickly made our way back to the car to drive home.
    There, we ate some cookies whilst frying my brain some more with knitting. Dinner was ready and we had a delicious dish (noodles with onions and Sauerkraut with cheese on top with a thick tomato sauce). Afterwards, Josés granddaughter Lia came for a quick visit and we played some hide and seek with this adorable kid. Afterwards, not only the dogs were done for the day, but I was, too.
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  • Day 3

    Bad Harzburg on a Windy Day

    February 25 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

    Sleeping a little longer today, as Luni had woken me up at 5am to take a shit in the garden, I woke up around 9am to get some coffee. Afterwards, we made our little morning walk and had a huge breakfast afterwards. Stuffed to the brim, we hopped onto Gigi's bus and drove to Bad Harzburg. There we paid a visit to the deer at the little local game reserve, where Luni found some new friends again.
    After that, we drove on to get on the cable car up to the top of the Burgberg (castle hill) where we had some great views over the outskirts of the Harz. José, a huge fan of history, told me the story of Canossa and the saying "We won't go to Canossa". Very short version: "We won't degrade ourselves for nobody - no matter how powerful!"
    Whilst getting a very nice history lesson, we sat down in the café Plumbohns and got ourselves some hot chocolate/latte with cake (I had a very fruity apple cake).
    Stuffed yet again, we played some hardcore invasion with Aluna inside the castle (jk), and headed back done with the cable car.
    Back home, Gigi and I finished my macramee dream catcher (that honestly was 95% of her work) and I packed my last things to drive back home to yet another work week.
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