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  • Day 5

    Inverness Tour

    April 30, 2022 in Scotland ⋅ 🌧 54 °F

    Inverness is a cute little town up in the Highlands near Loch Ness. I wanted to come see it because of the ties to Outlander and the Battle of Culloden.

    We took a tour this morning to find out what else is here!

    Legend has it that this is where the legend of a monster in Loch Ness began. In 575 AD St. Columba came to bring the gospel to the local tribes along the river Ness. A family had just lost a son to a monster from the river. As Columba went to cross the river to offer comfort to the family, the monster attacked again. He raised his cross and forced the monster out of the river all the way to the loch, where it still lives today.

    The city hall has wolves out front...and someone googly-eyed the skull under its paw. The mercat (market) column was moved in front of it, as was the "gossip stone" from the river where women used to gather to wash clothes.

    Leakey's used book store looked like something right out of Harry Potter - our guide called it the most Instagrammable spot in Inverness.

    Victoria Market is an indoor mall dating back to Victorian times - and there was a chocolate store with chocolate coos (cows), a rooster and little Nessies.

    We finished up with the first (I'm sure not the last) gelato.
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