Panamericana adventure

septiembre 2019 - mayo 2020
A dream comes true!! Starting in Vancouver, our plan is to go South until we reach Tierra del Fuego - World's end. Our chosen way of transport: 2 fantastic travel bikes. Follow us on our adventurous trip with all the expected highs and lows 🚵‍♀️😀 Leer más
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  • Día 31

    A good deed, the ER and a brewery

    8 de octubre de 2019, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    What an eventful day today! It started off with a big breakfast at Zac's. We took it slowly as we only had an 80km tour ahead of us. Herbert had contacted a local brewery, nicely situated in the forest and by coincidence halfway in between Greenville and Truckee, our next stop. Susan and Rich, the owners, had replied straight away, that we are welcome to pitch our tent on their property. So we left Greenville around 10am, so we could get to the brewery early afternoon.
    However, sometimes you can't really plan things. About 10km after Greenville we saw a tricycle rider in a dark, shady turnout next to the highway. He waved for help so we stopped. He was disabled and only had one arm and one leg left and had accidentally driven his remodelled trike on log, so that he was stuck and couldn't get it out. The cars didn't see him as he was kind of hidden in the shade behind a corner of the highway. And as he couldn't really walk, he was lucky that we passed on our bikes and actually heard and saw him. So Herbert and me tried to lift the trike while, at the same time, moving the log away. I then heard my back crack and felt a strong pain - it was definitely not a smart idea to lift a trike! So we stopped the efforts and I decided to stop a car instead. Luckily, a lady with a pickup stopped and also happened to have some straps in the back, so we could toe the trike out of where it got stuck. One problem solved 👍
    So now, I still had to solve my aching back. Quincy was another 30km away, but it had a hospital and some chiropractors, so we decided I'd try to cycle. The road was actually quite pretty as it led through a canyon, however, I couldn't really enjoy it with my back pain. In Quincy, people recommended to go to the ER (emergency room) for having it checked, so we went to the hospital. For checking in, I had to answer many questions about my ethnicity, skin colour, religion and if I am confronted with domestic violence. The lady also took my temperature and stated that I didn't have any fever (what a surprise...). We had a bit of a discussion if travelling on a bike and sleeping in a tent is considered as "homeless", but agreed that it is not as we are doing it by choice. (Homeless people have to get treated differently by law she explained) I was then checked in and could wait in the waiting room. They had free wifi, water, coffee and tea, so it wasn't too bad.
    After 3 hours of waiting, it was my turn to see the doctor. But first I had to sign that they are allowed to bill me. Having a travel insurance, I shouldn't bother too much. But having heard about the US health system, I wanted to at least know how much I have to expect. The lady told me that it's about 2600$ (!!!!) to get examined. I was shocked and thought she was kidding, but she was dead serious. I decided that my self-diagnosis skills are not too bad and diagnosed that nothing serious has happened and I just need to massage my back and keep it quiet (actually something that I did during my waiting time and which had already released some of the pain). So I walked out of the ER without signing or getting examined. Funnily, the doctor came out and told me outside of the hospital - inofficially - that he couldn't have done much except telling me to take Ibuprofen, put ice on my back and have a break from cycling for a couple of days. So my self-diagnosis skills aren't actually not too bad and saved me (the insurance company) some $ 😉
    I followed his advice to take an Ibu and then we finished the 40km cycling to The Brewing Lair. They welcomed us with their excellent craft beers and also had icebags I could use to cool my back. As it was already late, we were too lazy to cook but ordered pizza instead. Now, lieing in the tent, I also keep my back quiet - so I followed all the doc's recommendations 😊
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  • Día 32

    The back repair story

    9 de octubre de 2019, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

    Today getting up wasn't that easy after the couple of beers last night (we tasted many IPA's and all of them were very delicious 😁).
    After breakfast and some travel advice for Patagonia from the brewery staff, we cycled to Truckee through beautiful Sierra Valley. Luckily, we had tail winds most of the time, so the climbing sections were not too exhausting. In Truckee, we looked for a chiropracter to get Meike's back "repaired". On the second attempt we found the right specialist for her issue. It took only 30min (including waitimg time) and 70$ to get all vertebrae into the right position again. All people in the waiting room were very interested in our travel story. One couple even invited us to stay at their home tomorrow night.
    After the treatment, we cycled around Truckee and Donner Lake before riding to our hosts for the night, Anne and Forest, a well-traveled couple with their 2 sons who were great company over an awesome dinner.
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  • Día 33

    A pitstop in Nevada

    10 de octubre de 2019, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 4 °C

    Janet and David who me met at the chiropractor had invited us to stay at their house in Incline Village at Lake Tahoe. So we decided to go a little more slowly, spend another day in the area and at the same time cycle in a 4th state, as the East side of the lake lies in Nevada already. So we left Truckee after a nice breakfast and cycled along beautiful Truckee River towards Lake Tahoe. On the way, we stopped by Squaw Valley, where the winter Olympics took place in 1960. We then continued our way to Tahoe City, took a stroll along the farmers market and common beach. Next, we stopped at Kings Beach for a picnic and some views of the lake with its crystal clear water. As it was windy and cold, we decided to go ahead and climb the 250m to Janet's and Dave's house. We spend the evening exchanging travel and bike stories, eating dinner and relaxing in the hot tub which was perfect recovery support for my back. David also took us up to Mt Rose Summit, a pass that is open all year long, from where we could enjoy the sunset over Lake Tahoe, admire the colorful lights of Reno in the middle of the desert and watch the people in the ski resort preparing the slope with artificial snow - hard to believe that skiing will be possible here in 3 weeks already...Leer más

  • Día 34

    Lake Tahoe semi-circle

    11 de octubre de 2019, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    When we started our day today, we had some company. Janet decided to join us for part of the way. So we got more or less a guided tour with many information about Incline Village, Nevada and the US tax system, the flume, the bike path project and lots more.
    We stopped at Sand Harbour, an absolutely stunning place with a sand beach and boulders in the clear water. Afterwards, we followed the road along the East side of the lake and climbed up to Spooner Lake. This is where Janet turned around and we said goodbye. For us, the route followed the 50 (mainly downhill) where we stopped at a stunning view point for more photos. There were quite some tourists from all over the world and all of them wanted to talk about our trip, so we had problems to continue.
    We bypassed South Lake Tahoe on pioneer trail. Before, we passed the Stateline between Nevada and California again. It was pretty obvious: Casinos in Nevada and a stereotype hippie car on the Californian side 😉
    In the afternoon, we climbed Luther Pass, followed by a downhill ride on a canyon road to our campspot for the night. This side of the pass is freezing cold and we were in bed by 6.30pm.
    Today was also a burn day. During the climb it was quite foggy from a prescribed fire nearby. In order to prevent wild fires to spread rapidly, they clean the forests by burning dry branches etc. in a controlled way.
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  • Día 35

    Cycling to John in Walker

    12 de octubre de 2019, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    This morning, we decided it was too cold and windy to cook breakfast at our campspot. So we cycled to Markleeville and had yummy breakfast burritos and lattes instead.
    Our route then took us along the last stretch of highway 89 - probably also the most beautiful one: Monitor Pass. It was actually quite tough with an average of 8% climb over about 14km. But we really enjoyed the views. At the summit, we could see into deserty Nevada - and again, it looks like a different world. The diversity is what we like best about cycling in the US: You climb a pass and behind, there's something new.
    The rest of the day was an easy, very fast downhill until we reached highway 395 which then led to Walker, where we stay with our host John.
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  • Día 36

    Devil's gate to Mono Lake

    13 de octubre de 2019, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    Another day, another canyon road. The other day I was asked if I get bored of riding. But how can I get bored when I see so many cool things and meet so many nice and interesting people?
    We left our host John and his dog Lukey after breakfast and climbed on highway 395 which led through a nice canyon along Walker River up to "Devil's Gate". For lunch, we stopped in Bridgeport in front of the grocery store. There were actually some nice old houses from the 19th century. In the afternoon, we had to climb again. Up at the summit, we were flashed by stunning views of Mono Lake and the craters surrounding it. The lake is quite special: as water levels decrease, stalagmites are getting visible. We continued cycling to Lee Vining where we tried the famous tacoes at the gas station - yummy! On the last few kilometers to our campground, we already got a "warning" regarding the next day: Steep grades up Tioga Pass. But as it's only difficult for trailers, we should have an easy climb by bike 🤔 We tried to sleep as high as possible the night in order to have an easier climb in the morning. It was pretty cold already at about 2300m. Luckily, we could warm up at Olivia's and Philippe's fire before heading to bed.Leer más

  • Día 37

    Tioga Pass

    14 de octubre de 2019, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    Today, the day has come that we reached an important milestone on our trip: We crossed Tioga Pass into Yosemite. The pass is the highest pass in California with its summit just above 3000m and we were eager to cross it before the snow came. And what a beautiful day we had!!
    It started with a frozen tent and - 5.6 degrees at 7am. However, the sun came out quickly and it warmed up. We then started the ascent: about 7% on average over 14km until we reached the top which was also the entrance gate to Yosemite. On the way, we stopped about 100 times to take photos, the landscape just blew us away. And in Yosemite, it was actually the same: so much variety of landscape, mountains, valleys, lakes... The first views of Half Dome and El Capitan!!
    All campgrounds on the North side of the park were closed, so we decided to go all the way to Yosemite Valley. Once we got there, we realized that you won't get a campspot, everything was full and by reservation only. So we did what we were advised to do: Go to Camp 4, put up your bivouac and wait in line to get a spot for the next day. Luckily, it's dry and not too cold...
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  • Día 38

    Hiking in the Valley

    15 de octubre de 2019, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    We woke up after a cosy night under the stars. Luckily, there were no bears (we got an instruction from the park ranger that all food has to get stored in the bear boxes provided) and no law enforcement ranger who came to tell us that we actually had to STAND in the line and not SLEEP.
    We got our campsite assigned and decided to use some other muscles for the next two days. So today, we hiked Upper Yosemite Falls trail which starts right behind our camp. We stopped counting the turns going up, there were just too many. But when we got to the top, we were surprised by some nice pools and great views of the valley and Half Dome. At this time of the year, there is almost no water in the falls, so the hike was more about the views rather than the waterfalls - still very pretty. We climbed a little higher to Yosemite Point before descending again to the camp and taking a "shower" in the river. Back at the camp, we met a Swedish couple who are experienced bike tourers, so we exchanged some bike touring advice.
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  • Día 39

    Hiking in Yosemite - part II

    16 de octubre de 2019, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    As we hiked up the North side of Yosemite Valley, we decided to go for a trail on the South side today. We chose "4-mile-trail" which led to Glacier Point which offered stunning views over pretty much most of the valley.
    To go down to the valley again, we picked Panorama trail. This one had great views on Half Dome and passed Emerald Lake and 3 waterfalls on the way. All in all, we hiked over 20km with an elevation gain of 1500m on our second day off. Our leg muscles are totally sore and hurt even on a straight path. No idea how we should get back on the bicycles and climb passes tomorrow 😕
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  • Día 40


    17 de octubre de 2019, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Leaving Yosemite was actually hard as the road pass El Capitan again, this time very close by. Obviously, we had to stop for pictures of the impressive wall and those crazy climbers in it.
    Out of the valley, we started climbing up - and passed 3000km, at a perfect spot with El Cap in the background.
    Again, we had some really great experience with the people here. First, we had to go uphill through a long tunnel. A car stayed behind us all the time (going about 8km/h) in order to protect us from speeding cars coming from behind. Second, when looking for a campspot, Maggie stopped and invited us over to her place for the night. So we could cook dinner in a kitchen, have a hot shower and sleep on the porch under the stars. So grateful to meet all the amazing people in this country!
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