Love to Travel, Love to take pics, nature gives me a buzz, nothing beats a really good sunset! Leggi altro Biloela QLD, Australia
  • Giorno 17

    A Day in Alice

    2 agosto, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    Day 17

    Today was a fix everything day. Had breakfast and started repairs. First up transferring water in the water tanks and then filling up. Bill and I came up with some major contraptions. Then it was pull a Shockie off the camper so we could get some new ones. Then off into town for shopping and parts. Rell had heaps of work to do at the van so it was Bill and I heading off. We started our saga looking for shockies. Went to about six places no luck so eventually bitting the bullet, went back to Pedders suspension and bought two. $560 later we headed off to fuel up. So now I had a big funnel, we went to the depot bowsers. Hi flow diesel pumps. Filled the car and three black jerrycans and one yellow. The yellow wine took 10min. So that was it. Pulled up stumps and headed for servo to make it easier. Put in about $450 worth of fuel. Then off the the cheap shop with my list. Well they didn’t have what we wanted, so off to Woollies. Then to Kmart grading a bit to eat before coming home around three. Took ages down town. Then it was the repairs to the camper, the camera, air compressor and a heap of other minor things. Later we had to do another grog run before heading to dinner at the local football club. Gillens club. Meal was okay but as usual Rell tummy didn’t agree.Leggi altro

  • Giorno 16

    Off to Alice Springs

    1 agosto, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 5 °C

    Day 16

    Heading to Alice today after an enjoyable stay at Gem Tree. Should only be a couple of hours on the road. Bill is heading off early to get there for a dental appointment. We will take it easily and arrive later. Drove to Alice and checked out a monument on the way. We had a great look at the wild flowers along the Hwy as well. Headed off about 9:30am. Got to the Stuart hwy the traffic increased 100 fold with caravans everywhere. Things are getting busy on our way into town. We headed to get fuel first up but they were Hi Flow bowsers and this would have caused me major dramas. So left the refuelling and we headed to Kmart. Here we pick up a few items we needed before catching up with Bill, after he had been to see the dentist. Then we went to a cafe in the centre of town for lunch. Not the best but food. Then it was off to see if we could get shockies for the camper. This turns out to be a bit of a saga and I will get onto that tomorrow. Then I dropped off Rell at Woolies while checking out a few other locations for shockies. Before that we went to Super Cheap for a couple of items as well. So when I got back to Woolies I noticed a policeman at the BWS store checking license. I noticed he turned a couple of Aboriginal guys away. Apparently they had bought alcohol yesterday so not today. They were pissed off. So when we went in they asked for owe licenses and asked where we were taking the alcohol. Just told him we were taking them back to caravan park and that was okay. It was all good. But it was pay day so there were a lot of people around town. Anyway before all this we dropped off the camper at the caravan park. We got a site with an ensuite this time so this was good. Another day tomorrow.Leggi altro

  • Giorno 15

    Prospecting Day

    31 luglio, Australia ⋅ 🌙 4 °C

    Day 15

    Cool morning again but we need to get up early to go on our garnet prospecting tour. So we will see if we come back millionaires.
    Well we aren’t millionaires but we had a great day prospecting for the garnets. We found some 3&4mm stones and it was more the excitement than anything else. We must have been playing around for around 4-5 hours.Leggi altro

  • Giorno 14

    Heading to Gem Tree

    30 luglio, Australia ⋅ 🌙 4 °C

    Day 14

    This morning is a little cool down around 1-2 degrees. So a very slow start getting out of bed and the heater struggling this morning. We are camped near Jervious Station and from here we will travel to Gem Tree caravan park. This is about 200K’s on the Plenty Hwy. so should be a lot quicker and better than what we have been on.
    Well the trip to Gem Tree caravan park was quite and easy. There was about 100K’s of bitumen a ok it looks like they are trying the bitumen the Plenty Hwy all the way through. If they do this will be a well used road through to Alice. Had smoko along the road and arrived at Gem Tree around 1:00pm. Booked in and did the dinner and garnet tour for tomorrow. Looks like we have to be out of bed early. When we tried to book Bill in on-line it told us there were no sites available, got here and there were plenty. So Bill was all booked in as well. When we got to Gem Tree we found I had two shockies on the camper snapped in half. They blew out on the corrugation and dropped all their oil. Then on the dirt roads today they just snapped them. Anyway had a couple of spares so I threw those on and we will see if we can get a couple of new ones in Alice. Had a great shower and now sitting and having a couple of drinks. Rell it trying to catch up on emails etc. starting to get cool now so we may have to start fire 🔥
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  • Giorno 13

    Final Day on the Hay River Track

    29 luglio, Australia ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    Day 13-5 Hay River Track

    Up again this morning to the bloody cold weather. Anyway it makes you get up and go quicker to warm up. A bit late getting away Rell had to wash her hair and we had to put in fuel. Still got away at 9:15am. The people that were at the camp site were still packing up when we left. Not long out we ran into a tag a long tour heading in the opposite direction. They told us we should be right to get out today but they said there was about 70K’s of bloody terrible 😣 corrugations on the last big of the track. So for we went and checked out the Tropic of Capricorn, couple of different signs here. Then onto Barton Camp. This place was run by the Aboriginals and they have shut it down and walked away. Supposable for repairs and upgrade but looks like they have walked away. Place is a mess. The camp area would be pretty good if someone put some work into it. We checked out the Mountain before the camp as well. We caught up we a couple of cars at Batton Hill they were towing campers and had just come in. He told me the track was badly corrugated and he had cooked his shockies on his camper. We off we went to cover the last 70-80K’s and yes it was as bad as they said. Within the first 10K’s I had cooked two shockies on the camper. Nothing to be done until we get out. The roof rack had shaken loose and there were rattled everywhere. After repairs it was off again but this time at around 20K’s an hour. What a slow trip but at least the car stayed together. We could speed up in some places but not many. We eventually got to the Plenty Hwy and stayed at the camping area near Jervious Stn. Cool again to night so is spent by the fire.Leggi altro

  • Giorno 12

    Travelling the Hay River Track.

    28 luglio, Australia ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

    Day 12-4 Hay River Track

    A nice cool morning to wake up to today. Think it is around 7-8 degrees, but it feels less than that. Thank god for gas heaters. Today we will continue heading along the Hay River track taking our time and seeing where we get to. To long a drive yesterday, we need to stop and smell the roses 🌹 or in this case the yellow sun flowers and Mula Mala. Anyway got to get out in the cold soon so catch you later. We headed off and checked out the Aboriginal locations and camping areas. A lot of great scenery. Slow driving again today. We were heading for Dingo Well. Another project that is not working we were heading to the camp area north of that but it had campers already there and they were taking up the hole area. So we headed back down the track and found another camp site by the river. Great spot and we spent the night by the fire.Leggi altro

  • Giorno 11

    Wet Morning on the Hay Track

    27 luglio, Australia ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

    Day 11-3 Hay River Track

    Okay now that I have my days sorted out, we had a rain for most of the night last night. Lucky for us it wasn’t to heavy. I got up this morning between rain showers and made the coffees. Then later on we packed up with most things wet made Breakfast and headed off about 08:30am. Very overcast morning but the weather forecast was for sunny days so we were hopeful. We only past one vehicle on the road today. A lady with a camper on the back of a cruiser. She must have started early this morning. We past a group that were still camped up in their tents. About three cars. Looked like they were drying out. The road was slow again today and we only made 110 K’s but that’s okay enjoying the scenery and drive. We came across the Magellan track, camps and junction. Other than that it was a great drive with finches and other birds. Long day. We parked up around 4pm to open everything up and dry out. All good by night fall and had a good dinner. Sitting around the camp fire again. Good night.Leggi altro

  • Giorno 10

    First Camp in Desert

    26 luglio, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    Day 10-2 Hay River Track

    Woke up this morning to the birds singing and an overcast day. We had a sprinkling of rain last night. We are hoping it stays that way. Set off this morning passing vehicles in both directions from the start. We are heading for the QLD/NT border. Arrived there around smoko time so we pulled up for smoko and to air up our tires. We passed a hose float laying wrecked on the QAA Line. After smoko we took the K1 line to Popels corner. This was along the salt lake western edge and we could sit on around 60 k’s an hour. Once again many cars. Got to Poppels Corner and there were about a dozen cars there already. Everyone having there photo taken at the Corner of the three states. From here we took the alternate route back to the QLD border to continue our run north along the Hay River track. We met a few cars along here as well. The track condition changed to more like rig roads. Until we hit the dune section again. On the dune sect we ran into three Explorer trucks set up with their campers on the back. They were some pretty flash setups. One was even towing a trailer. We had to get off the road for them because they were too big to move their asses off the road. Anyway it was a contentious issue I should have taken Rell’s advise and moved off the road earlier. Anyway it all went well and we all passed. We then headed for our camp for the night. When we finally selected one there was already an Isuzus truck setup like Sheryl and Dave’s camped there. The area was a bit tight so we decided to move on a little and find a roadside stop. Well the area we selected wasn’t the best but we put up with it and setup for the night. We had a nice dinner and while sitting around the fire a fox strolled in as if he owned the place. Wasn’t real worried about us. We had to shoo him away. He will probably be back while we sleep. Good night.Leggi altro

  • Giorno 9

    Starting the Desert Run.

    25 luglio, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    Day 9-1 Hay River Track

    Up early this morning and start the packing. Morning routine and when everything was packed off the the servo for fuel $2.72/Lt. Rell picked up a couple of ham and chess croissants 🥐 for morning tea. The we checked out the bore that supplies town and the thermo generated power station. From here to the bakery for bred and coffee, of course. The back to the tourist info centre because we missed it yesterday. Now we are ready to go I think. Just let me check with Rell. Yes we are on our way and guess what it is bitumen all the way out the Big Red. On arrival there were a few cars getting ready to hit the desert. We pulled up and let down the tires. I was concerned about the first few dues after Big Red silent the tires down to less than 18 psi. Went to far on a couple and had to pump them back up a bit. On went the flags and we were ready to go. Bill was the tour lead and the first communication office. He had to do all the radio coms when coming to the dunes. Rell was second coms office for when Bill didn’t get it right or missed a call. Also when she had something to say. The track to Big Red was rough and slow from all the wet weather. Got to Big Red and Bill attacked the east track on the easy side. But he concord Big Red and got the photos. He did come down the harder track. Then it was off the attack the dunes. It was a lot easier than I thought with the camper. So we could take the ties up a bit. Then we had a slow comfortable ride. It was like Queen street mall. There were that many cars and tag a long groups. We must have passed about 30-40 cars. The track was good as far as water was concerned but there was heaps of water everywhere. We crossed Eyre creek at an alternate point. Plenty of water but okay to cross. Had smoko and lunch on the way it was a great day. Slower than we thought so we didn’t make it the the QLD/NT border so we will make that and Popels corner tomorrow. Found a camping place of the track. The wind was blowing a bit so we had to tuck in behind trees. Great day finished off by the campfire. Well done tour guide Bill. By the way Bill is in the front only if we needed to get pulled out of the sand dunes. Good night.Leggi altro

  • Giorno 8

    Day in Birdsville

    24 luglio, Australia ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

    Day 8

    Cool morning again but it is getting better, we had power so the heater is on this morning. Washing day started early so we could get it done. We will be looking around Birdsville today and will have to catch up on some admin. We will also make sure we have everything ready to head west. Yes so we did all the washing and started sorting things. Then we headed to the bakery for morning tea. Walked around town and checked out a couple of places. Rell had some admin to do and I had a few things to tidy up with the vehicle. We booked into the Birdsville Pub for dinner. Off we head about 5:45pm to the pub and it was already quite busy. The meal was okay but the drinks were better, quite dear as well. Talked to a few locals and headed home. Unreal the amount of plane flying in and out. They are running flight tours out of here now and they start up before the sun. Noisy mob wake everyone up. Anyway off to bed for a big day tomorrow.Leggi altro

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