Saint Helena
Saint Helena

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Saint Helena
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    • Not a soft landing

      May 6, 2022 in Saint Helena ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

      We had heard that getting onto Ascension is not easy. The landing consists of a couple of steel steps or a couple of concrete steps - take your pick. There are also a few thick ropes that you can hang onto for dear life. And you can expect to get wet. So when Craig, Dom and I arrived there in Foblet (with all our goods in a dry bag) we were a bit shocked to see how extreme the swell was. It would recede from the steps then rush back and completely engulf them in foamy water. But we thought, hey, they said it wouldn’t be easy. So after a few manoeuvres, Craig managed to get Foblet alongside the concrete steps and Dom made a dash for it, grabbing the rope and doing a bit of the splits as the water sucked Foblet away. Within seconds he was almost waist deep in water standing on the steps. Craig tried to get Foblet closer again so that I could get off, but another huge surge of water came in, lifted us up and threw us bow first at the rocky wall. We could hear crunching noises as poor Foblet got her nose smashed. We were both hanging on for dear life and there were quite a few swearwords coming out of my mouth. Foblets reverse gear was no match for the force of the water, and within seconds we were smashing against the rock again. More crunching noises and more cussing. And did I mention that 3m Galapagos sharks are spotted around this area every day, waiting for the likes of us! Craig managed to get us away from the landing but Foblet’s nose section was starting to deflate, so we had to try and pump her up whilst negotiating the current. In the meantime, Dom went ashore to ask for some help, and someone came to drop us a stern line from the platform above. But by then it was clear that Foblet needed some attention, so somehow we managed to get Dom back on board and we limped back to FOB. Well, I was so shaken by then that this incident literally drove me to drink - a tequila and a G&T to be precise. A bit later, Okko, one of the guys who was working on the nearby tugs, must have seen poor Foblet’s deflated spirit, so he stopped by in his rather large and wonderful rubber duck and offered to drop us on land and pick us up later. He did this for us every day, (another example of the kindness of strangers) and although he made our lives so much easier, I’m not sure that I want to get onto that landing ever again in my whole livelong life! 😂Read more

    • The sights of Ascension

      May 6, 2022 in Saint Helena ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      You can only live on Ascension Island if you work there or are under 18 years old. Once you retire, you must leave. So nearly everyone there either works for the Ascension Government or is part of the US or British military bases. There is no tourism and there are no facilities like car hire. But we were lucky enough to meet Herbie, the head of Sea Rescue, who said that his wife, Tanya, would happily drive us around the island (and keep our shopping in her fridge while we were out - nothing is too much trouble for these kind island people.😊) So Tanya took us to the beautiful, but sadly named, Comfortless Cove, where we found a most unusual cemetery. She drove us through the US and British military villages. The British village is called Two Boats and there’s also an area called One Boat, because, we’ll, there’s one boat there! We got to see the beaches where the turtles lay their eggs. Sadly, we were not allowed on the island at night time to see them, but every morning from our boat you could see the fresh tracks. It’s also hatchling season, so the friggin’ frigate birds are continually circling the area. We also got to see the Sea Rescue boat being launched for it’s weekly training session. She showed us the many and varied communication structures and the unusual landscape. We visited the museum and had a drink at the NAAFI (not ‘nafi’) bar (Navy, Army, Air Force). A truly fascinating place.Read more

    • Go figure!

      May 6, 2022 in Saint Helena ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      The story goes that the Ascension Government ordered some road signs to warn drivers of the wild donkeys that roam around. Firstly, the company that supplied them had run out of donkey signs, so they naturally sent some camel ones. And secondly, the government actually put the camel signs up! 😂Read more

    • The greenest mountain

      May 7, 2022 in Saint Helena ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

      In the mid-1800s Darwin visited Ascension and later encouraged another botanist, Joseph Hooker, to import plants to the island so that when planted they could capture the rain and improve the soil. Over 200 different species of exotic seeds and seedlings were shipped from Kew Gardens, as well as Argentina, Europe and South Africa. These were planted on what is now known as Green Mountain. The fittest survived and this eclectic mix slowly spread to cover the whole mountain. There is now a tropical rain forest at the top of the mountain, which is in stark contrast to the surrounding black volcanic soil. And believe it or not, I climbed to the top! Well, we drove half way up, but still. It was one of the most beautiful walks I’ve ever been on. The plants are a lush green and very varied. You walk through fine grasses waving in the wind, and then through a forest of bamboo that reaches the sky. You can find Cape gooseberries, ginger and banana trees in between the Norfolk Island pines, mosses and prickly pears. The best part is that it is cool and the top is misty and there are no snakes on the island to worry about (much to Craig’s disappointment). There are also surprisingly hardly any bugs. Craig saw one little ladybird, and that’s it. It was a steep climb for the likes of me, but the spectacular views from the top made all the huffing and puffing well worth it!Read more

    • Jacob’s Ladder

      April 22, 2022 in Saint Helena ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Some may not believe it, but I climbed the 699 steps up Jacob’s ladder. Dom and Craig were very kind and patient and stopped every 50 steps to rest (and then every 30 steps…) but we did it. The record is just over 5 mins and we did it in 50 🤣! I think that it’s safe to say that tomato face was the handbreak here! 😁Read more

    • Stepping onto St Helena Island

      April 21, 2022 in Saint Helena ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      After 5 days of waiting on the boat for Covid tests, we were finally allowed onto the island. The ferryman came to fetch us and it was a bit surreal setting foot onto this remote island in the middle of the Atlantic. We checked in at immigration and headed straight to Anne’s Place for a cold drink. Actually, I’m not sure that I was walking straight - after 19 days on the boat, the island felt very unstable and there was definitely a bit of staggering going on. 😂 There are no ATM’s on the island and we had no cash, but they are happy to open tabs for the yachties. WiFi is very pricey at £3.30 for half an hour, and you can’t seem to make WhatsApp calls. But there is a wonderful relaxed vibe on the island. The locals are all very friendly and wave at you when they drive past. Looking forward to exploring more.Read more

    • Day 122

      Georgetown, Ascension Island

      April 15, 2015 in Saint Helena ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      We spent tax day sailing to an island of 800 people that is about as far away as you can get from anywhere. The folks here are either military, BBC or researchers as the island has no permanent inhabitants. It is basically an airport in the middle of the Atlantic that can be used for such strategic things as a refueling station for the Falklands Islands War back in 1982 and with it's 2 mile runway it was a backup landing strip back with the space shuttle was flying since it could actually take the Shuttle.
      Now it is a bunch of satellite towers and sensors that are probably pulling all the internet traffic that we are using right now into the NSA computers. :-)
      Unfortunately the waves were too high to safely get on land with all the old people we have aboard but the researchers brought some slides and a video onboard which was very informative. Probably better then walking around the little island but I was hoping to get a sighting of the green sea turtle as this was one it's nesting areas and they set up to 300 a night coming up and laying eggs.
      Now for the big slog across the ocean. 6 days at sea ending in the little prison island of Devil's Island off French Guiana. The weather has been good so far so we are expecting bad weather as we just can't be this lucky the entire trip so I will let you know if we start rocking and rolling. :-)
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    • Day 120

      Jamestown, St. Helena

      April 13, 2015 in Saint Helena ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      We are now truly in the middle of nowhere. St. Helena Island is a British territory where Napoleon was exiled after he was defeated by the British. He spent his last few years here before his death and now the island has about 3800 people that live there for otherwise no good reason. It is incredibly small and is like going back in time. They have no airport (or not until the one they are building is finished next year). They have no cell phone service although they are going to be putting a tower up soon we are told. The internet is slow and expensive so they have no ATM or credit card use on the island. It is kind of pretty but much of it is just rock with the central part being fairly lush. The port is not protected and it the waves are very high you actually can't land ashore. They get a boat that makes a circuit between Capetown, Ascension Island and St. Helena every three weeks so other then taking one of the 3 or so cruise ships that stop by every year that is the only way to get on the island.
      The people are incredible friendly though and it was a very pleasant place to be. There is an old stairway with 699 steps that goes from the town to an old fort on the hill along the lines of an old funicular. The thing that everyone has to do is try to climb the stairs which Nancy and I did with several stops to rest along the way. We were very proud until we met a 66 year old women at the top who did it everyday as part of her exercise routine. :-) We strolled back down on the winding road that led back to town. There were about 10 cruising boats in the mooring area and we saw some folks around town that looked like they were cruisers so at least they get a few visitors from passing sailboats too.
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    • Day 62

      St Helena Island/Jamestown

      February 28 in Saint Helena ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Um 8 Uhr haben wir die Insel erreicht und sind mit dem Tenderboot auf das Festland übergesetzt. Zu Fuß haben wir Jamestown erkundet.
      18 Uhr legen wir wieder ab.

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha, St. Helena, Sint Helena, ሴንት ሄለና, سانت هيلنا, Seynt Elena, Святой Алены, Востраў, Света Елена, Ɛlɛni Senu, সেন্ট হেলেনা, སེནྚ། ཧེ་ལི་ན།, Sveta Jelena, Svatá Helena, Saint Helena nutome, Αγία Ελένη, Sent-Heleno, Santa Elena, سنت هلن, Sent Helen, Sainte-Hélène, San Héilin, Santa Helena, સેંટ હેલેના, San Helena, סנט הלנה, सेंट हेलेना, Sveta Helena, Szent Helena, Sankti Helena, Sant’Elena, セントヘレナ, წმინდა ელენეს კუნძული, Santahelena, ಸೇಂಟ್ ಹೆಲೆನಾ, 세인트헬레나, Senti Herena, Sántu eleni, Šventoji Elena, Santu eleni, Sv. Helēnas sala, സെന്‍റ് ഹെലീന, सेन्ट हेलेना, Sint-Helena, ସେଣ୍ଟ ହେଲେନା, Wyspa Świętej Heleny, Sontg'Elena, Sehelene, Sfânta Elena, Остров Святой Елены, Sênt-Helêna, Svätá Helena, Света Јелена, S:t Helena, செயின்ட் ஹெலெனா, సెంట్ హెలినా, เซนต์เฮเลนา, Seini Helena, Острів Святої Єлени, TDC, سینٹ ہیلینا, Orílẹ́ède Hẹlena, 圣赫勒拿, i-Saint Helena

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