Turtles and cowboys

juni - oktober 2023
Cramming a few bucket list items into one trip, Everglades, Florida Keys, Galapogos, a cowboy ranch and fall in the USA. Les mer
  • 53fotspor
  • 3land
  • 147dager
  • 539bilder
  • 40videoer
  • 15,6kmiles
  • 14,3kmiles
  • 360miles
  • 27miles
  • Dag 9

    Lost all contacts

    13. juni 2023, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    My only form of communication at the moment is through this blog. I can't even get WhatsApp at the moment.

    Obviously I don't have anyone's contacts at all, so hopefully I will get WhatsApp sorted tomorrow with the new SIM which is not playing ball at the moment!Les mer

  • Dag 9

    Sue Denton...I need your help please

    13. juni 2023, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Hi Sue, On Wednesday afternoon, please can you call me on WhatsApp New Number
    My phone has been stolen and I cannot access any of my accounts. I need to ask you a favour.
    If you don't know how to change my number in your contacts, please leave your number in the comments for me and I will call you on WhatsApp. (I will delete it straight away).

    Also, if Wed afternoon is not convenient, please tell me when. Thank you. Xx
    Les mer

  • Dag 10

    Update re phone drama

    14. juni 2023, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Sue kindly retrieved my written passwords. Unfortunately only one account allowed me access, without sending security codes to the stolen phone - my cash card, so arguably the most important. Thank you, Sue.

    My brother, Sami, patiently went through all options, and did agree that in fact, this two factor authentication loop is hard to break. Even accounts that don't normally require it, do because it's a new device. Anyhow, Sami is obtaining a SIM for me which should get me access by next week.

    Please do update your contacts as this new Ecuadorian number will stay with me for at least 3 months. Also, if you do know any people that may know me, please do let them know. I have lost all contacts, and sadly, I realise many will have gone for good. The biggest loss will be some friends will think I just don't care anymore :-(
    Les mer

  • Dag 10

    Attitude adjustment

    14. juni 2023, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Yesterday, I was upset, scared and alone. I couldn't even find my way back to the hotel and spent all evening and today trying to sort out this mess. I seriously considered going straight back to the airport. Anyhow, nothing much has changed but I am hoping for a breakthrough next week.

    So, I decided to put on my big girl pants and go and explore again today. No photos for the obvious reason. I think I may just buy some postcards and photo them!

    I passed a police station and reported the theft and then, passed a barber shop, and got my head shaved.... As has been on the To Do list for 3 years.

    The poor barber, Tutu, has never shaved a woman before and kept checking in in case I changed my mind. He was unsure, and kept saying I can't believe you are doing this.

    To be fair, I did get a lot of stares in the street after, and possibly some giggles. The ladies here have long, plush, black hair and I certainly stand out.

    I got some local nosh, what I got was not what I expected but interesting anyway :-)

    I even got a top up for my new SIM card so feeling quite proud of my bounce back.
    Les mer

  • Dag 11

    Exploring Quito

    15. juni 2023, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    I started planning my next few days, trips to do and it all depended on the transport out of Quito. With my large backpack, I don't feel safe on public transport which is high risk for theft. The tourist transport I was relying on isn't operating, the other one which is 10 times the price is, but only in 10 days (I really don't want to stay in Quito that long). So, another frustrated morning of scuppered plans and back and forth emails.

    I forgot to mention that Quito is really high altitude. Many tourists get mild to moderate altitude sickness, especially if they start hiking straight away after arrival. I have been lucky with that.

    I decided to do a free walking tour run by another hostel in the hope that I might meet some other travellers. That hostel is a completely different vibe from where I am staying which is a modest, family run affair which caters more for itinerant locals than backpackers. Not a criticism, just an observation, which is only relevant because I am solo.

    The walking tour was great, I felt much safer and more comfortable in the group and saw some of the city's beautiful architecture. I bought some banana passion fruit which is a passion fruit that looks like a banana.

    Another thing, I haven't got the hand of the food yet. I usually like street food if it is not meat or fried. But I haven't found cheap eats like rice and beans. I should lose some weight! I have had one meal of plantain and egg and just fruit in 3 days. I don't want to / can't afford to go into tourist restaurants because the prices are surprisingly high. After doing the walking tour on an empty stomach, I became desperate and went into a locals restaurant. Five times the price of street food, but half the price of tourist food.

    I had a cheese and potato soup called Locra which was lovely and so I then couldn't eat the chicken empanada which I have brought home for breakfast tomorrow.
    Les mer

  • Dag 12

    Rooftop view of the city

    16. juni 2023, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    From a travellers' hostel I wish I was staying at :-)

  • Dag 14

    Day tours from Quito

    18. juni 2023, Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Went for a stroll around the city. Lady shouted 'Hey, Sinead O'Connor' and I shouted back, 'Who's asking?'....we got chatting. Her name is Maria, lived 22 years in California then was deported in a raid under Trump's regime, and she has been here on the streets every since.

    I went on a day tour to Cotapaxi National Park, 2nd highest volcano in Ecuador and still active. The micro-climate around the volcano was cold, below freezing, and WINDY as hell. And we were climbing to base camp. Haha none of us feckless tourists were prepared, inadequate clothing for starters. The altitude is suddenly very clear as my heat was racing, panting for breath and taking only the tiniest footsteps at a snail's pace. The challenge was not the distance or the steepness but not being accustomed to the low oxygen levels.

    Next day, I walked through the city early Sunday. It was beautiful, sun shining, no traffic and hardly any people. They have more traditional Sundays here. I went on a day tour to Quilitoa Lagoon in a volcano. Meet some fab people (tourists/backpackers from around the world). We stopped at an indigenous family home which is straw and mud and only got electricity 2 years ago. Guinea pigs here are quality meat, they are also used in cleansing rituals to identify someone's mental or physical ailments. The indigenous people have their own language called Quechua.

    Around the lagoon, you could descend (steep and slippery) and ascend on foot or horseback (altitude still an issue. Most people like myself stayed around the top and walked around.

    I chatted for about 20 minutes to an indigenous lady called Maria Rosalita who I met whilst sitting enjoying the view. We managed loosely to communicate and it was a really gentle moment. I offered her some water and she saw my scarf in my bag (which I use to cover my baldilocks). She reached in to my bag, admired my scarf, put it round her neck and told me it was a gift to her. Haha I said 'I need it' a few times, then relented and said 'keep it'. It was strange and funny at the same time.

    I feel like my trip has properly started :-)
    Les mer

  • Dag 16

    Mindo Cloud Forest aka Paradise

    20. juni 2023, Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    As I pulled up to Mindo in 5he coach, I already knew I would love it. A small torn in the Mindo Cloud Forest, safe, calm and beautiful. The street dogs are fed and calm but much more wild than tame, in terms of their survival and habits. I wouldn't try to re-home one of these guys, it wouldn't be fair to them

    I forgot to mention there are so many fresh juices on offer, which is no surprise.... but two delicious ones are sweet and taste fruity but are actually from sweetcorn and purple sweetcorn.

    I went ziplining in the forest canopy and then on to a waterfall sanctuary where you follow a long, up and down trail to find (and swim in - not me!) 7 stunning waterfalls.

    My first trip in 2005 was titled In search of waterfalls. I didn't find any (and re themed my trip). It seems, at last, I have found my waterfalls.... which is esoteric and meaningful to me, so I gave myself a moment to absorb it all.

    On the way back to the hostel, I was carelessly walking and almost stamped on a long, slim black snake. Luckily for me, it was faster than me and buggered off.
    Les mer

  • Dag 18

    Adios Quito

    22. juni 2023, Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Last night, had a couple of drinks in happy hour at my hostel with Caroline (traveling with her 2 young kids) - we have seen each a bit these past few days and it was nice company. The safe rooftop cafe was a lovely setting, as the sky turned dark and the city lit up, and we dinner Alpaca wool ponchos as it turned chilly.

    This morning, I went to the TelerifiQo, cable car half way up a mountain to see a 360° view of Quito and have a go on the Swing at the top of the world, as it's known. It was breathtaking and again, I couldn't believe my luck at being here.

    I accosted some fellow tourists to share a taxi as I don't like paying the same rate as 4 people, just because I am alone ( although I understand why it's necessary for taxis). I had a last minute visit to the Basilica del Voto Nacional which is modelled on Notre Dame, Paris.

    And now en route to Baños de Santa Agua, my next base for a week.
    Les mer

  • Dag 19

    Baños de Santa Agua - well, almost.

    23. juni 2023, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Far from the madding crowd, I have arrived in another gorgeous yet deserted hostel, Mama Tungu, near Baños de Santa Agua. More staff than guests. It is truly beautiful. Feels like a lodge in the jungle; complete with jacuzzi and hammocks. I was lured in by the reviews and cheap room rates but realised you are captive to their restaurant as there are no shops nearby or anywhere to prepare or store your own food. I am actually in a village called Ulba outside of Baños (didn't realise that till I arrived). They have 5 dogs as pets who have free reign of the place :-)

    After a rest day, I went ziplining again and managed to assume the superman position (after some coaxing!) I then walked around Baños soaking up the party atmosphere; it's where tourists and Ecuadorians alike come to have fun at weekends. I ate in a market and watched the world go by. A veggie meal, by which I mean a meat dish without the meat. OMG I have never craved vegetables so much. They like their smoothies and juices here.

    Next day, waterfalls.....slow walking for me because I am bad with downhill and everything slippery as been raining so much. Worth the views though, although far too fast and powerful to swim in.

    Randomly, and this has never happened to me before, 2 separate people left the dormitory after meeting me. First, a young Dutch guy and about 2 hours later, a young German girl. Most of me doesn't care but at same time, it's not a nice feeling. Haha but I got the room to myself for another night so that's a bonus :-)
    Les mer