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      Västerås, Sweden

      8. Mai 2016 in Schweden ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Day 5:

      Today we had an easy going day walking around both the old and new parts of Västerås. We were able to visit a beach and boardwalk that Owe helped create along the water. The river through the town is home to the first hydroelectric plant of its kind. There is also a very interesting artist in town who makes very strange hotels... he has one in the sea that looks like an outhouse on the water, but underneath the water, there is a glass room for 2. There is also a treehouse hotel, and his current project is an attempt to put a typical Swedish farmhouse on the moon! The first flowers of the season are blooming and Danielle's family has told us that the green that we are seeing now is a very special color that can only be seen for a couple of weeks each year as the leaves are sprouting, before they are fully developed and darker. It is a beautiful time of the year that we are very lucky to be able to experience. The way the Swedes would describe the day... lagom. Just the right amount. Its how they do everything. Not in excess, but not too little. Its a beautiful thing!Weiterlesen

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