First over night hike. 22 km in, hiking and biking, 2 nights at the cabin then back out! First trip with some of my coworkers too! Weiterlesen
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    Fryatt Hut

    10. Juni 2022 in Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    What. An. Adventure. And not necessarily in the best way. What was supposed to be an moderate hike with coworkers for an over night stay at a backwoods cabin turned pretty bad pretty quickly. It was an 11 km bike ride, followed by an 11 km hike, with a very steep head wall for the last kilometer or so.

    Anna hurt her knee pretty bad at km 20 on the way in. It was too late to turn to back and the weather was getting bad so we had no choice but to go forward.

    The headwall was absolutely brutal. Steep, WAIST DEEP snow, mud, ice, rain. We were under equipped, Anna was hurt. Absolutely brutal. All told it took us 10 hours to get to the cabin on day 1.

    The cabin was snowed in so for our day at the cabin we couldn't go anywhere or do anything. We couldn't even get far enough to take proper pictures of the valley.

    Anna hiked 24 km back to the car on day 3 on her hurt knee. She was given a tensor and some tape and borrowed a pole for the first 7 km. It was agonizing and killed me watching her.

    She made it out though. An absolute trooper. She has to take some time for her knee to heel but such is life?

    All told we would go again but with more experience and equipment. We hope to do more adventures like this in the future, and it WAS gorgeous!!