
septiembre 2021
Awesome architecture and magnificent music Leer más
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  • Día 1


    21 de septiembre de 2021, Austria ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    The bus ride coming to Vienna wasn't the most pleasant one, I didn't get much sleep but hey at least I got to where I needed to be. With the sun rising, I was quite ready to tackle this day though my circumstances would beg to differ. I had noticed that the simcard I bought in Poland wasn't working at all, this was a huge problem as I had no idea how to reach my hostel from my bus stop nor did I have any Euros on me at that time as I had just arrived from Poland which had a different currency so I couldn't take any public transportation unless I found a currency exchange but it was still too early. With some feelings of dread, I got off the bus a bit lost, to my surprise there were also some people who were as lost as I am. One of them, a big scruffy guy was trying to figure out if he was in the right place, I gave his tickets a look and told him that he had to take another connecting bus to get to his location which was already paid for in his ticket, I redirected him to the correct bus stop. Next was an African man who also asked me for directions, which was pretty funny cuz I was just as lost as he was. He needed to get to the Nigerian embassy, now I had no idea where that was but I do know we need to find some place with wifi. I learned that his name was Vincent and as we walked a couple of meters, I found a free wi-fi connection, just my luck! I helped Vincent use Google Maps and told him to screenshot and not close the app so it would just stay there, we went our separate ways afterwards as I booked an Uber to my hostel. The driver asked me to put on a mask and I did and we had some small talks about Japan. I got to my hostel and once again I had no wi-fi and was having a hard time entering the front door as it was locked. I paced around back and forth to the bakery nearby as it had free wi-fi. I tried contacting the owner several times and I was finally able to get a hold of him and he told me to go upstairs. How dumb of me really, the upstairs one had a pin where I could put in my code and was finally able to check in and leave my belongings. I took a nice shower and set off, still very tired and sleepy but my friend Mareike was waiting for me.

    The walk was very pleasant, being surrounded by the amazing architecture of Vienna, it's wide streets and musicians scurrying about made me feel really happy that I was here. I wasn't really sure where Mareike was hanging about and I got a little worried if I was keeping her waiting for too long as I didn't have wi-fi to confirm her location. She had also just gotten to Vienna as well to start her Master's degree so it was a new city for both of us though maybe not so different for her as she did come from Germany (judging from personal experience, I'd say Vienna is so much more beautiful than Berlin, however). We went around the various tourist attractions littered around the town's center such as Hofburg, the Vienna State Opera house, Rathaus, St. Charles Church and St. Stephen's Cathedral. All of them were amazing architectural feats. St. Charles Church had an amazing water reflection photo op while St. Stephen's gothic style was something new for me. I also grabbed breakfast as well as exchanged money at a place with a not so good rate. The clerk was Filipino, I noted.

    We had lunch outdoors, it was autumn and there were children playing outside. I was a bit chilly, I finally got to order schnitzels. Much to my dismay, it wasn't anything special at all just a fried pork chop. Afterwards, we went to two different Hundertwasserhaus, a whacky and artsy designed building by a famous architect. We then went to the park to chill for a bit, a lot of children were on these scooter things and trying to go up these skateboard rings. We went to a grocery to try and buy another simcard. To end the day, we went to the Museum of Sound which was a visual and audio interactive museum. There wasn't much people there and it was actually really fun to go around and try the various exhibitions and to get to know the famous musicians of Austria such as Beethoven.

    We went to her dorm afterwards so that we could set up my simcard and no surprise it still wasn't working. We decided to try one more time to go to a nearby mall to try and get it fixed. We took the metro going there and the clerk tried but it wasn't really going to work out. We went to have dinner instead, big burgers which were my treat and we talked about dreams and lucid dreaming. I walked her back to the station and walked the way back to my hostel which was actually very close.

    When I entered, I heard the familiar language of Japanese so I popped in the lounge room to say hi and went back inside my room to end the day.
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  • Día 2


    22 de septiembre de 2021, Austria ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    I woke up extra early to catch the train going to Hallstatt. I really liked the rooms for the place I was staying at, big and private beds with burgundy curtains and there were just three of us in one room so it wasn't too loud. I ended up accidentally flooding our shared bathroom due to my shower curtain positioning. The water even reached the carpet of the main bedroom. I scurried off to get to the main station, getting on the wrong bus in the process which made me even a bit more panicky but I got there just fine, even had time to buy some McDonald's for breakfast. I was a bit worried as today was supposed to be a rainy day and I had wanted to get some sun for beautiful pictures. The train ride was actually very comfortable, too comfortable in fact as I didn't realize I was sitting at first class. When the ticket checker came to confirm my ticket, I realized I was in the wrong place and was asked to move to forward to the other cars. I passed by a small restaurant bar in one of the cars before making it to the seats for "normal" people. I was still able to get a window seat luckily. Most of the ride was very chill, I used it as an opportunity to get some much needed rest after numerous days of continued traveling. It was a long ride, watching Austria's country side as our train cruised along was something I truly enjoyed. As we approached Hallstatt, the scenery started to morph into something more grand. Mountains loomed huge and combined with these blue lakes made for such a picturesque scenery, There were some houses and pastures with sheep along the way as well. After a couple of more stops, we finally arrived at the other side of the lake. I went down to the docks and grabbed a roundtrip ticket and got on the boat that would take us to Hallstatt's port.

    The boat ride was very pleasant, seeing the lakeside town loom closer as we passed each wave gave me a nice idea what I was in for. As soon as I stepped down the boat, this sense of surreal excitement started to creep in. It was such a wonderful place, I remember I was still texting with my mom on my phone then, I was sending her these photos I took from the boat and she was really proud of me. First things first, I had to grab some lunch. I went to the first nearby restaurant to see what they had and was waiting for quite a bit but when I checked the menu, they only had breakfast so I used the bathroom and left to find some food. I decided to also start exploring as well, all the houses here were residential and all of them had these amazing coloring, blooming flowers, and wooden finishes. Just going around the narrow streets and alleys, going to wherever it leads was one of the best ways to explore, just getting lost in this small town. I was able to find some churches, a cemetery and even a waterfall. I took the non-tourist route and ended up going up a lot of stairs but it was quieter with no people. I later backtracked and took the tourist route and saw a lot of shops. I was quite lucky to have come here during Covid as there weren't that much tourists. Usually there would be thousands of Chinese tourists, made apparent by the signs around Hallstatt in Chinese. I circumnavigated the lakeside as well, they made for awesome pictures. There were a lot of swans hanging around the lake which added even more beauty to Hallstatt. I reached the end of the town and decided to have some pizza. It was so big actually, I almost couldn't finish it but it was also very delicious and a bit pricey but such is Europe.

    After having lunch, I went outside again back to the grocery store I passed by before and bought hazelnut bread for breakfast the next day. I hanged around here for a bit, just trying to let the time pass as it was raining very hard and the train I was planning on getting on was still a bit later in the day. After taking shelter in the grocery store, I went and sat by a bench under a tree that overlooked the lake, the rain was still drizzling but the tree was a good natural umbrella. I was worried about the rainy and cloudy weather but I realized they added so much drama and mood to my pictures, I wouldn't have had it any other way. I was planning on taking the postcard photo of Hallstatt at a specific time frame in the day when the sun would come out a bit so I just spent a lot of time visiting the various stores in the tourist road and staying inside the church for when it started to get to cold or rain. I then made my way to the hill overlooking the town pass the opposite side of the docks. I staked my position and waited for the opportune time to take photos, taking a lot of them from various angles. After I was satisfied, I went back to my trusty church and waited for the boat to take me to the train station at the other side of the lake. There, I waited with another person in the waiting room and finally got on the train which took us back to Vienna with a nice sunset behind us, as if it were saying good bye. I had to transfer to another train and then our train did get delayed multiple times before we reached Vienna.
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  • Día 3

    Vienna II

    23 de septiembre de 2021, Austria ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    A straightforward third day, woke up early and caught bits of the sunrise before taking the tram to the main station. I was going to catch my train going to Bratislava. I got on the train just in time and had my trusty bread from yesterday for breakfast. Seated in front of me were two business when with a powerful perfume, it was ghastly. Once again, the sim card I bought with Mareike failed to give me internet but hey I got this far without it, might as well just push through.Leer más