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Top 10 Travel Destinations Berlin
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    • Day 81

      Berlin, Germany

      August 19, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      We have been staying in Erlangen again for a bit. Oh and ummm, Seth got a job in Germany, so that's new. Lots of changes and lots to think through. More on that later...

      We trained it to Berlin as a halfway point to get to the beach in Poland. We had all nice trains heading north, thankfully! After check-in, we played at a park and ate some delicious Asian food. At the park, they went up and down the slides, made ice cream scoops, and performed gymnastics in the grass. It was a lot of fun until Mabel did a cartwheel into dog poop, so we headed to the restaurant. Vegetarian curry is where it's at! DeMille was the most excited because she ate lots of sushi at this place. Addy got a fortune cookie that told her "Laughter will keep you young." She is our giggle box, so she might live forever.

      The next morning fresh bagels were calling our name! Seth's friend told us about this epic Jewish bagel shop called Salomon's Bagels and eating those was first on the agenda. We went to open the door and it was locked! Nooooo! They were closed due to a supply issue. No New York style bagels for us. So sad! Luckily, Berlin has no shortage of bakeries. The girls enjoyed trying a new pastry.

      The Berlin Zoo was the main destination for this stop. The cool air and mild rain made for no crowds! We covered lots of ground and saw nearly every animal at this zoo. The girls particularly enjoyed the birds. There were more birds here than I have ever seen at a zoo and very unique ones. The bigs suggested we get a parakeet for our morning alarm clock, because it was quite loud. We saw a flamingo turning it's egg over in her nest. Then she proceeded to pass off the responsibility of sitting on the egg to another flamingo. I did not know they shared that job with other birds.

      We walked through the aquarium with fish and reptiles. Addy loved the tiny sea horses. Mabel and Demi were very into watching these large bright green eels. They looked very similar to Ursula's pets. They also got to pet the shiny coy fish. The girls wanted to keep doing that forever. Addy especially enjoyed trying to touch them.

      They also had a unique wooden park that was just so impressive! I want it in my backyard! The girls loved climbing to ask the different peaks. They especially had fun on this spinny thing. It was essentially a merry go round with out rails, on a tilt, about three feet off the ground. As you walked along the edge of the disc, it would speed up. It was easy to get it going to fast. Pretty fun!

      This was a fun way to slow travel to Poland.
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    • Day 3

      Berlin Tag 3

      May 20 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Christoph muss arbeiten und Caroline und ich machen uns in den Tierpark auf.
      In Berlin gibt es zwei Zoos: im ehemaligen Westberlin den zoologischen Garten (ältester noch bestehende Zoo Deutschlands und angeblich der artenreichste Zoo der Welt) im ehemaligen Ostberlin den Tierpark (größter Landschaftstierpark in Europa).
      Nach etwas abenteuerlicher Parkplatzsuche (wir waren nicht die Einzigen, die am Pfingstmontag bei relativ schönem Wetter in den Tierpark wollten) werden wir gleich nach dem Eingang mit dem Anblick der unglaublich süßen Prairiehunde belohnt. Es gibt gerade Nachwuchs und alle sind mit fressen, graben und spielen beschäftigt.
      Die Parkanlage ist noch deutlich größer als in Schönbrunn, die meisten Tiere haben sehr schöne, große Gehege und zwischen den Gehegen spaziert man durch den Wald.
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    • Day 73

      Last day in berlin

      July 19, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Yesterday we went shopping for the 1st half of the day. I got two really cool pairs of pants a white shirt and a singlet. I was trying to get my Greek summer outfits ready and now I just need some button up shirts. In the afternoon we explored some historically significant places in Berlin. We went to parliament house, the beginning of the road to hamburg (I think) and Checkpoint Charlie. We read a lot about ww2 which was pretty heavy and as a result I sort of forgot to take pictures, woops. In the evening we went to a seafood resurant and had oysters and sushimi, it was delicious and was made even better by the wine we bought :). Christie and connor left at 3am this morning which was v sad. Spencer and I spent the morning walking around trying to find Banksy art in the streets but all of the spots we checked had been painted over arghh (eg. last two photos). We also got in trouble for not buying train tickets, luckily the people were stupid and I was able to convince them my name was James Darcy so no fine for me!! They messed up spencers ticket too ahahaha.Read more

    • Day 1


      July 17, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      925km, 9 Stunden und 46 minuten UND nach so manchen extra Runden in Kreisverkehren sind wir nun endlich am ersten offiziellen Ziel angekommen... Berlin!

      Mit dem Hotel/B&B hatten wir ziemlich viel Glück, direkt in Charlottenburg, halbe Stunde von Berlin Mitte und Ubahn direkt vor der Haustür. Preis war auch nicht so heftig und einen Tiefgaragenstellplatz haben wir auch!! :D
      Wir sind ziemlich kaputt, aber glücklich endlich uns hinlegen zu können.

      Kleine Anekdote noch neben bei, man hat nicht gelebt wenn man nicht einmal 190km/h auf der Autobahn gefahren ist. Mama war nicht so erfreut und es hat ziemlich viel Sprit gefressen, aber ich hab mich wie ein Rally Fahrer gefühlt.
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    • Day 16

      Eating our feelings

      September 19, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Today was a bit of a slow one.

      We had a quick video call with respective families on our way to Gedenkstätte und Museum Sachsenhausen. A concentration camp a 50 minute train ride away. It was in use from 1936-1945 and then a Soviet special camp from 1945-1950 once "liberated".

      We spent the most part of the day there learning about the history and the atrocities that were carried out.

      When we got back to the city center we had an emotional support doner kebap and chips and headed back to the hostel to pack and prepare for our 6am train tomorrow morning.

      Just before bed we decided to run out and grab a icecream snack, because who doesn't need sugar before trying to sleep?

      Seeya in Munich!

      Both: around 23k
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    • Day 34

      Museum Island

      April 1, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 50 °F

      German society is still smoking. Is it because there is always a cold bier near?
      Now that this incredible subway system that rivals or may surpass London’s tube has been tamed I decided to tackle the museums. The principle ones located on an island in the middle of the Spree River.
      A mid morning start found the streets quiet. I boarded the U2 train to Hausvogteiplatz walking the remainder to the island. But decided to cross the Spree to enter the Radisson the hotel my wife and I stayed on our first visit. It was shutdown for renovation. The hotel’s outstanding feature was the AquaDom in the lobby over the bar. Impressive at 82 feet tall, 36 feet across with 264,000 gallons. Quite the fish tank. Magical. Maggie and I would have an evening glass of wine before retiring for the night.
      Last December 16 the tank blew sending fish out the lobby doors into the street. No one perished but a lot of fish died. Local authorities called it a maritime disaster. Hah!
      I first visited the Cathedral beautiful ornate building with Prussian Kings and Queen latex to rest inside. Germans are a tall people but these sarcophagi were half the length of a school bus. What were they buried with? After absorbing the beauty of this church I decided to climb the 282 steps to the dome top. Great views of the city and one can walk completely around the dome circumference.
      Climbing down to street level I headed to the Alte Museum home to classical period masterpieces. It took about 1 1/2 hours to see the collection without the audio phone tour. Housed here are the distinguished German artist plus Monet, Rodin, Cézanne, Manet and others.
      Next the Neue Museum which I skipped due to a queue and headed to the Pergamon Museum filled antiquities predating Christ from Syria, Iraq and Babylon. Remember learning in elementary school about Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon? Well tule remnants of his palace are here. Plus Roman structures from the period. A truly remarkable museum. Among the artifacts is a fully assemble dining room floor from a wealthy Roman villa.
      And of course a visitor dropped her phone onto it. Prohibited to walk on it the gallery erupted in applause when one of the docents was able to retrieve it with a “handy” grasping claw.
      Tonight wanting Turkish food I went for Thai not wanting to ride the subway again. My favorite Larb Gai.
      It’s been raining and cold most of the day but to plan to venture out around midnight to walk the city streets while listening to Bowie’s album Heroes. I’m too far from the Wall or Hansa Studios where it was recorded but the local streets near Wittenberg Platz will provide the necessary accompaniment.
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    • Day 3

      Day 3 - 23,861 steps

      August 16, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Last night we decided, with regret, that if we were going to enjoy the remainder of the holiday, we were going to have to spend some of our remaining time in two groups: one group consists of those people who can a) walk without grimacing, and b) rise from slumber before noon. The other group (let's call them the Warhammer club) consists of those who are not able to tick both boxes a) and b).
      So this morning saw Matthew and me heading off for the Hauptbahnhof (Berlin's main station) to fulfil our first task, which was to discover whether there was any feasibility to our "day trip to Leipzig" plan for Thursday. Lots of very helpful people in the ticket office and info places. At one point, I apologised for not speaking German. The reply was "You don't have to be sorry. Everyone in Berlin speaks English." However, it was going to take a lot longer and cost a lot more to get to Leipzig than previously thought, so reluctantly Matthew had to abandon his hopes of showing Thomas and me the highlights of the CYO's visit there last summer.
      However, the following couple of hours revealed Berlin in a much improved light and convinced him that we really ought to explore it more. We tubed to Museumsinsel and were immediately impressed by the grandeur of the buildings there. Took lots of pictures for Andy's benefit :-(
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    • Day 4

      Race day

      September 29, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Heute war es soweit. Es gilt: Ich gegen die Strecke.
      Wecker gestellt, ein kleines Frühstück. Zusammenpacken und nur nix vergessen!

      Schon beim Aussteigen aus der S-Bahn wird dir erneut die Dimension dieser Veranstaltung bewusst. Da wälzt sich eine Lawine an Menschen Richtung Startgelände.

      Dann, im Startblock des Hauptfeldes: du siehst unbeschreiblich viele Menschen, die auf das gleiche warten wie du: den Startschuss.

      1 Stunde(!) nach dem Profis sind wir endlich dran und die Meute H wird losgelassen. Das Wetter ist angenehm kühl, aber zwischendurch regnete es ordentlich und der Wind machte es zeitweise extrem kühl ☔❄️

      Lange ging es ziemlich nach Wunsch. Erst die letzten 2-3 Kilometer waren eher mühsam. Aber da muss man durch. Stehen bleiben geht bei km 40 gar nicht 😅 Lieber langsam dahintuckern, das Feeling genießen gleich durch zu sein und Zeit nehmen für ein Foto mit dem Brandenburger Tor im Background.

      Als Goodie gibt's bis Mitte der Woche einen ordentlichen Muskelkater.

      Vorest werde ich das Laufen wieder zurück schrauben . Und vier Marathons sollten doch genug sein 🤐
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    • Day 17


      April 16 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      We had two days in Germany 🇩🇪

      First day was a walking tour through Berlin city centre despite the fact that it was 3 degrees and pouring rain. went to the spot where Hitlers bunker is/was as well as a holocaust memorial and many other beautiful buildings. That night we had dinner with the group which was Moroccan food. And had a street art tour where we were encouraged to drink on the street as it is legal 🤭

      Second day we were mostly on the bus but stopped in Dresden Germany, most of Dresden was bombed during ww2 so many of the buildings have a charred black exterior. We had a small walking tour there before driving into Prague 😌
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    • Day 74

      Wandering Berlin

      November 16, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Strolling for the last time through the city, I sought out the memorial for the booking burning that took place on 10th May 1933.

      The Nazi German Student Association's Main Office for Press and Propaganda announced a nationwide initiative "against the un-German spirit", creating a literary blacklists that included Jewish, Marxist, Socialist, anti-family, and anti-German literature. It is estimated 20,000 books were burnt in the platz.

      The memorial includes a quote from a Heinrich Heine 1817 play that says “Where they burn books, they will also burn people”, one hundred years before the book burning in Bebelplatz.

      I needed Currywrust to help to bring me a little cheer 😋
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