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    • Day 7


      April 29, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      We were all up sharp as we were getting the train to Potsdam via Alexander Platz where Mirjam would join us. The train journey was uneventful, though the train was busy, but it didn't seem long before we arrived. It was very overcast, slightly drizzly rain and quite cold, Anne was cold so I gave her my Rohan body warmer, which I had fortunately put in my daypack.

      Potsdam is a very beautiful place, apparently apartments here are much sought after although very expensive. Apparently a billionaire who grew up here has been rebuilding the town in all its 18th Century European glory, and to me it looks like money well spent. We wandered around the main square and went into the Church of St Nicolas, it was very beautiful but the interior was more reminiscent of a Greek temple than a church.

      Wandering onward we found ourselves in the area known as Holländerhäuser (“Dutch houses”). Designed by architect Jan Bouman between 1734 and 1743, they were built for Dutch immigrants an comprise the largest exclusively Dutch housing development outside the Netherlands. It was like looking at Amsterdam, the buildings were all very well preserved considering their age, and as we walked around I noticed there were quite a few arts and crafts shops, galleries, antique dealers and cafés, a pub called the Flying Dutchman of course, and hilariously a House for fallen women.

      From there we went to Sanssouci park, it was enormous and contained no less than 5 palaces all built by the Prussian King Frederick II as a summer palace. It was very beautiful and a powerful reminder of the inequalities that have always plagued humanity. The wealth and power necessary to construct a place like this is difficult to contemplate, but in its own way no different from the extravagant lifestyles of billionaires today.

      We walked for quite a while around the park, but eventually we were getting hungry so headed back into town, on the way we passed a fantastic residents street market than went on block after block. It was a good example of the second-hand, use and re-use culture in Berlin. We settled on a Georgian restaurant (a first for me), the food was very good and not expensive.

      We caught the train back to Berlin and returned to the apartment, tired but happy. Since the leftovers were no longer left over, we decided to go out for dinner, and there was a small Italian restaurant just 5 mins walk away. Despite a mix up with Anita's order, the food and service were excellent, and again, not expensive. The rest of the evening was spent in pleasant conversion in the apartment. Anne was able to confirm that the owner was happy for me to stay in the apartment until mid-afternoon.

      It had been a fantastic week, but it had passed all too quickly and tomorrow we would all be saying our goodbyes once again, I didn't want to think too much about that, and so I was off to bed.
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    • Day 1

      Zonder zorgen

      July 11, 2020 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Hoe luxe is je leven als je je zomerpaleis Zonder Zorgen kan noemen? Frederik de Grote kon dat blijkbaar... Leuk om het wereldberoemde Sanssouci te bekijken. De fietsroute was ingewikkeld, geregeld liep het fietspad uit op een mul zandpad.Read more

    • Day 4

      Potsdam 2 - Schloss Sanssouci

      August 17, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌩️ 26 °C

      "Sans souci" means "Without worries", meaning that we all had Hakuna Matata in our heads this afternoon! We really applauded Frederick the Great's idea to build a palace outside the city to live in peacefully.Read more

    • Day 3

      Potsdam - Park Sanssouci

      July 25, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Zum Schluss unseres Potsdam-Tag haben wir noch dem Sanssouci-Park besucht. Bei 36° machte das Ganze jedoch nicht mehr so richtig Spass 🥵🥵. Zusätzlich war das Schloss selbst auch geschlossen, Montag ist wohl kein guter Tag für Touristen 🤷🏻. Der Park selbst ist riesig, wir haben nur einen kleinen Teil davon gesehen. Das Schloss Sanssouci mit seinen Weinterrassen 🍇 gehört sicher zur Hauptattraktion im Park. Ab 1747 diente es als Sommersitz der preussischen Könige und der deutschen Kaiser. "Sans Souci" ist übrigens französisch 🇨🇵 und bedeutet "Ohne Sorgen". Das Orangerieschloss wurde etwa 100 Jahre später im italienischen 🇮🇹 renaissance Stil erbaut, es diente der Überwinterung der tropischen Planzen 🌴🍊 aber auch eine Gästewohnung befindet sich darin. Dahinter ist gleich die holländische Mühle 🇳🇱. Von Weitem konnten wir noch das Neue Palais sehen. Das Dampfmaschienenhaus vor dem Park ist ein weiteres Gebäude in einem fremdländischen Stil, es ist einer orientalischen Moschee 🕌 nachempfunden.Read more

    • Day 4

      Palace Sansoucci

      December 20, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      SanSouci palace was the palace built to indulge the kings whim for a carefree life.
      As with all palaces it is grandiose and lavish. The architecture has a baroque influence and atypical of the rest of the style of the area.Read more

    • Day 40


      September 9, 2018 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      If you are king you need a weekender to getaway for the Summer.
      Fredrick the Great thought he need a little place so built a few conveniences in the park at San Souci.
      The Palace was a start, terraced the front for a vineyard. (Grapes died a couple of times so put in cheeries and plums, not even absolute monarchs have it their own way all the time).
      Built an Orangery (more of this later) as you need you fresh fruit, had a ruin built to give the vies some interest.

      Amazing place and the target for every drive by tour group in Germany.

      The foundation who run the place do not seem to believe that human need to excrete and are in serious need of a consultation with English Heritage regarding customer facilities. They haven’t got the cafe, toilet, shop thing going at all. And the hedge trimming would never do for the UK.

      Excellent time despite the houses of convenience.

      For more:…
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    • Day 40

      Remember the Orangerie.

      September 9, 2018 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      What do you do with your art collection when you’ve filled the Palace?
      You convert your Orangery into another Palace to house it of course you silly little Democrats.
      That just what Fredrick the Great did.
      We originally thought the place was San Souci itself but was only the shed to store the artwork.
      Ridiculously beautiful with marble, gold and seemingly hundreds of paintings (140) it’s called simply the Picture Gallery.
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    • Day 40

      Church of Peace, Potsdam

      September 9, 2018 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      The church is really rather neat and is adjacent to the Sans Souci Park of Fredrick the Great.

      This is a World Heritage site and was created of Fredrick the Great in Potsdam about an hour from Berlin by the mighty S Bahn and a bus trip.
      Missed the stop Mark had planned and got off at the right one!
      Enormous place, gardens, palaces, an art gallery the size of a bus station.

      The church was built by King Frederick William IV in 1884, it’s based on original sketches that he made.
      Gave his architect two instructions: has to be based on the early Christian Basilica di San Clemente in Rome and it had to accommodate the apse mosaic from the church San Cipriano from Murano in the Venetian Lagoon, that he had bought in 1834.

      It’s good to be king.

      For a while it serviced as his mausoleum but he along with a lot of other Royals ended up in the Dom in Berlin.
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    • Day 8

      Potsdam, Sanssouci

      August 1, 2021 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Heute konnten wir länger schlafen, wir fuhren erst mit dem 11:12 Uhr Bus nach Erkern und dann gleich mit dem R1 Zug nach Potsdam.
      Nach einer kurzen Tour, am Dom und dem grossen Backsteingebäude des Filmmuseums vorbei, suchten wir den Bus oder das Tram zum Schloss Sanssouci, Da vieles im Umbruch stand, war es für uns Auswärtige unmöglich die entsprechende Station zu finden.
      Scheinbar ging es den Einheimischen genau so, an der Tramhaltestelle standen gleich drei Auskunftspersonen, die uns sehr freundlich den Weg wiesen.
      Der Bus hielt dann gerade vor der holländischen Mühle vor dem Parkeingang, mit der noch heute Getreide gemahlen und das Brot verkauft wird.
      Im weitläufigen Park waren leider nur ganz wenige Blumen zu sehen, es mangelt an Geld und Mitarbeitern. Dafür war der Botanische Garten eine Pracht. Unterwegs beeilten wir uns, drei Menschen zu überholen und anzusprechen: Zwei Damen und ein Herr wandelten in den noblen Gewändern von damals. Sie erklärten uns, dass sie dies zu ihrer und aller Freude tun.
      Wir dachten nach einer Weile, dass 20km Fussmarsch für heute reicht und wir setzten uns wieder in den Bus und den Zug bis Berlin Friedrichstrasse. Hier hatten wir genügend Zeit, um ein leckeres Rumpsteck in Block House zu verspeisen.
      Wir schafften es locker auf den Zug nach Erkern und dort wartete auch der Bus für uns. Warum erzähle ich das ?
      Weil es erstens zu regnen begann und weil zweitens der Bus nur bis ans Ende der Stadt fuhr und wir noch ca. 4km auf der langweiligen Strasse gehen mussten.
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    • Day 2

      Sanssouci Palace

      July 17, 2015 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      When we were all packed up we walked to Schloss Sanssouci, the castle of Friedrich the Great🏰
      The garden was amazing with a lot beautiful flowers🌸 🌼🌺🌻🌹🌷
      At the train station we ate breakfast and the the train we drove to our kayak rent!Read more

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