  • Hari 4

    DUCK!!! ... Where?!

    25 Januari 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C


    Ho Chi Minh City to Nha Trang (Vietnam)

    We're transferring a sick Noblet to a different hospital today as HCMC doesn't seem to be working for him.

    So we fly to Nha Trang (1hr flight 1.5hr delay). During the delay we both enjoy team Chunder in the airport facilities. Noblet learns of more difficulties of maintaining a beard when I explain to him that only Mr Twitt keeps vomit in his beard!

    Finally we find some European water and get on the plane. Bus into Nha Trang and then recieve some helpful directions from the bus driver explaining how to get the bus to our next destination.

    Why do you need to get another bus you may ask?? You've just landed at your destination. This is true... In Holly's world.

    However, turns out the bright spark has booked us into a hotel 40km away from everything.... Not twigging when the trip advisor review said 'isolated'!! Brilliant, so he's sick locked in a room and I'm now in an isolated shack. Brilliant.

    On the plus side we were told a bus to get there would be around £30 and it ended up costing us £2.50 (for the pair) as we got a normal bus.

    It's also raining cats and dogs. Like proper Manchester never ending bleak rain.... I'm not sure the bus driver can handle it too well in the wet he's throwing round bends like Schumacher. Loads of women on the bus have one roller in their hair.

    The best thing about the 40 minute journey is that someone gives the bus conductor a live duck in a bag. The duck is put in the boot on top of our bags, and then taken out at the next stop and given to another family. 😂😂😂😂😂 no plane with a chicken but a duck on a bus will do me!!

    It's nearly TET (Vietnamese new year) so we wanted to reduce our movements during this time as everything's meant to get mental. On the local bus, as well as every where else, everyone is carrying massive bunches of the most amazing flowers, I'm not even a flower girl and can tell. They take these flowers home with them to their villages where they have around 5 days off work... The whole country shuts down and parties!
    Looking forwards to the year of the rooster!!
    The thing with TET I can't get to the bottom of is what it's about... Some places have little chicks in the windows, flowers etc suggests a bit like our Easter. The some places are playing Christmas tunes and shops have tinsel up, and then some are treating it as new year it's all very confusing! Apparently everyone is all nice on the first day as how it is on the first day is meant to be how your whole year will be! (Couldn't deal with sentence construction here).

    We finish our bus journey and arrive in the village in the middle of no where! The wind and rain batters us as we walk towards our resort. We end up having to walk along the beach with all our gear to get into our place.

    I'm excited.... Fingers crossed for something at least average... With windows, apparently there are tennis courts and a fancy pool!

    We get in past the rain.... And we are taken to the worst bungalow ever!!! Omg it's so grim!!! Noblet where have you brought us!! Turns out that he thought booked the wrong hotel and thought we were staying at the fancy pants one next door!! Oh well open windows and doors open so expect lots of midgies!

    Donkey: Noblet for booking us in from 40km away from where he was meant to 😂

    Man: holly for manning up through illness to her Charlie to non destination
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