  • Dzień 7

    Day 7 - Bath

    8 lipca 2017, Anglia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    A shorter distance driving day today. It's about a 45 min drive to the park and ride at Lansdown Road, then a 10 min bus trip into the center of Bath. No parking worries. Arriving before 10am seems to be a blessing in this part of the world. The squares and queues are less populated with tourists bused in and the endless school excursion groups who seem to visit. And a very educational and worthy place to visit.

    So the game plan was to go on a walking tour, a boat ride on the Avon, visit the Roman Baths and stay sane. Mission accomplished.

    In front of the Bath Abbey many sprukers ply their wares. We saw a young guy (this is about 20) handing out pamphlets for a walking tour. The cost free and if you enjoy it you can make a donation. Walk starting at 10am. Brilliant time to grab coffees and chill a bit. Found a great independent (yes this is an ongoing theme) cafe who make great coffee and who have very tempting brownies etc. At 10am return to in front of the Abbey and it is full - people everywhere. Some dressed in suits. Hmmm these can't be ready for a walking tour. The tour starts and the be-suited ones don't join which is great. A party of about 30 follow the be-hatted young guy. He guides us around and narrating various sights and features of old Bath. I won't go into his dialogue or walk in detail, rather point out some facts.

    In the Bath area the archeologist types reckon they have found evidence of the ancient Celts going back 10,000 years and of course the Romans 2,000 years ago. Most of the visible architecture appears to be from the Georgian era and since. Bath was bombed by the Germans during WW2. Not because it had any strategic military target but because it was 'pretty'. There was a tit for tat 'war' going on with the Germans with each side selecting targets to upset and offend the enemy. The walk guide pointed out various walls around the city which still bear the pock marks from machine gun fire from the German fighters and bombers.

    Back to the be-suited people in front of the Abbey. According to the walk guide they are attending graduation services today for the children or acquaintances who attend exclusive private schools in Bath. The tuition fee per term 30,000 pounds. That's an expensive education.

    Back to the walk. The walk guide pointed out various residences in the square and also took us to the Royal Crescent. Some very interesting homes and architecture, surprising for the 1700s when people were dying from all manner of diseases which are now preventable. He also rattled off famous people who live or have lived in them. He mentioned that John Cleese is a permanent resident of No 8, so I have included a pic of his door for all the Monty Python. And before you comment - No I didn't knock on his door, No I didn't see him or look through his window, No I didn't ask him if he could still do the silly walk or if he paid for an argument. I have included a pic of his door for you. Our walk guide was a bit of an anti-royal, anti-nobility authority. He was entertaining. After 2 hours in the English summer sun the walk was over. We gave him 10 pounds for his troubles and he seemed to do quite well out of tips so hopefully he will eat tonight.

    By now it was time for lunch and to top up water. We found a brilliant baguette place and went and say in the park away from the before mentioned tourists and school excursion kids. Next we follows Mr Apple Maps to the Pulteney Bridge to the riverside dock to catch a scenic river cruise. Luckily there was a boat about to leave and it had space for a few more so we hopped on and away we sailed. An eclectic bunch of sightseeers. The Avon appears to be a thriving and living river. The cruise goes from the Pulteney weir up to the Bathampton weir, past fishing locals and paddling canoes and watercraft. On board also were a group of girls on a hens party event. One of whom, possible the bride to be, had the loudest voice imaginable and during the cruise talked almost non-stop about trivial topics for all to hear. Maybe she had already had a few drinks and she didn't need many more to be lethal. Pity the poor guy who is married to her, or marries her. He is in for a tough life.

    With the cruise ended we headed for the Roman Bath House tour. Earlier in the day we observed the line up and estimated it would take an hour or two to get to the head of the queue. Now later in the day the queue was a more 20 mins. We entered the exhibit and were amazed at the story and what the Romans had done some 2,000 years ago. There engineering ability and attention to detail was amazing. The area has hot springs and the Romans harnessed these in the bath house. All remarkably reserved - albeit under later generations of construction. Well worth a visit.

    By now the party were exhausted. Caught the park and ride bus back and headed to our home away from home.
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